Money doesn't have value

It is nothing more than colored paper. Money is a faith based agreement. Besides, there is a planet out there and far away that is made of all diamonds. The sound of the word “river” is not the actual running water itself.

Welcome to these simple ideas.

can i have your money?

Yes, can I have yours?

I gave two different people twenty bucks on a bus, so forty total. Sometimes I feel bad about it, like a loss. Other times I don’t, since the act holds true to how feel about valuables.

I’m a debaser.

no i want to keep mine.

I hear the transfer rate is great upon death, so like, keep holding on. :-"

No we need money because of a neat little economic problem called ‘the double coincidence of wants’. So say you have a chicken and I have some leather. I need your chicken but you don’t need my leather. So now what?

Ah. I give you a physical object that has purchasing power instead of the leather. You then take that object and give it to the guy who doesn’t need a chicken but does have the iron you need (which I didn’t have).

Now this object can be anything so long as we agree on its representative value. We can make it bouillon, gold, paper, whatever.

The problem however is that once we make the transition from commodity backed money to fiat money, the capitalist bankers can rig the system and create imaginary money whenever they need it, which inflates the fuck out of everything. But even then the inflation is fake because only about nine percent of the money in the world is actually physical money in the form of paper. The rest is computer digits.

So what we need then is a single world bank run by the working class (see the communist manifesto plank #5) to prevent capitalist parasites from manipulating money printing and interest rates in their favor, and forcing everybody but them into outrageous debt as a result.

And yet there are still clowns who are nostaligic for the “gold standard”.

We have been living under a dangerous myth since about 1980, when Milton Friedman’s economic model was adopted by Thatcher and Ray-gun. This has anathemetized inflation and the so-called “deficit”, the mechanisms that followed these procriptions has meant more poverty, more inequality and the advent of multi-billionarres and massive faceless corportations who now hold sway over economic power and control the heads of state. The fact is that government “deficit” is of no importance whatever. it is in fact a measure of the government’s committment to build and renew the infrastricture, and can be paid off at the flick of a switch.

Banks have been encouraged to go independant and with the power of creating money at the touch of a computer key now control the world’s money supply, and now act against the interests of sovereign governments.
Resession is good for the elites and leads to more and more polarisation of wealth. These disparities of wealth swell between nations and between individuals within those nations.
Recession is a mechanism of fear and is used to control populations with the constnat threat of loss of job, and other securities. They insist that money does not grow on trees!! And yet when their position is under threat, such as during this pandemic, all of a sudden money magically appears. Austerity means that this money cannot appear when the economy is just stagnant, but it does when the elites can find the excuse to enrich themselves further.
So why is it that in the last 11 years no money can be found to build schools and hospitals? But money can be found to bolster the bank accounts of the rich with furlough payments.
No money can be found to keep people out of poverty, but money can be found to bomb foreign countries?
No money can be found to help the refugees that have fled those countries, but more money can be found for Royal Yahts and nuclear submarines.

Excuse me. Why do you always have to come behind me and explain what I tried to explain way better than me? Can’t you just let me have a moment for once, dude?

Is this comment for me??

There is one point which I’d take exception to; the idea that creating money is always inflationary.
It is not. FIrst, since the source of all fiat money is created from nothing, all that money on its own does not cause inflation. Money has to match the amount that is needed as a medium. The thought is, of course, if there is too much chasing too little there is a tendancy for vendors to put up the price when things are scarce.
Second, you can create money to your heart’s content. But it very much matters HOW and on what you spend it. Clearly if there is not enough money in the economy, then money has to be made available.
What is more important to the health of the economy is untapped potential of labour. And it actually makes sense to invent jobs for infrastructure projects to keep people working as this injects the cash at the lower end of the economic ladder where is does maximum good by stimulating demand.

For some odd reason governments seem more inclined to make huge handouts to rich people. There is even fake rationales as to why this can help - it does not. People with plenty just store up the cash overseas where the tax man cannot get to it. all this does is store up potential inflationary pressures for the future.

And red doesn’t have colour - it is just light.

I remember one I posted that money was an abstraction of resources and shit-Stain replied with mocking reprimand…
'cause the imbecile could touch and hold money…so for the imbecile it was tangible.
That was funny…'cause that guy is a total imbecile.
But I digress.
Money is modern man’s messiah.
A way of transcending the physical, and becoming immortal; a way of becoming spirit.
It is the ultimate abstraction of an idea/ideal, a word/symbol. As long as there are more than one.
The more there are the more the spirit expands and grows and becomes stronger.

Mathew 18:20

that was supposed to make you think about your definitions and ability to communicate but you’re too fucking sensitive to learn

Of course it was.
You a genius…and you’ve proven it over how many years on ILP?

If there is one thing we all know about you and ILP, is that you produce so much philosophical material.
Things that make us all go…hmmmmmmmmhahahahahahahahaha…

I know I’ve learned a lot from you. Mostly how to pretend and not prove. Imply and not be.
How to be a street savvy hustler.
Keepin’ it real brah!

the funniest part of this is that you think anyone here, yourself included, is producing any philosophical material.


Considering the number of famous thinkers who were failures during their lifetimes, we probably shouldn’t judge anyone at present.

Saying something like money is just paper isn’t intended to profound. However, saying it is more about the agreement to stay laborious is at least something to think about. About a third of the population has a duty bound personality so the agreement is redundant. For the rest, there is only faith the agreement will last. Otherwise, it is just paper. An abstraction at best.

Though not necessarily false, that statement is deceptive. If money is merely a piece of coloured paper, then you should be able to use any piece of paper to purchase whatever you want. But that’s obviously not true. So money is more than just a piece of coloured paper. A more accurate definition is that money is an object – not necessarily paper, let alone coloured paper – that has purchasing power. Though that’s not a sufficient condition for something to count as money (my laptop is an object that has purchasing power but it’s not money) it’s nonetheless a necessary condition – and one that I’d say is both true and not as deceptive as yours.

The title of this thread, which is “Money doesn’t have value”, is even more deceptive since both representative money and fiat money (not to mention commodity money) have some sort of value – value being a general term. Otherwise, you wouldn’t want money (as Mr. R hinted at.)

That seems all fine by me. If money is not something intrinsically valuable, it should at the very least be something that stands for or represents something that is intrinsically valuable.

Value in general is something which is bestowed, nothing has inherent value except the value-giver.