and another one down…

Kelly Ann Conway, former IQ45 aide, tested positive and she just
announced it…


During the week before Trump tested positive:

The president and the first lady met with the judge and her family in the Oval Office before attending a Rose Garden ceremony attended by more than 200 people.

Thousands of supporters came to the rally near an airport hangar, and many were unmasked.

Gov. Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania, a Democrat, said: “It is gravely concerning that the president would insist on holding this event with blatant disregard for social distancing and masking requirements.” Few wore masks or kept socially distant.

Scores of attendees sat close together and unmasked at a White House reception in honor of military families and those who have died in service.

Thousands of supporters crowded the president’s rally in Duluth, Minn. Mayor Emily Larson said attendees should get tested.

Mr. Trump attended a round-table and a fundraising event at his Bedminster golf club in New Jersey. Gov. Phil D. Murphy, a Democrat, said Friday that the state had begun contact tracing, and urged all attendees to self-quarantine and get tested.

At the debate, the president ridiculed Joe Biden for wearing a mask too often.

In remarks delivered Thursday night, Mr. Trump said that “the end of the pandemic is in sight.”

Still, how this will play out politically is difficult to predict. Conspiracy theories abound. Trump can be expected to receive the best available medical treatment. If he survives, which is likely, he will try to use this moment to turn his ailing campaign around.

right now its 6:20 in the morning and I leave for work in about 5 minutes,
but supposedly senator Ron Johnson tested positive… another GOP senator…

surprise, surprise and surprise…


It’ll be interesting to see how SNL reacts to this. The new season begins tonight. It’s largely a collection of liberals who hate Trump.

The whole point is to be funny. But how far are they “permitted” to go in this sort of context?

On the one hand, it’s Trump’s idiotic attitude and behavior that led to all of this: … e=Homepage

[b]'The tight quarters of the West Wing were packed and busy. Almost no one wore masks. The rare officials who did, like Matthew Pottinger, the deputy national security adviser, were ridiculed by colleagues as alarmist.

'President Trump at times told staff wearing masks in meetings to “get that thing off,” an administration official said. Everyone knew that Mr. Trump viewed masks as a sign of weakness, officials said, and that his message was clear. “You were looked down upon when you would walk by with a mask,” said Olivia Troye, a top aide on the coronavirus task force who resigned in August and has endorsed former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

‘In public, some of the president’s favorite targets were mask-wearing White House correspondents. “Would you take it off, I can hardly hear you,” Mr. Trump told Jeff Mason of Reuters in May, then mocked Mr. Mason for wanting “to be politically correct” when he refused.’[/b]

On the other hand, mocking this when the man himself is in now the hospital presents them with lines that, well, may or may not be crossed.

I commend your acute sensitivity to the grey areas in matters of ethics and politics.


Trump by way of Twitter and youtube. The “social media” Trump. :laughing:

Besides, it’s not like he has ever lied to us, about, well, anything, right?

What was he lying about, exactly??

Oh, I get it. He said what he said so it must be true.

On the other hand, he said many, many, many things about the coronavirus that did not actually turn out to be true at all. But who cares if he keeps his promise to Make America White Again.

You know, if you read between the lies. =D>

And how about that stock market!!

How about it?

Sorry, I thought you were someone else. Still a Kid, but he’d never ask that. :wink:

I’m surprised he admitted it. Now, perhaps he had to. That it would have leaked. That he needed to explain not campaigning. But…he’s managed to deny extremely obvious things and if it leaked he could have denied it. He’s obviously inventive, so he could have explained his lack of physical campaigning in other ways. He might gain a tiny sympathy bump from some people, but overall I would think people knowing he got Covid is a negative for him, he’s a regular denier, so…

I was surprised he mentioned it.

But maybe he’s got a spin ready. Or maybe he thinks that he will recover quickly so he can appear manly and poo poo the disease personally. Or maybe he liked this idea so much he isn’t sick at all but is ready to have had no trouble with the disease.

Say what? Trump ready to be discharged?

"(CNN)President Donald Trump’s physician, Navy Cmdr. Dr. Sean Conley, said Sunday morning that the President has had at least two concerning drops in oxygen levels, but is doing well and he is hoping Trump could be discharged as early as tomorrow from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

Some seven months into a pandemic that has killed more than 209,000 Americans, the nation is now facing a grave governing crisis with its commander in chief hospitalized – his condition hinging on his progress over the coming days – as the White House events of the past week serve as a textbook example of how not to handle a deadly virus.

Late Saturday night, the public learned new details about why Trump was airlifted to the hospital Friday, when chief of staff Mark Meadows said during an interview with Fox News that Trump had a fever on Friday morning and his oxygen level had “dropped rapidly.” Meadows added that Trump has made “unbelievable improvements from yesterday morning.”

Dr. Brian Garibaldi, who is part of President Trump’s medical team, said the President could be discharged from Walter Reed medical center as early as Monday.

Trump completed a second dose of remdesivir on Saturday and “today he feels well,” Garibaldi said.

Well that was quick.


What more is there to say except…

I told you so???

I do not watch video’s but there isn’t a single competent poll,
that has the village idiot in the lead including Faux news…

so, enjoy your fake poll…


I didn’t say he was ready to be discharged.

and another west wing person has tested positive…

the press secretary Kayleigh McEnany… so that makes roughly
12 that we know of, that has tested positive and there are probably more
coming down the pike…


Then this part:

[b]'“Every single person in the vehicle during that completely unnecessary Presidential ‘drive-by’ just now has to be quarantined for 14 days,” Dr. James P. Phillips, an attending physician at Walter Reed, wrote on Twitter. “They might get sick. They may die. For political theater. Commanded by Trump to put their lives at risk for theater. This is insanity.”

'In a telephone interview on Sunday night, Dr. Phillips also said the trip raised the alarming question of whether the president was directing his doctors.

‘“At what point does the physician-patient relationship end, and does the commander in chief and subordinate relationship begin, and were those doctors ordered to allow this to happen?” he said, noting that it violated standards of care and would not be an option open to any other patient. “When I first saw this, I thought, maybe he was being transported to another hospital.”’[/b] NYT

Although I suspect that any number of Trump supporters would have eagerly volunteered to be in the car with him. Without a mask. Maybe even sitting on his lap.

We’ve probably got a few of them here.

Then this part: … e=Homepage

[b]'“Any mans death diminishes me,” wrote John Donne, “because I am involved in Mankinde.” With that thought, let us all wish Donald Trump a full and speedy recovery from his bout of Covid-19.

'We wish him well because, even, or especially, in our hyperpolitical age, some things must be beyond politics. When everything is political, nothing is sacred — starting with human life. It’s a point the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century understood well.

'We wish him well because the sudden death of any president is a traumatic national event that will inevitably animate every crackpot in the country. If the term “grassy knoll” still means something in America, just imagine the reaction in the QAnon world if Trump’s condition were to abruptly deteriorate after his stay at Walter Reed.

‘We wish him well because of Mike Pence.’[/b]

First, let’s take this back to Nazi Germany. Suppose Hitler had become infected with a life-threatening disease. Would any Jew or leftist or homosexual etc., have wished him well? Ought they to have?

In other words, everyone will draw the line differently here…given different historical contexts. Back again to dasein.

So, is it reasonable to argue that many Americans who do not wish him well because a well Trump will sustain policies – re Covid19 and beyond – that will cause serious harm and suffering to millions, are being “immoral”?

That this is not, say, a “civilized” reaction?

Next up: … e=Homepage