Trump 2020

Trump, “The Great White Hope” says Jesse Lee Peterson, will be re-elected in 2020 by the silent majority who say nothing and do nothing politically other than vote and it will be for what Mr. Kirk comments on about Trump.
The Best Argument for President Trump’s Re-election 2020.

Trump is not a swamp-creature.

Democrats-Liberal-Left claimed they were "Anti-Establishment) for decades. But now Trump proved them all wrong. They are the Establishment.

Trump is the Outsider, who can represent America and American values.

I’ve said this from the beginning. Liberals hate Trump because he best represents what they are/were. Trump is the ideal “Liberal”. That’s why liberals hate him so much. He reminds me of themselves, except, successful instead of failures.

which American values do you refer to?

perhaps his sexist, misogynist, racist, homophobic views are the American values
you refer to?

perhaps the values of sleeping with other women when your wife is pregnant,
he did this twice…

or perhaps the values of 20 plus women he has sexually assualted or raped,
perhaps those values

perhaps the values of “just grab them by the pussy”, maybe those values…

perhaps the 6 bankruptcies he has done…

perhaps his 20,000 lies during his administration… maybe those values…

or perhaps the over 30 million Americans out of work from the Trump Depression…

or his values where he has a dozen high level staffers who have been indicted
and pled guilty and some who are currently in jail… perhaps those values are what
you speak of…

maybe you speak of the concentration camps for children… those values?

if those are the values of America, then no thanks, I’ll pass…


Freedom, Liberty, Human Rights, Equality, Pride.

Basically every value you lack?

It’s funny that you and the DNC accuse others of this, when you are the real sexist-misogynist-racist-homophobe?

The Left eats its own kind.

Biden smells little girls, Clinton is best friend’s with Epstein, how many trips did Clinton log to Pedo Island???

DNC is a sewer.

Blatant lying.

Sounds like jealousy? Just because women are repulsed by you, PK, doesn’t mean that most women do like being grabbed by the pussy, by a guy they like.

You and the DNC, rejected by women constantly, wouldn’t know the difference. Some women like men, believe it or not.

He’s not a swamp-creature, like career politicians. He actually does real work. You should try it sometime.

Ah yes, the Fake News MSM? The Enemy of the People, Trump was right about that. MSM is a threat to America, along with the surging and expanding Marxists, your cronnies and lackies even in this forum.

Go look at NASDAQ and DJI.

Go ahead. Then come back here and apologize to Wendy and me.

How about Impeachment based on literally no evidence and testimony?

Did the accuser ever stand trial? Was Trump able to confront his accuser?

No? Then it wasn’t a real trial.

You mean like the real ones in China, right now? Or all you have is hyperbole, no solid arguments or evidence for anything?

America has passed on you and your Marxist friends, PK.

America chooses Freedom, Rights, Equality, Justice, an American Dream.

Trump defends America, from foreign enemies and domestic (you and the other Marxists).

Once Trump is reelected, he can impose Martial Law on Democrat cities and states, end the rioters, thieves, murderers (Marxists), declare Antifa Terrorists, as they are, and we can get back to normalcy.

And enjoy the best economy the world has ever seen.

Too bad you won’t be a part of it. You’ve lost the plot.

Peter Kropotkin: “which American values do you refer to?”

UR: Freedom, Liberty, Human Rights, Equality, Pride.
Basically every value you lack?

K: if you have read me, you would know exactly what values I have pushed for…
I have stated dozens of times, what values I believe to be of value…
I have not been silent to the values of my choice…

K::perhaps his sexist, misogynist, racist, homophobic views are the American values
you refer to?

UR: It’s funny that you and the DNC accuse others of this, when you are the real sexist-misogynist-racist-homophobe?
The Left eats its own kind.

K: I will let others decide the truth of this accusation…

K: perhaps the values of sleeping with other women when your wife is pregnant,
he did this twice"

UR: Biden smells little girls, Clinton is best friend’s with Epstein, how many trips did Clinton log to Pedo Island???

K: a couple of things, first of all, I note you didn’t deny this…and Bill Clinton, you mean
the guy who retired 20 years ago, that bill Clinton…and as far as Biden goes,
you all love to build mountains out of mole hills, anybody recall the alleged Pizzagate
conspiracy which had an pizza parlor as being the home base of an entire human trafficking
and child sex ring in it which was run by the Clintons? yah, remember that…thought you
would have forgotten it…

RNC is a sewer.
change it for you…

Peter Kropotkin: or perhaps the values of 20 plus women he has sexually assualted or raped,
perhaps those values
UR: Blatant lying.

K: UMMM, the names: Jessica Leeds, Ivana Trump, Kristin Anderson, Jill Harth,
Lisa Boyne, Mariah Billado, Victoria Hughes, Temple Taggart, Cathy Heller,
Karena Virginia, Tasha Dixon, Bridget Sullivan, Melinda McGillivray,
Natasha Stoynoff, Jennifer Murphy, Juliet Huddy, Rachel Crooks,
Samantha Holvey, Ninni Laaksonen, Jessica Drake, Summer Zervos,
Cassandra Searles, Alva Johnson, E. Jean Carroll, Karen Johnson…

Yep, they all got together and agree to lie about it… yah, right…
where there is smoke, there is fire…

Peter Kropotkin: perhaps the values of “just grab them by the pussy”, maybe those values…

UR: Sounds like jealousy? Just because women are repulsed by you, PK, doesn’t mean that most women do like being grabbed by the pussy, by a guy they like.
You and the DNC, rejected by women constantly, wouldn’t know the difference. Some women like men, believe it or not.

K: I have been happily married for 24 years…and trust me, my looks don’t hurt me…
I believe my picture is still somewhere in the :post a picture of yourself thread…

K: perhaps the 6 bankruptcies he has done…

UR: He’s not a swamp-creature, like career politicians. He actually does real work. You should try it sometime.

K: I am a checker in a major supermarket… You would collapse after an hour doing my job
and IQ45 couldn’t last 2 minutes…I stand on my feet 8 hours a day… I do real work…

K: perhaps his 20,000 lies during his administration… maybe those values…

UR: Ah yes, the Fake News MSM? The Enemy of the People, Trump was right about that. MSM is a threat to America, along with the surging and expanding Marxists, your cronnies and lackies even in this forum.

K: apparently I hit a nerve there…IQ45 couldn’t tell the truth to save his fucking dick…

K:or perhaps the over 30 million Americans out of work from the Trump Depression…
Go look at NASDAQ and DJI.
Go ahead. Then come back here and apologize to Wendy and me.

K: really, the dow jones when over 30 million American are out of work, including
my wife for the last 6 months…the Dow jones has no relationship to the average working
person…the only people that the Dow Jones helps are the millionaires and billionaires
that make money on it. Look at the wealth made by these people during the last 6 months in which
Billionaires made billions upon billions while the nation was in it worst economic
crisis since the great depression…

K: or his values where he has a dozen high level staffers who have been indicted
and pled guilty and some who are currently in jail… perhaps those values are what
you speak of…
How about Impeachment based on literally no evidence and testimony?
Did the accuser ever stand trial? Was Trump able to confront his accuser?
No? Then it wasn’t a real trial.

K: and it wasn’t a trial… it is a political function driven by politics… it has no relationship
to a real trial in any way, shape, or form and that was the intent of the founding fathers…
they created the rules and basis for the impeachment…

PK: maybe you speak of the concentration camps for children… those values?
You mean like the real ones in China, right now? Or all you have is hyperbole, no solid arguments or evidence for anything?

K: denying the concentrations camps in which the children of people trying to get to a
better life were sent to, without any trial or any pretense of justice…good call…
I am glad you are ok with children living for years on end, separated from their parent
and being sexual abused by their jailors…

K: if those are the values of America, then no thanks, I’ll pass…

UR: America has passed on you and your Marxist friends, PK.
America chooses Freedom, Rights, Equality, Justice, an American Dream.
Trump defends America, from foreign enemies and domestic (you and the other Marxists).

K: Which is why Biden will get elected, to get freedom and rights and equality and justice
and the American dream… I am glad we agree on that point…

UR: Once Trump is reelected, he can impose Martial Law on Democrat cities and states, end the rioters, thieves, murderers (Marxists), declare Antifa Terrorists, as they are, and we can get back to normalcy.

K: and for me, this last paragraph is the most telling one… you dream of a America under
Martial law…where we kill and and place into jail those who we disagree with… very telling…
that you are so violent and hateful that you want the government to declare Martial law
to end the lives of your fellow Americans because you hate them… you hate them unto death…

Your heart has no room for love or hope or joy or beauty because you are so busy hating others
because they look different then you and they believe differently then you and they love
differently then you…

Kill anyone who doesn’t believe as I believe… that is your motto… you just said so…

with those who can only hate and hold violence in their hearts, one can only
feel sorry for them…

and I feel sorry for you… it must be a burden to hate that much…

you truly have my sympathy…


PK wrote

Where did he say that? I think he said so Trump can squash the riots that are tearing down cities and killing people. He never advocated for killing, that’s your delusion. Urwrong advocated for law and order which you obviously reject as you support the lawlessness he is condemning.

Marxists are too busy battling demons in their heads that they can’t focus too long on reality and realistic arguments/problems.

Correct, I never said anything about murder, other than stopping the murders currently taking place within the riots, which DNC has openly supported.


Trump reviews the first RNC…

Just proved the power of the media.

I double down on Marshall Mc’'Luhan…

Politics is in the eyes of the beholder…

What a beautiful party the GOP has become under Trump. People actually love each other.

Like everyone on the right is now in love with this woman.


A real black president would be nice someday.

Meno - nah, politics is in actions.
Obonko murdered tens of thousands of children and hundreds of thousands of people by proxy through isis. For example. Trump stopped this murdering.

If you didn’t “behold” this all, you’re just an ignoramus.
Nothing against you personally. Its the fault of the media you watch and copy onto this site. You are their slave, without having any evil intentions of yourself.
Its human. But not good.

Im sorry for being harsh. All these murders by your people have made me so.

K: this post doesn’t even make sense… what the hell are you talking about?


Oh you didn’t see that on CNN? Oh no then it must be false.

You were seriously not aware of this, I reckon. “Wir haben es night gewuesst” reprise.

Why did you think we all voted for Trump, why do you think we all love him?

You think we care about his hair, like you do?

Its incredible to me how efficient your CNN and New York Times are.
But I must say I takes a completely warped mindset to believe in them.

For example, 10 minutes before Trumps victory was called in 2016, the NYT still had 97 percent chance of Clointoink winning. (I don’t spell out the names of childmurderers)
But you unfathomably weak minded people still went on believing everything they write and do to this day.

You’re idiots if you still don’t understand we’re fighting for our lives and for the lives of the worlds children, when we fight for Trump. You are the losers of history, those that would burn in hell if there was a hell. There is nothing that can forgive a vote for the democratic KKK slave driving murderer party in this age of information. You are complicit and we will fight you murderers to the end.

Fixed, all Western countries are in trouble against these idiotic retards, there’s billions of them that are that brain dead, do anything and everything but think for themselves. They let the liars enslave them to the most destructive ideologies, literally destroying their countries and this world. They are so brain dead that they actually believe that they are the good guys, there’s nothing like self righteousness and a false sense of superiority to turn off the brain.

For some, this is now what actually passes for intelligent discussion here!!!

Okay, sure, maybe.

But let’s at least attempt to grasp the distinctions being made between someone being a “retard”, an “idiot” or an “idiotic retard”.

Let them choose a political issue that is now being hotly debated among liberals and conservatives. Let them note and then demonstrate why those who do not share their own political prejudices principles are either “retards”, “idiots” or “idiotic retards”.

What makes one more one rather than another. Or do they all mean the same thing: “one of them.”

[size=50]Unless of course posts of this nature are just tongue in cheek. Attempts to actually ridicule those who create them.[/size]

Let’s debate the lies about Trump since this thread is about Trump, PK says there are over 20,000 lies told by Trump. Let’s start with the three big lies that were originally pinned on Trump. First, Trump making fun of the disabled. Second, Trump bragging that he had a better turn out at his inauguration. Third, Trump saying that there were good people on both sides at Charlottesville was not him supporting racism.

Number three:“and I’m not talking about the neo-nazi’s and the white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”-Trump

Number One: Trump’s flailing arms is a spiel he’s been doing for years before he was elected which is his way of imitating incompetence and liars, not mocking the disabled.

Number Two: Media lies about Trump’s inaugural attendance by using photo’s from earlier in the day, not when Trump was speaking. Thanks CNN[youtube][/youtube]


I wouldn’t be talking to these scumbags here if I had a choice - but its important nowadays that we do what we can. Most leftists and basic media-slaves and drones are probably lost for good and, thankfully for them, unimportant enough to be overlooked when reckoning comes. They can simply fade into oblivion, which is all they ever beg for. But our words are read also by people with a shred of humanity left in them, and I know from experience it is possible to wake people up to reality. Its hard work though, and very filthy, to perceive the arrogance of ignorance on these leftists is always sickening, but this is a war, its dirty work, someone has to do it, and thankfully there are a lot of people doing it.