Styxhexenhammer666 partially redeems himself


By admitting that Americans are weaklings, or cowards, compared to Dutchmen, and by implication, other nonAnglo North Sea peoples.

I didn’t start listening to HexenHammer until a couple months ago but a vast majority of what he says is very, very accurate.

He is one of the best political and cultural analysts on the internet.

The only problem with him is that he is as passive as the Americans he criticizes.

Parodites, when I told him that, immediately tried to false flag me by saying “oh you want me to go out using violence and get myself shot”.
No you doofus primate.

It appears that Americans don’t even have the notion of peaceful protest and civil disobedience. They just know how to obey and collect guns that make them feel like heroes. WHICH THEY ARE NOT.

So very far form it.

Collecting guns is not something you can understand right away, but once you do, you realize gringos are geniuses.