Creating society for unified action

With more franchises you are dividing up the customers.

1 business has 100% of the customers.
2 businesses each have 50% of the customers.
100 businesses each have 1% of the customers.

Keep making more and more businesses and they have so few customers that nobody makes ANY money!

In an ideal world, there would be 1 business. The problem is the human condition. Greed! If they know they are the only game in town with no competition, they take advantage and jack up their prices. Because after all, supply and demand and all that! (rolls eyes) Since everybody needs an item, and there is only 1 place to buy it, they rip off the customer and there isn’t a damn thing the customer can do about it, because there is no other place to buy the item. If the human condition GREED didn’t exist, the prices would be the lowest with 1 store, because they would be doing 100% of the volume, and volume means lower prices! Inject the greedy store owner and monopoly means RIP OFF!

Take Amazon, for instance. They are almost at the point of being 1 business for all the people. (not quite, but they are getting there very fast)
Amazon has low prices because they do huge volume. If they were to have all the customers, all the Mom and Pop places would dry up. Amazon would (will) be the only game in town. Once they are the only game in town they could jack those prices up, and people would be forced to pay it if they want that item, there would be no other place to get the item. Sucker 'em in with low prices at the beginning, get all the business, everybody else is forced to close, then jack those prices up sky high! Yeah, that’s the ticket!

Zookers - your a communist! You believe in monopolies? No wonder the US tanked. :confused:

So you believe in shared poverty - =;

Or is it that the “owner” gets the lions share in your utopia (socialism)?

The Chinese communist part, CCP, would love you. I hope the world knows better.

You left out the problem with monopolies, which is the human condition: GREED!

No I DON’T believe in monopolies. They have to be run by a HUMAN, and that is a big FAIL! That tiny little detail is the problem with monopolies. GREED!

So are you going to genetically alter homosapian into a unification drone or work with what you have?

Socialism is the ultimate monopoly (entirely blood sucking) - very shortly followed by Communism - a mindless drone society until it dies out.

I’m not gonna genetically alter anything. Obviously we need to work with what we have. That means no monopolies due to greed. That means not dividing up the customers so much that no business can survive.

That means a line somewhere in the middle that businesses make a fair profit (not a CEO that banks Billions), and enough businesses that ensure fair competition to keep greed in check.

So how are you going to arrange for that? - just tell everyone to stop it? - maybe burn them at a stake if convicted by the council of elders? What would you propose?

That never happens - because any time it starts to happen - the weak die out. And that means that the market drives the size of businesses.

The mere fact that CEOs make a lot of money is insufficient reason to try to take it away under the assumption of greed (that is communist propaganda taking advantage of inexperienced peasants).

Market drives prices - and that includes the price for a good CEO. Should a CEO refuse a high salary - giving it to someone else - perhaps less qualified? Should they be allowed to compete for who is best qualified - and get paid accordingly by the competitive market?

If you control the salary of CEOs - you control the quality performance of businesses - downgrading it - just for sake of communist propaganda issues. Governments do exactly that when creating a bureaucracy - yielding extremely low service and quality of life (socialism). Having everyone under one incorporated government simply means that no one is going to get anything of quality and everything slides down into universal inept poverty - corruption takes over - and you are back where you started - just more of it.

I am not going to arrange for anything! Duh? Do you think I am going to dictate policy for an entire country? Are you a dictator that hasn’t come out of the closet yet? Do you expect me to lay out a plan for all and enforce it?

I am not Congress that makes laws. I am not elected by the people. I am not getting paid to make laws that makes sure the country runs smoothly.

If you have the ultimate idea of how something should be laid out, then why is everything still F’d up? You know how it should be and you haven’t done anything about it! Why haven’t you solved the worlds problem yet with your ultimate idea?

You are projecting - YOU are the one who said it is wrong/bad/could be better - all about “greed” - “should be only ONE business”. YOU are arguing against someone’s real-life efforts.

Since you are unqualified to do anything (as most of us are) why are you suggesting to those who are actually working with it in real life - with real experience - and real education - that they should do it differently (with what sounded like communist propaganda to me)?

Either you have a better plan - or you are just complaining and unhappy - you need a healthy shot of MIJOT, mate. :smiley:

I made a post of my opinion. I am not forcing my opinion on anyone. If he doesn’t like my opinion, fine by me!

You, on the hand, can’t stand my opinion so much that you try to dismantle it. Take a chill pill, you are not obligated to read my posts. If you don’t like them then quit reading them.

So when you complain that he is doing something wrong - it is just your opinion. But when I complain about your opinion being wrong - it’s -


I never said he was doing something wrong. I was expressing my opinion on the matter. He can take it or leave it. He didn’t even need to respond to me. Don’t try to make it sound like I was telling him he was doing something wrong. He can do any legal thing he wants to do, I gives less than a damn!

Diverting doesn’t work with me. You said that he was “breaking off the people of Earth”. That was false - for the reason I explained.

You also claimed that there should be only ONE business - for equally false reasons.

I expressed my “opinion” of “you opinion”.

I said you need a shot of MIJOT.

You said I need to “chill” (which happens to be the exact same thing).


There’s so many false statements and misquotes in your writings that It’s becoming more and more work for me to respond to you and set the record straight.

I’m not willing to work that hard to correct all your mistakes, so have at it without me. I’m done here.

I was about to say that we have (a bit rudely) distracted his thread enough.

But if you want to - on any other thread try to debate me on - any of what we have mentioned - you will not be able to win - I can see that already. But it can be fun sometimes to even try what can’t be done. :smiley:

So you want to make everyone the same. Have you considered figuring out a way to make different groups work with each other rather than against each other?

I did not say make everyone the same. I am saying that dividing things up into more pieces creates more problems.

If there was one country with one set of rules there would be no war between countries, because there would only be one country. etc, etc.

History has shown there is nothing you can do to get countries to get along. Not possible. We are talking about the Human condition, remember? Humans don’t get along, that’s a fact!

Turn on the news and observe that you are likely to be killed by a family member or friend.

…and no, I am not recommending that we make one race. I am simply stating that more races means more battle. I am not recommending fixing that by making one race. Start by making one country and things will get better.

But that is an ideal world, which is theory, not reality.

Perhaps not literally. But you said “1 language”. In other words, you said that everyone should speak one and the same language. That’s leaning towards “everyone being the same”. You also said “1 set of rules”. In other words, you said that everyone should live more or less the same way. That’s pretty close to “everyone being the same”. How about “1 business”? Or “1 government”? All of that supports my belief that there is very little diversity in your dream world.

That’s true. But note that there can still be internal conflicts. Unless, of course, you’re speaking of a society where everyone is getting along with everyone else because everyone has more or less the same problems and because everyone is using more or less the same solutions. But is such a society feasible? I am of the strong opinion that the more you try to make everyone the same, the more you will destroy their lives mainly by stunting their development. I think differences exist because different situations require different approaches.

And you think you can solve that by making everyone the same.


You are confusing “Everyone (all people) the same” with what I am saying. I am not recommending making all PEOPLE the same. Get that straight. I can see how you are trying to pigeon hole this into that strawman of yours. I am not recommending making PEOPLE the same.

I am saying that borders need to be eliminated. I am saying we need to have a global standard, not 10 million different languages. I am saying there should be a standard currency, not 50 million different currencies that need to be exchanged and the likes.

I am recommending the world moves towards a single global standard.

Einstein’s idea that everyone is entitled to their own BS is garbage! There needs to be 1 standard. There is universal time, and the notion that time is relative is BS!

History shows that humans are co-operative.
Human divisions change and places that were once in a state of Bellum omnium contra omnes, have clearly demonstrated that unity and peace are possible.
For example the billions that make up China, with a long history of warring states has been unified since Mao.
Similarly, Europe has not had a war since 1945.
The fact is that anything you want to say about “human nature” there are opposite and contrary statements that are also true.

From an objective analysis most divisions and differences are mostly vanity and the media tools of those wishing to promote their own set of ideosyncrasies.

The California communist fantasizers might want to think about why in nature - life isn’t merely one great organism - and what happened to the largest of them.

I’m sure there is a reason why smaller organisms dominate all life - try to unify them all - and you will discover that reason.

There is no one size that fits them all - and for a good reason.