The Kropotkin-Mowk Eternal War Paradox (from Turd)

I’ve recently stopped looking for anymore kidnapped people in the Afghanistani-Pakistani area, within a few hours of President Trump announcing the removal of all troops from Afghanistan by spring. I have been looking into creating a new class of logic compatible with modern coding for a AI search engine (been looking over the general theories of every coding language I can find) as well as creating manuals for governments to use in searching out hostage victims, and while doing so creating new methodologies to contain the situation so the situation isn’t escalated into war. I’ve had to suppress this as well knowing Biden has a good chance at this point at becoming President.

US elections have been stolen in the past, but we at those times didn’t have a floating disenfranchised Neo-Conservative bloc floating around without a party, hungry for war profits. When Trump kicked them out, they went to the Democrats- Hillary while not a Neo-Con was deeply corrupt and entrenched in that culture as Secretary of State. By default your exposed to them. She completely failed at diplomacy as well as protecting our embassies, but she did manage to rub elbows with every white collar scumbag looking to make a buck, the kind of people representing the industries Mr. Reasonable advocates buying stock in. The Eternal War companies.

I’m not interested in that. I’m aware Russia is declining in ratio of force projection and international influence to China and the Middle East and this scares them, and most of their actions are a very slow creep towards comparing and equating the nature of their actions in Syria or Crimea to the US in terms of lower level propaganda. I’m talking enlisted guys or lower ranking officers- they are trying to equate their paradigms to NATO and the US, meaning they are intentionally aligning themselves on a doctrine level to the west, and their weaponry and tactics are too. Within two generations they will end up in the successor to NATO given their massive borders and capacity to protect them will be as worrisome as the Baltic nations and Poland to protect themselves against a massive Russia is today. They will come screaming to get into NATO by time the younger of us go into the retirement home.

The Democrats were absolute shit with Russia under Obama. Hillary caused the collapse of Aleppo giving up her strategy during the presidential debates- Putin moved immediately to quash any chance of that prior to her or Trump being sworn in. They allowed a very obvious war in Ukraine to break out- our NATO buffet state and this has caused contention between Belarus and Georgia on a Russian-NATO axis. This balance of power carried over to Belarus having a diplomatic Cold War with Russia, trying to increase China’s role in the region of Eastern Europe- which someday may result in a Chinese base in Europe, as well as causing a switch on how Russia would react in a Azeri-Armenian war. If you are unaware (and this forum is undoubtedly), Armenia and the Azeri just fought a war and the Azeri lost. This will default lead to the inevitable breakup of Iran and Russia’s alliance prematurely. Reason is 1/4 of Iran is Azeri and they are fearful of Azerbaijan gaining all of their lost territories and turning on Iran (only 1/5th of Iran is Persian, country is destined to collapse, Russia was a stabilizing influence).

When you have a three way balance of power, with three buffer states in the region between the three larger powers, a sudden shift in diplomacy will send that balance way out of wack and wars will be fought, but over the next few decades more will as well to recover the former equilibrium. Example Korea was fought over only two powers, and China rushed in last minute to restore a buffer state- millions died. In Azeri’s case, they are heavily dependent on Turkish NATO tech in the form of Drones and Special Forces- they didn’t want to fight human wave like they did previously against Armenia (they lost badly), but this only works if nobody supports Armenia. They asskissed Russia and Russia stayed Iran largely. Iran did smuggle some weapons to Armenia but Iran doesn’t have much against a NATO like army at those quantities. Only reason Russia did this was to stabilize it’s gains against Georgia in a past war and not antagonize Chechnya and Dagestan. They lose this if the US in Georgia is antagonized. If Georgia is antagonized they supply to rebels in those Russian areas and press Russia exactly when Russians in Armenian bases aid Armenians and Turks back Georgians and by default Iran backs Armenia against Iran.

Nobody wants any of these three states obliterated completely but now since Armenia has been smashed they gotta upgrade their defeated military to respond to Armenia, and this means a big weapons buyout via national debt, and Iran will not be able to do much. So Iran is now drifting from Russia very slowly due to being betrayed. They are natural economic competitors to Russia as they sell energy as well, and Iran would likely have to cut the oil pipelines to Europe as a result if they have to invade north into Azeri lands to knock out rebel bases over the border.

Obviously via Georgia and Turkey NATO grade weaponry will flood the region for all sides. Iran will become isolated increasingly as Russia plays safe with NATO and focuses on Russia. We created in the Obama admin a future war here soon in Azeri that will cause a energy crisis in Europe and nobody fucking notices this. The balance of power has to be maintained by the three larger powers and Iran is now the most vulnerable. It is existential.

Likewise the creation of “The Quad”. If you recall Zinnati and my arguments over India’s strategy in the future. He made some bulkshit crackhead statement India would side with Asia and China against America and weapon sales mattered most, I said no, India would be paranoid with China and would militarize against China, forming alliances and I pointed out with Pandora I could care less about China’s strategy of island building and buying ports. Reason is NATO coupled with India could easily control from the Red Sea to Singapore the traffic and bomb with ease all surface ships and ports. I’m okay with Russia building in Syria and North Africa as it is easy to destroy them, but if NATO inherits Russia we likewise gain those bases and alliances in the Arab League. With China easy to bomb. They could do a lot of damage in the Himalayas but would lose the Indian Ocean and by default Africa. A island full of only military targets is very easy to take out in modern warfare.

Right now Biden and Kamala both have well known corrupt ties to China. Obama and Democrats prior (Republicans to a lesser extent too) strongly engaged China and China slipped spies in our ranks and gave them very easy desks and easy access to deals, from stock ownership to business access. They won’t do anything to jeopardize their portfolios and being part of India’s Quad will cause the US’ participation to decline. This will likely motivate India to investigate and release details on Biden and Kamala past and undoubtedly future corruption, as well as cause diplomatic tension between the US and India, Australia, Japan, South Korea Taiwan and Vietnam.

Likewise Biden has clearly indicated a renewed Cold War with North Korea for no fucking reason on North Korea instead of following the Trump thaw, and Biden has also for no fucking good reason threatened military action against Brazil to protect the rainforest. I guess we will be drone striking logging camps and bulldozers across Brazil in the name of Captain Planet or some shot only Kropotkin and Mr. Reasonable understands, or drop a few airborne divisions into the jungle to scalp Brazilians of all fucking people. Brazil is a deeply fucked up country admittedly, the suffer from 19th century Hegelian ideologies like Marxism and Nietzschean ideas, but I haven’t seen Brazilian pirates sail the high seas or them dominate the drug trade or form the bulk of international mercenary market. They keep their chaos contained in their shitty little rain soaked back water and I say just leave them the fuck alone, they aren’t Venezuela or Cuba trying to make great international alliances of regressive nietzschean fuckery like the Spartans once did with their alliance with every tyranny they could find. A country dominated by nietzschean thought like Nazi Germany is hard to tell apart from a Marxist state like Stalinist Russia- both are genocidal and controlling and largely parallel in thought except in one area- neitzscheans don’t really care if you agree or like them, so long as your the right type or at least don’t oppose them until they decide to use you or kill you. Marxist will go out of their way to drag your ass into their conspiracy and use you. Maduro as the top Nietzschean doesn’t give a fuck about you if your passive and have nothing he wants, you might be useful someday if you don’t die. Communist China insists on getting into your inconsequential shit and making it consequential no matter how insignificant it is, but will promote every vice in existence from drugs, crime and prostitutes to win over gangs and tongs- groups resistance cells against the government tend to pop up in. That’s the fundamental difference between Communism and Nietzschean governments. Now think the Quad in the pacific, with the Philippines and Vietnam. Philippines is a quasi-democracy, a gangster state with a Fixed Cross or Pedro on every corner preaching to homeless teens (Manila 3 million homeless). Most enterprises will get Fixed Cross and Pedro killer eventually, but not before they kill most of these kids. The corrupt local officials dealing with these gangsters report to the government depending on how effective they are in ratio to tempting bribes, and the nature of the state looks at how it deals with the corruption by how the overall economy goes internationally. Do they back China or the Quad, or go the route of Cuba? They are closer to Cuba in government but have strong cultural ties to the West and Japan, but China’s system would fix their inability to control the nietzschean system- allowing them to assert federal and state on the village level. If they back China the Philippines will be more impoverished but coincidentally by being able to break into say, the local version of Sauwelios home in the middle of the night, sand bag him, drag him to a holding cell and sodomize him with a stick, beat him for weeks till he confesses everything, then shoot his sorry worthless ass, admittedly if done systematically the gangster element in society would be made smaller and controllable and many families would feel more secure in knowing kids have a future. Security trumps Economic prosperity when you live under absolute tyranny from gangs. It is the appeal of folk characters like Zatoichi, Zorro, Dylan Hunt and other vigilantes, why such heroes exist. In Vietnam’s case, they have the potential to become a new Japan, South Korea or Taiwan. But they are just as Marxist in corruption and control as China, but are eager to join The Quad. How likely are they to reform more and more if Biden keeps stalling on the Quad, backs China more and more? How much real pressure outside of lip service will China receive on their attacks in their territories in Tibet, Mongolia, Xinjiang and Hong Kong? Some lip service, very minor laws, Kamala shaking her fingers and talking stern but getting fucking amazing financial kickbacks, better than the Clinton’s ever got plundering Haiti.

We are facing a true Kleptocracy returning to the US. Trump did a lot, made cabinet members sign documents preventing them from later on working as lobbyists. Trump cleaned up a lot of the Bush and especially Obama era strategic blunders and I grew to respect the man as someone who could usher us into a future where war was a rarity. He didn’t build coalitions merely for war but for peace. That’s why I felt I could lay down the future intellectual framework for a new kind of office for police, militaries and bloc/United Nations to tackle issues regarding terrorism and kidnappings- but my logic of put into play would far more likely be used for very rapid target assessments from militaries who wouldn’t need to ask themselves the Why of their actions, only the How (Nietzsche supported the How and not the moralizing Why).

In the longer term our technological synthesis will turn more to AI and robotics. That means less frontline troops and more and more individuals following the offices and positions individuals like myself design. I’m not interested in eternal wars. I’m for bloc stabilization, mutual cross training between nations and deescalation of conflicts. If a pattern emerges where internationally states don’t fight neighboring states, then the bulk of conflicts will be against terror cells, secretive groups like Tongs or Rebel cells (both the good and bad variety, I have no way to stop that from being the case). I want to get it as non lethal as possible, quick, exacting and the resolution not stretching over generations of alienation or second class status- in Vietnam to this day many former South Vietnamese government descendants are blocked from social advancement. I want quicker and more permanent resolutions. That’s a future not possible with corrupt statist and neocon military industrial complex lobbyists and politicians.

Reason I was confident I could achieve this is because in our era, I’m one of the rare few who can not only achieve results but explain them and teach it in a manner that a state could adopt it, but it is a system designed to take route over millennia. But I’m more likely to be plundered for my advantaged by those who seek only wealth and quick power at any cost, even cheating at a election. I’ve spent a lot of time studying this “Woke Culture” and have come to the conclusion Nazi Germany was even more Woke. Mein Kampf is literally a book about Hitler becoming Woke realizing the Germans were being oppressed by Jews, Communists and every other kind of degenerate. We’ve seen pogroms in the US scapegoating people on the basis of race and political affiliation just like in Nazi Germany. On this forum Mowk and Kropotkin comes the closest to the Nazi ideal. They are the victims and the others are the bad ones, they are for the civil rights of the X people. For Hitler it was the Germans, for Pol Pot it was the rural peasants. For them it is the ideal blue state people in their battle against poor rural people. They never stop and question themselves. I recall Kropotkin lamenting how Hillary was quick on the Drone Strikes. Trump was in isolated cases, largely legacy wars from Bush and Obama- but as I pointed out they caused a lot of conflicts to spiral out of control, and a few more are about to pop up because of them. The Democrats collected all those military industrial guys together. Who do you think they will mass sell their weapons to? Our best current and most eager candidate allies to the US have a doubtful future with pro China Biden. But we will sell more and more weapons to EVERYONE, and NOBODY will try to reform. They will make more bullshit conferences about western values such as democracy but will support every plutocracy and kleptocracy out there, because they are exactly that themselves. They will run the closest elbows with the worst crooks.

And so the necessary culture change in the US won’t take route if Trump does lose. Even if he wins re-election in 2024 or someone like him, the neocons and their democratic ilk will get new contracts, new positions. We won’t have teens growing up with war being rare or none existent in American culture for 8-12 years, instead they will know another in a year or two and it will become commonplace once again? And why? Because guys like Mowk and Kropotkin drop to their knees hook line and sinker to swallow any propaganda, however bizarre and irrational, and will support any foul action so long as it supports their world view. A view created by others. No creative though on their own. Kropotkin claims to be a ducking anarchist and is the biggest totalitarian statist I’ve ever seen, accepts the blue line unflinching. Mowk claims to support civil rights and unquestionably recycled propaganda and supports tactics Hitler and Mao used to suppress grass root democratic action. He supports pro-racist ideals in support of the violent attacking the non-offending, because the non violent are the bad people on the level of civil rights. Mowk is the kind of guy who would jail Nelson Mandela or Gandhi. That’s my perception of watching him over the years, absolute scummy scumbaggity on his part, never any soul searching on his part to ask if he fucked up or is delusional. I myself constantly must question myself, I tackle ten or so topics a day, dwell on them for years, question the outcomes constantly.

I’m not worried about the discordian responses here, the inevitable from Pedro, Phone, Joker or Zoots. Satanism is a idea that by design determines a prior how one reacts to dialectic discussions of state and society. Has it’s roots in Christian Cynicism, I can show a dozen classic Christian saints who did it way better than them, hardly a new idea, they just think it is, and they think the seeming contradictory rhetoric is fun. But they never seen people systematically killed by gangs, terrorists and local self righteous petite nobility like I have. My philosophical mandate is derived from that, why at my core I’m anti-nietzschean and anti-communist. They are twin ideologies that why on paper seem alienated in practice share massive parallels, thanks to Marx and Stirner being bar bros.

So what does it take to fix this. What does it take to resolve this, where people start questioning their actions? Do I gotta kidnap Kropotkin sand Iambigious, duct tape their fucking mouths and use a clamp to keep their eyes open, lay them down in a radio flyer wagon and walk them through riots and killing fields, and explain to them the chain of causality that went from their ignorant support for random ducking bullshit propaganda they accepted to the inevitable violence in the US and around the world their miserable selfish existence helped provoke. Do they need the fucking blood of kids they helped killed splashed on their faces? Do I have to punch them in the gut repeatedly to reinforce the pain the are seeing in others eyes as they die from the violence they wrought?

I only listed a few war zones, conflicts. Others exist. The sheep don’t consider their geopolitical scope. Absolute dazzling the ignorance and hatred disguised as enlightenment and humane thinking going on here. I can’t even call it thinking, Kropotkin and Mowk just take others statements and regurgitate it. Even copy and paste Iambigious who fails every Turing Test has more attempts to come up with his own ideas- or at least his programmer claims so. He claims a brief period of self analysis in Vietnam (and then stopped, and never tried a self reflective thought again, literally never. Not once). I get why the druggy Nietzscheans don’t leave their bubble- they have issues rooted in failed interpersonal relations from their childhood- I’ve probed many of you in your Sadism playing along with your games to see the span, limits and origins- but the Sadist-Masochist approach no matter how self destructive at least is pleasurable and stimulating as you kill yourself off babbling nonsense. That’s the fundamental difference between (most of) the older schools of discordant thought and the modern, you have the self destructive Marquis of Sade approach to your modern schools here, and self preservation and respect for the means and ways of preserving the lives of others is just a idea that gets in the way of “power”- which is just serotonin and dopamine hits- power is a illusion, ecmandu’s irrationality is proof of this (his pride in his awesome Suicide Machine is the only thing keeping him alive). That’s Will to Power as exhibited here on this forum. But a socialist leaning Marxist isn’t from De Sade’s school, he doesn’t inherently reside in the strain of the Young Hegelian thought you little Nietzscheans take from. It comes as a side effect of course- communists tend to attract thugs and brigands to their cause in the early stages, controlling sociopaths join up who fucked up their lives and need structure, and when middle to higher management emerges in otherwise impoverished societies with little avenue to flaunt status, it comes into being when they fight tooth and nail to corrupt the system- every Marxist society is essentially designed by a invisible hand to be corrupted and either subdued or overthrown by Nietzschean gangsters and oligarchs. But you fuckers aren’t even a part of that class of middle management or real thugs, you are largely failed pretend thugs for Nietzscheans and even not that if Marxist- you just suffer from penis envy of anyone doing better. Your impoverished sheeple. You are clearly ignorant pieces of shit being exploited. What in particular attracts you to this ignorant piece of shit Marxist outlook? You managed to buy into several past administrations agendas once announced without question. You swallowed and repeated them, WITH EMOTION! You act like you don’t even exist, your a signal amplifier for some political party’s fucking strategy session spitting out the random bullshit they want you to say. They want you to agree to it BEFORE they even come up with it. Think about it- the left will have some massive uproar over something deeply random and previously inoffensive- a saying or action that hurts nobody or is a isolated case, or funnier only democrats do to themselves, and will attack anyone NOT A DEMOCRAT or NOT IN THEIR PRIVlEDGED CATEGORY OF PERSON- and will go bezerk on them in a Maoist class struggle way. The biggest hypocrisy is democrats in democratic held states and cities killing black people and in response they go after the enemies of the Democratic Party who have no local control over policy, as the great enemy. Democratic governments in urban cities murder black people, suppress them for decades- and it is the rural farmers three states over to blame who vote for any other party than democrats, and you gotta have a uncomfortable conversation with that soybean farmer to fix urban democratic issues. WTF is that? Yeah, the Republicans went walking around the hood fucking with every minority in these cities controlled city and state level by democrats for decades, you vote them out and now true change can occur. Wait… no, true change can’t occur, you just gave your oppressors a massive pass. But Mowk and Kropotkin will walk in a zombie daze swearing up and down it is so. Smoke that weed, stress free, liberal liberal liberal, Hail Satan, don’t even think about consequences, fingerpaint a little art you fucking ubermensch. It keeps cycling nonstop. How do you break this cycle of iambigious self imposed ignorance in always blaming others while supporting the same tard ideas you always have supported, and instead become a mother fucking philosopher and start questioning your fundamental beliefs, that of yourself and your society. None of you have it in you. I can look at First Cross and see someone deeply decayed by drugs, this is what he wants me to be, another mere Napoleon or Caesar.

There are few who can find such a nature so naturally in themselves as me. Too many times I’ve faced situations where in a blink of a eye I saw the total and complete methods of destroying and controlling others in terms of systems and actions. But that same instinct had caused me to look farther into human nature, farther into the future and the past. I’m still in my 30s and I’m discovering to my annoyance and depression very few can match my research ability or insights, and in too many areas I’m intellectually alone. But this has also prodded me to think about the nature of things, question of better ways exist and better appreciate volition and the developing mind of the individual. I don’t seek to make men into slaves but slaves into men- and you here are the most slavish lot I know speaking English. You are the most ignorant and despicable, you find every vice to kill yourself with, you try to trap and compromise others in stupid clandestine schemes only to find you yourself have been tricked, and in compassion you rarely learn your lesson. Some of you have in part- I’ve seen changes start to form in you in terms of lifestyle that was instigated unknowingly - but even then for the most part still intellectually slumber. You are the Anti-Socrates. You are not philosophers. This is a forum composed exclusively of trolls claiming they are philosophers. Absolutely no creative spirit in those proclaiming the virtues creativity, no political acumen in the sheeple talking politics the most- just a parade of fuckups. What does it take to make you question things? What will it take for you to become for the first time in your pathetic worthless lives philosophers? Too many of you old men remind me of Confucius when he confronted a old man he knew for years, that he was a useless burden on his parents in his youth never developing himself after their teachings, in his marriage he was a parasite of a husband exploiting his wife, children and relations and finally now as a old man all he did was impoverish and bother his children, who he never took care of, and demand filial respect and devotion in return. Confucius scolded and hit the old man asking why don’t he just die and leave his family in peace? You morons are a comparable blight on philosophy, sycophants without insight, muttering the ideas of others. At least Sauwelios is honest enough to quote the source of his none-thoughts (lemme guess, Nietzsche and Leo Strauss for the next 300 quotes and paraphrasing by him). You fuckers are shameless, completely without anything resembling higher thought. Fucking Chimpanzee show more initiative in problem solving.

I’m pulling back from government for the next few years if Biden gets in. We will have more of a intellectual dark age, because solutions to the big problems of society won’t be solved. I doubt Biden and Kamala can even stop the pogroms started under Obama at this point- they think they can turn off a massive dam of hate they have been filling to bolster the Democratic Party at a switch once they come in. History has shown you can’t long control a army of iconoclasts. They will go after anything and everything regardless of affiliation. In Rwanda, the two sides often massacred their own people. They were pissed and just wanted to kill- and democrats can’t spread out into the countryside to every small village, many don’t even have cars. Democrats will continue to kill and burn down their own people and communities anytime they are provoked, and they have been conditioned to be provoked over literally nothing. You don’t go from mass hysteria to sudden peace without a interlude. Will it be foreign war or civil massacres of blue on blue state violence? Democrat in the Whitehouse, as Governor and Mayor- clearly it is the backwood farmer in the middle of nowhere to blame, lets all elect even more tyrannical little shits from the party with centuries of history enslaving and corrupting and neglecting everyone and thing into office to do it all over again. Stop electing obvious treacherous parties into office, stop regurgitating ideas handed to you be them, and for Christ sake, just try to come up with a original idea and start thinking about the larger world at large. Big world, lots of problems, find a solution to something, or leave this forum. You don’t deserve to be affiliated with philosophy if you don’t think, and none of you think. Everything you do currently is support of wars you know little about, to profit groups you openly despise but contradictory accept. You voted for Biden and the war machine. I’m all for transforming the Navy, Airforce into a laser force reinforced by a anti-ballistic defense system with commando raids to support and defend Americans and allies, I’m not for more Libya’s and Iraq Wars (we had fucking three in Iraq and Biden’s Neocons want 4). I’m for a modernized military that stays home, and if we do press counties, it is for more democracy like with the Philippines and Vietnam being in the Quad, just like South Korea and Taiwan changed, or to make the geopolitics of genocidal states like China difficult due to large alliances opposing their internal and external wars. I don’t want every country who used to be a enemy but is now opening up and changing like Russia and Vietnam to remain alienated. I want middle of the road countries like India allied to us with large regional blocs by them friendly and cooperative.

Trump was bilateral economically and multilateral militarily. Why we largely had peace, wars ended fast then the stabilizing force wound down. Obama the opposite, save in Libya when he let the French of all people lead the coalition of the stupid. Otherwise a fucking mess. Biden wants war in North Korea and Brazil! I’m not going to be drafted as a analyst or for a military contractor for a invasion of the Amazon River. They got little fucking fish that swim up your dick down there, Kropotkin and Iambigious can go to save the poisonous flora. Bunch of banana and bean eating communists shooting up drugs and swinging machetes. I’m going AWOL from the draft. Only way Biden can force Brazil is through war, and Biden said he is willing. Biden failed to win the election you you dipshits will support his fraud as if he did, and more wars will result. Waiting for him to threaten to bomb Willy Wonkas Chocolate Factory too. The fucker is senile, he might just do it.

and I love you too…

you are young and everything is black and white to the young…

I am old… and life isn’t black and white, it is shades of gray…

remember that as you grow older…

you have accused me of a whole lot of stuff… so much so, I can’t even
remember all the stuff you accused me of… but that isn’t important, is it?

the important thing is to accuse someone, isn’t it?

do you know over my long life, I have held three distinct and
different political positions…each roughly 20 years or so…

and I have held countless philosophical and social positions…

I have changed and mutated my political and philosophical positions
many times… can you say the same thing? I doubt it…

to blame me or IAM or Mowk for that matter, for the many issues facing the world is
cute, but not very realistic… because it misses my very point in my writings…
which is to self evaluate and reexamine what you believe in on a personal level…

I have said this many different times, in many different ways…

I have self evaluated many different times in many different ways, hence
my changes in both my political beliefs and my philosophical beliefs…

have you ever changed your own political and philosophical positions?

unlike yourself, I don’t pretend to be an expert in, well, anything…

I am simply a guy who wants people to reevaluate what it means to be human…
and I use all the tools at my disposal to get people to begin a reevaluation of
what it means to be human… that is really my entire agenda…

as for all the accusations you have laid at my feet, sorry, I don’t accept
those because those accusations seem to be your issues, not mine…


That was a beautiful post. But you’re wrong about me. Lack of suicide machines is the only thing that HAS kept me alive. Now I live for other people; and also, the ONLY thing that keeps anyone alive is hope; and with all my experience of existence, I have a better PLAN for existence than our current zero sum plan.

You may be intelligent geopolitically, but that’s not the true height of intelligence. Reconstructing existence itself is a collaborative project of some very intense spirits, many of them you’d never want to meet; but I endured. I have street cred in the spirit world that you’re incapable of fathoming right now.

You’d have never survive what I survived.

Boy, years ago You intimated no philosophers here currently, in fact it appears they mostly faded to political science.

The unmentioned says volumes, and probably with tons of rereads.

Admittedly, it looks seemless, and requires subtextual reduction approaching standard text for the simple minded tethering toward disassociative personality

But the argument is chalkfull of detail, that blinds the unwary more into a state of impotence, and I am not merely saying this to raised single elements of insight into self serving , all be it irresolute determinism on the backdrop leading to insugnificance, but that is: it still has not opined one way or another on the most basic level which You successfully brought foreward, the dialectical force that induces paranoid conspiracies, such as pitating, as a significant factor in truing to identify as some pinwheel in structural efficacy.

But this was a first skinny reading, and analysis sometimes is able to spin things together, …

Very impressive work .

Of course in mind with not expecting adulation for an impressionable, yet seeming coherence in a political mind field that consists of at least 99.09 percent of the voting public.

Will post in spite of revelations not to for the sake of me no type personalities.

I don’t agree with everything he stated, but it was well constructed from this type of microcosmic analysis.

There’s just no way I will read a wall of words I suspect is insufferably dense.

But there’s the thing…

I’ve read different accounts here about Turd’s status as a member of our beloved community. Is he or is he not permanently banned?

Now, if he isn’t, why would he need to go through Maia to spew his objectivist tracts?

And, if he isn’t, I’d like him to come back and spew his objectivist tracts from day to day.

In fact, I dare him to. :sunglasses:

Just out of curiosity, anyone here willing to provide us with the “25 words or less” version?

I want to impress something upon the author of this post (who doesn’t understand)

There’s a story called 1001 Arabian nights. Very old story of a king who kidnapped a woman and wanted to kill her… the king made a deal with her. If she entertained him every night with a story, he wouldn’t kill her.

That’s my life story dude. I’m the only fucking being in all of existence who could have survived that.

You really have no idea of the macro, and it affects your judgement of the micro as well.

K: well as far as I can tell, you and me and other “liberals” are responsible for the ills of
the world… we are ignorant fools and that might be the best that can be said of us…
she does name both of us several times, as destroyer of the world as she knew it…

I simply refused to take the blame… and what you might make of it? I don’t know…

so in short, we have destroyed the world… and I feel alright… with apologies to REM…

“its the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine”…


Now there is the one that we’re dealing with, sort of like what come first, or determined first the chicken or the egg. The thing is, one could ’ effect’ the other either way.

The other, the nether world may have connections to this one, by virtue of the state of sleep that can be attained, by various spins of ‘diffrrent’ storied, while the object or the plot spinned may be hidden from the would be sleeper.

He may not be aware, that the whole idea. revolves around an existential threat, for sleep is the primary object for him, who otherwise be deprived.

Sleep deprivation can also lead to a self induced death, but the effects are farther in the future.
The story, if it runs out of steam, can not, absolutely cannot end.

From one end, the paradox of self derviance/righteousness is as credible as from the other, so each is using the other’s life force, symbiotically , vampirically- for the dame purpose.

Same objective is predetermined into a hypothesized transcription into a willed fore-gone conclusion, one that is constructed irrespective as to it’s conscious state: who days that there be an equal method of cleansing the subjective element from the prior built proxies of daily life?-as the eternal reliance of the previous day’s constructions are built up to an overwhelming pitch?

Theirs is interaction between the conscious and the subconscious, and that nexus plays harmonics on different levels. The awakened one would need no more stories, his state suddenly realizes to whom he owes credit for it: and the other concubines can not measure up.

The paradox is still there, but it’s significance fades.

Sure, he is awakened to the degree that owes it’s signifier to someone else, hence it is not self developed in that sense, and that creates a sense of moral obligation to that other.

The paradox has to be overcome by other than a sheer demand to will to power, when it realizes, that the power to will is of primary significance.

Self realization of this ‘dialectic’ is totally reductive to this power, and it becomes a moral imperative.

Maybe the moral obligation to overcome the difference between the material connections with those which are formally apprehended, may infect the confusion that gear in from social to singular significant derivation.

That is the reason for the desire for privacy, versus the reality of social participation. And that is why some desperately seek some structure through participation , as Levy Strauss unscripted as mystical.Thd same goes for Betty Freidan’s feminine mistique, not that i read it, other than the assuming the content under the covers.

When push comes to shove, what at least in part determines who the next Prez. will be, is a program, that will least effect a major social conflict. At this point it appears almost a tossup


I lose my shit sometimes when people don’t see the larger picture and they present as experts (universally)

The universe is much vaster than this earth speck, and to a large extent, it’s laughable geopolitics.

I’m not trying to hijack.


Reactionary bullshit. Figured that.

Note to Turd:

So, now, once again, it’s personal.

All the more reason for you to come back here. As, say, a sock puppet.

I’ll start the new thread.

You know, for when you do finally “grow a pair”* and come back.

*Pick one:

1] brass balls
2] balls of steel

In fact use one of them as your sock puppet handle.

Mowk You’re getting to simulate me bu deleting stiff Your reduciable uncertainty rests on more stable grounds. and whomever is concerned about Maya’s deteliction, I certainly am not. after all, beggars ( like me)can not be choosers

So as always. I always become the object through which projective subjects grind their glee, and only a defense of masochism does the focal equilibrium trick. A Harry Houdini of argument.


Well, You just proved me wrong!


Never certain.

Feels shaky.

Yeah, especially here in the golden statem

Especially every where.

But hey it’s nice to be appreciated.

Yes and some being compromised, when they can’t.( play on words i’m sure You may not want or will to respond to, but no problem most everybody knows or should or might know, )

That is as bad as synthesizing a simple melody to effect something . …? Similar , or even identical.

But if even i got such a message , I would hesitate to respond to it i dunno where I get these things.

“Especially every where.”