Texas suffers and Ted Cruz goes to Mexico

so, the entire state of Texas is in the middle of the worst storm in decades
where millions of people are out of power, out of water and out of hope
and what does Senator Ted Cruz do? Why he fled to Cancun Mexico for the weekend…
and as part of his excuse was throwing his children under the bus claiming
that they “requested” it… and he claimed it was just to be overnight…

and in fact the plan ticket was through the weekend… so he lied, used his children
as a human shield and then after being caught claim it was a “Mistake” yah,
I would think that this is a mistake… a mistake for Texas to vote in as Senator
a clown like this…a clown who when IQ45 insulted his wife and his dad, to say nothing,
nothing at all to defend his wife or his father… personally, If you insult my wife,
I will come after you, but Cruz has the backbone of a jellyfish and allows IQ45 to get
away with it and for what?.. to keep his political career…
insult my father…meh… couldn’t be any worse then what I have called my father…
but my wife… all bets are off if you insult her…

so we have a new species of animal… we call it a Cruz… a combination of weasel
and jellyfish… it is one dam ugly beast… which is perfect for a Cruz… because he is
one dam ugly human being…


you mean Rafael Cruz the Canadian born US senator from Texas?

K: yep, that lying piece of shit…


not sure which one is worse, cruz, cornyn or crenshaw. its a race to the bottom with those guys

He said he wouldn’t have gone had he known how it bad it looked.

I wish he said he wouldn’t have gone had he known he’d be caught.

rat fink 2024

Better headlines than ‘Ted Cruz suffers and a mexican goes to Texas.’

Let’s remember our conservative values.

C’mon, everyone…he just snuck across the border to give his family a better life! Who could judge someone for that? :-" :laughing: