The New Dark Age Philosophy

The New Dark Age Philosophy – Part 1
This topic turned out to be much too long for a single post so I’m going to break it up into parts.

Apparently there have been many dark ages in the past, each following the same process an producing the same results. Perhaps the very first could be called the calamity that destroyed the reign of the dinosaurs. Everything about them was soon forgotten by the survivors. After a great deal of time new regimes of animal life arose dubiously being able to claim the progressive new emperor of the new day – such as the primates.

Eventually there came the introduction of the human, apparently a mitochondria alteration of the reigning primates. And from that advent a new dark age began for the primates as humans organized a new reigning power and new relative “day of enlightenment” bringing about the Biblical Adam. Then Adam had his Eve and fall into the next night of darkness – the first dark age for humans.

From there the history of mankind proceeds with a variety of ages of relative enlightenment and ages of darkness. And they all, from the very first on followed the exact same pattern – destruction and erasure of the current reign – a period of chaos, destruction, and battling over territories, narratives, and power bases until a final victor of the dark night reigns over the confusion – a moon in the heavens to shed a small amount of reality across the planet – inevitably by force. Historians take note of this repeating process, begin to number them, and speculate a final outcome – a final “judgment day” – the last “day to night” step – at least for humans.

This pattern has been observed by many and not disputed by science or historians other than to quibble over who or what should get credit for each occurrence. It has been a notable fact of life on Earth. And I believe it is the very seed of the political idea currently called “progressive” – progress to the next dark age of destruction, confusion, and erasure from memory of all structure, culture, and thought to be followed by a new enlightenment narrative – or perhaps to the very end.

To me the all important question to be answered is what to do with it or about it. Should it be resisted, should it be hurried along, or perhaps merely accepted as fate and dealt with accordingly –

What philosophy is wisest to adopt in order to deal with the reality of this current day to night social pattern of life on Earth?

[size=85]Part 2 to come —[/size]

Maybe quantum computing will do much, so the idea of living forever might combat the darkness.

There’s been a couple of worldwide dark ages in human history on record, the bronze age collapse of the latter half of the 2nd millennium BC, and the iron age collapse, if you will, of the latter half of the 1st millennium AD, which saw the collapse of the Roman, Persian and other world empires.
They last several centuries and seem to happen every other millennium or so.

Pretty sure it all been a dark age. I don’t know shit … still.

The fight is worthwhile to resist the spread of Communism. However the new Dark Age has begun, whether or not Communism can be beaten back, and a new Republic can form and organize. The fire of Freedom must be passed on from USA to another people, society, or state. A new organization must begin, to reassert “Classical Liberalism”. The public must be a Re-public.

Democrats are Traitors to the United States, and should be seen as such by the Conservative-Right-Ex-Republicans. They defrauded a national election. They destroyed the First Amendment. History must not forget. And they must be deposed and destroyed in due time. They have committed Treason, by destroying elections, democracy, and our Constitutional Republic. Their greed for Power, along with their corruptions, have led them to Evil. And that’s what they are, morally Evil. They claim to be good, to “fight fascism”, but they are the true Fascists.

As I see it, Space exploration, expansion, and travel is the next opportunity. While Patriots fight in the meantime, other Free-men must start looking to space, to find Freedom once again.

Fascism, Tyranny, Corruption, Evil are spreading across the entire world, with this catastrophic loss and failure in the (formerly) Free World. Evil has won a huge victory in 2020.

This new age and era will be one dominated by Lies and Deceipt, not by Truth and Integrity.

Free-men and Patriots must adapt to this ‘Brave New World’. It is made official. The Communists must be rebuked; it’s not too late.

The wars are just beginning.

This thread looks awfully seditious, look, we’re going to have a multiracial global-homo technologically communist social paradise here on earth controlled by private corporations and the Chinese, eventually we’ll have a one world communist government controlled by the Global International Forum. You can’t resist against global progress! :sunglasses:

Snitches get stitches Joker, lol

The humorous irony is that the Democrommunists believe that they will rule-over the Chinese, when it actually will be the other way around.

They don’t understand the bed they made for themselves. They believe political oppression over the masses and proletariat is a one-way street; it’s not.

Hey prom, I guess that means you and me are comrades, on the same side now, who would have ever thought?

The Bourgeois must be taken and pulled down.

Into the American gulags with you. :sunglasses: :laughing:

There will be a white van to come pick you up at your house in 2 hours, don’t leave your residence and make sure you wear a mask. [For public health reasons] :sunglasses: The Google fact checkers do not approve of your wrong think and neither do I.

Do not say anything bad about our Chinese liberators deconstructing the White Supremacist old western order of oppressive patriarchal capitalism, without the Chinese we wouldn’t have our social paradise of the people’s republic of the U.S.S.A. with our wise chairman Joe Biden as president.

Sure, our senators and congressman are getting a lot of foreign money from China, but think of it as an investment in building back better for the future of our nation.

Not exactly agree here. Because, this is what really what went down.

The troika mindset, the goulash capital, the opening of china by another traitor to the cause , Richard Nixon, should have seen it coming
They could have all preempted the failure if Capital that could no longer compete with an opposing force.

The Capital, then remained severely iconclastic, and was due for some kind teardowm reconstruction.

What happened all the little troikas started to wise up and try to get on the bandwagon, by imitation, ( philosophically simulation) and reinvestment into the corporate structure by amassed wealth produced by cheap labor.

They even learned western phklosopht, particularly pragmatism, thinking that hey if this going ho capital don’t work we can pull out and reinvest in another ism, or even beckon a combat l of a real dynasty with a new emperor.

Guess what, Chinese people would strive more to de-humanize the Western civilization for a simple reason, that aninomity behaviorally is less painful, when the crush up in individual freedoms of choices become increasingly convoluted.

People feel better in communes, when they never intended to become some One, their emperors were greatful to suck up that massive fear that standing up as an individual. presented , where after a while it progressed to the next unbareable weight of repeating that: cause, once the sources can not be identified, re-presentation is like doubling down on a wager.

With such ambiguity, progressively snowballing, no winder that the isms get dislodged and roll back down into the deep valleys of nihilism.

Let the emperor put his clothes back, and what if he was for a spill a naked ape, only the kids saw him, and they’ll forget soon enough.

The future betokens, 'Young Man Go back East whence from you came.

Not exactly agree here. Because, this is what really what went down.

The troika mindset, the goulash capital, the opening of china by another traitor to the cause , Richard Nixon, should have seen it coming
They could have all preempted the failure if Capital that could no longer compete with an opposing force.

The Capital, then remained severely iconclastic, and was due for some kind teardowm reconstruction.

What happened all the little troikas started to wise up and try to get on the bandwagon, by imitation, ( philosophically simulation) and reinvestment into the corporate structure by amassed wealth produced by cheap labor.

They even learned western phklosopht, particularly pragmatism, thinking that hey if this going ho capital don’t work we can pull out and reinvest in another ism, or even beckon a combat l of a real dynasty with a new emperor.

Guess what, Chinese people would strive more to de-humanize the Western civilization for a simple reason, that aninomity behaviorally is less painful, when the crush up in individual freedoms of choices become increasingly convoluted.

People feel better in communes, when they never intended to become some One, their emperors were greatful to suck up that massive fear that standing up as an individual. presented , where after a while it progressed to the next unbareable weight of repeating that: cause, once the sources can not be identified, re-presentation is like doubling down on a wager.

With such ambiguity, progressively snowballing, no winder that the isms get dislodged and roll back down into the deep valleys of nihilism.

Let the emperor put his clothes back, and what if he was for a spill a naked ape, only the kids saw him, and they’ll forget soon enough.

The future betokens, 'Young Man Go back East whence from you came.

Meno, just gonna say it . . .what!?

Life imitates Art, or does Art imitate Life?


I hate that, or do not like it, just be because

Very insightful commentary BB… you are a major Contributor of this thread and forum.


Admittedly, it was a huge political blunder for Trump supporters to storm the Capitol building. Granted there was Antifa involved in a false-flag operation.

However, not all hope is lost. Because it was 10x worse a political blunder for Twitter & Facebook to ban Trump, along with Democratic support. This was many, many times worse a political blunder:


accepted as fate and dealt with accordingly on a macro scale
but resisted locally
we’re bunkers to our own values
we’ll see to it that they survive
we’ll dehydrate and shrink to a dormant state
and wait for the proper conditions
to sprout again

Not with total control of your children it won’t. Your children are being molded as we speak. :sunglasses: