Death to Taxation

It’s official, I am against taxation. To have a sweeping taxation system basically implies that the citizen is property of the state. A lot of things would not be possible without taxation, but the upside would be that we’d all be free to just go where we want to go and not be tied to the government we happen to be born under. Death to taxation, death to the owner-government.

You could look at it that way or look at taxes as a payroll for employees. Would you work for your employer for free?

Back when the USA was the hope of the world, the USA was entirely against taxation. That is because the founders of the Constitution already knew that any kind of forced monetary payments would soon become manipulated into a slave-state situation, just as has occurred. That is also why the Catholic church forbid Usury.

Money in itself isn’t the evil, but it makes being evil so damn easy.
The solution is to make something else (something better) even easier.

Basically implies? I dunno about that one man.

I think it might imply that people benefit from society in a way that requires them to give something back. The world needs accountants, and so we need them to figure out who’s benefitting and how so that we can tax people and provide benefits and have everyone equal as our ideals suggest they should be. I dunno man. “Property of the state”? That’s pretty bold. You might say it implies that everyone has a duty to the state and I could go with that to a degree.

…Naive perspective.

Who do you think sets “our ideals”?
Whoever you think, you would be wrong about that.
And thus there is someone setting “our ideals” whom you do not know.
And yet you are obligated to pay what they say.

Realize that when the Senate implied that it would be investigating where the FED was placing the money it was gaining from the people, the FED records were immediately moved off shore so as to prevent Congress from seeing where the money is going.

Taxes can be replaced by independently owned police forces for example, running on donations or some kind of plan like that.
The above sentence probably sounds like crap, but what I mean is that you can keep your capitalism and have no single government.
What ever the government did that was good, it can be kept as a business or even a corporation instead.
Or we could put capital away and revert to actual products as valuables.

When, exactly, was the USA the hope of the world? It was created in a masonic conspiracy, bankrolled by France.

Without a state, how can you have money? And without money, how can anyone pay for anything?

We could use gold coins for example.

And the value of gold would be set by whom?

By a single world government dictating exact value for everything from a glass of water to a load of whole wheat bread.

The people trading the gold coins for other things.

That might even work.

It would, except the result last time was people using paper promissory notes, usually gained from gold smiths. Paper is easier to carry around than gold, which is a very dense metal. Add to that, that the digital world exists now. All sorts of problems are caused by attempting to go back to gold, or even the gold standard.

Which its self just an arbitrary limitation on the amount of money in circulation.
I think making a small commune like they did is still possible even when living in a country. It is like a sub-society, and could be an oasis.

Possible, hell yes. The Amish and Mennonites prove that it is possible. I would have a problem with demanding that everyone has to join such a thing.

The only problem as of yet unresolved, is uniting them for the right reason during these dark times. United by the right reason, no one would be objecting to joining one of the variety available.

At least until one became far more successful than another. Then there would be war, or battle at the very least.

Not really.
But that is why it has to be for the right reason.
What is required is something very doable, but the problem is that people have become so accustom to the vast variety of things that don’t work, they have only confusion in their minds, thus no explanation gets very far. They have to see it in action merely to know what questions to ask. And I can tell you that taxation wouldn’t be an issue at all (wouldn’t even come up).

Death to taxation? Okay. And who guarantees that it really works and does not lead to chaos and after that to very much more and higher taxes?