
Who was Ghislaine Maxwell working for?
Not for US interests.
Why was Epstein killed?

When an Empire declines the vermin that fed on its scraps and hid in its corners, are exposed.
We are beginning to see who the real elites of the US were, since the middle of the last century.

Americanism is Yankee Judaism wrapped in rainbow nature negating idealism.
Messianism believing they are the highest standard, a universal moral truth, all must abide by.

The Anglo-Saxon Protestant all but committed cultural suicide, the Jew has the defence mechanism of being despised, which maintains the memetic distances it needs to remain distinct, but remains vulnerable needing a proxy to conceal itself.
The Anglo Protestant perished when he was forced to practice what he preached.
All nihilism falls victim to its own defensive ideology, but it must accuse another to remain the victim of an external evil agency, so as to not have to doubt its own convictions.
The Jews manage to escape by continuously outsourcing the blame to the proxy, which is why it must always coexist with a frontman, establishing symbiotic relationships that eventually become exploitative, parasitical.

Americanism is the synthesis of these two variants of the same nihilistic ideology, adopting nihilism’s defensiveness as an offensive tool/weapon to undermine all that threatens it.
It cannot survive in a world it negates, so it must lie to itself, or it must universalize tis negativity as a world-altering - inverting - mission to create an alternate reality, that negates natural order.

American exceptionalism is a psychosis founded on Judeo-Puritan Messianism.
It expresses itself in many ways but central to its psychology is absolutism. The idea of absolute beginnings and ends.
In regard to American messianism – i.e., exceptionalism – is the idea that America is the ‘Greatest’ and the last Empire. After it is an absolute, final end – Armageddon – i.e., nuclear holocaust, end of times, the Last Man.
We see here the connection to Abrahamism.
Since Money is the Jewish messiah, money is how power is measured. As long as the American economy circulates money, all are saved. When, and if money ceases to circulate, then this will be the sign – a kind of cosmic ‘Rapture’.
We must understand that Abrahamism did not end when ‘god’ was pronounced dead, or when the masses denied its anthropomorphisms. It merely became secular, progressing towards a Modern repackaging and jargon.
For instance, instead of ‘god’ many believe in universal absolute order; instead of worshipping prophets they worship idols; instead of believing in a saviour they believe in money as a saviour; instead of idolatry they carry their idols in their heads in the forms of ideologies; instead of believing in a Creator, and a beginning, they believe in the Big Bang as an absolute beginning; instead of believing in god’s will, they disbelieve free-will and embrace hard determinism; instead of believing in an immortal spirit, they believe in an immortal idea; instead of believing in sinners and the saved they believe in proletariats and capitalists; instead of believing in a one-god, they believe in one humanity, or a singularity they name ‘universe’.
So called ‘atheists’ are often devout believers of the same concepts, renamed and repackaged.
The lingo has progressed, not human psychology in need for absolutes and for saviours and for ends and beginnings.
The ancient binaries still exists and they are still worshipped religiously. They’ve only been baptised and renamed.

Expanding on why the American system is in a state of turmoil and panic:
The very ideology it used to reduce internal strife and create cohesion in a “melting pot” environment – melting away and integrating different races and cultures; also using this method to corrupt and destroy external threats by undermining their racial and cultural cohesion, via Hollywood and other forms of memetic attrition – has begun to be detrimental to the preservation of dominance on the world stage. Allow me to explain. In the past the U.S. could import brain-power to compensate for the dumbing-down and miscegenation it cultivated internally, as a way of maintaining socioeconomic stability. This internal method was exported, as I said, to reduce resistance to its dominion, ambitiously striving to impose a world-wide Empire using this nihilistic ideology, by eroding the familial foundations and cultural cohesion of resisting peoples. This ideology has now become dangerous, because with quotas forcing sub-standard races into universities, excluding others, and the promoted delusion that the sexes are equally endowed, the U.S. system became reliant on external sources to compensate for the reduction of innovation that keep the U.S. armed forces dominant – importing what it could not cultivate internally.
Women have failed to produce the level of intellectual input that was expected – the lie of gender parity has been revealed as being a product of romantic idealism (nihilism). Furthermore, delusions about racial equality, or the superficiality of racial types, has also proven to be a dangerous error, if not a lie exposed through application. The incoming immigrants from countries populated by races other than Orientals and Caucasians have also proven to be unable to populate the positions of MIT, and other technological institutions, the U.S. relies on to maintain its dominance. Sub-standard races and women simply cannot compensate for the loss of male Mongoloids and Caucasians. Those few that can find their way through the socioeconomic filters, excluding most of them from universities, do not suffice to remain competitive on the world-stage.
China, and more so Russia, is making advances in the field of military technological innovation. There’s also the factor of rising standards of living in many Asiatic and Eastern European nations that reduces the amount of minds willing to immigrate to the U.S., or to some other Anglo-Saxon, Judeo-Puritan nation – e.g., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Britain, U.S. – as they once did in the past. Most of the immigrants are now coming from Muslim and African countries (Afro-Asiatic), and for the U.S. from Latino nations; peoples not known for their intellectual prowess and the abstract thinking required to achieve insights. Caucasians in many of these ‘western’ countries have also been dumbed-down and emasculated within their own nations – particularly those dominated by Americanism in the past century, expanding miscegenation and quota based admission standards. All Europe except for eastern countries, once part of the Soviet Empire, are now thoroughly Americanised unable to offer much to compensate for the U.S.'s loss in brain-power.
American Ivy League universities are now dominated by post-moderns cultivating minds that deny basic empiricism – the relevance of differences which is the bedrock of consciousness – so how can such minds ever develop into scientists that can invent new technologies?
A segment of the U.S. elite realized this – perhaps too late to stop the process they started; around the time MRA emerged into the Internet streams, gradually leading to intellectuals like Peterson, and others, sounding the alarm bells.
Trump is a push to stop the self-destructive momentum – for the U.S. Meanwhile in Europe the trend is promoted so as to make it a future protectorate of the emerging American SuperState, unless Russia’s Eurasian project, or China, steps in to cut away segments of their own. This is what underlies the current American political turmoil, viz., one segment of the elite wanting to remain on-track towards Globalism through insidious strategies that seem to be working, and another, smaller but well-funded segment, fighting to stop this method because it sees it undermining its own power, just as it erodes that of its enemies. Such weapons of asymmetrical warfare are difficult to control once they are used on the battlefield.
Many of the American elite bought into their own lies, concerning genders and races. Some of them now realize that reality does not give a shit about human theories and desires.
Decades of destroying family cohesion – the bedrock of western civilization – and of promoting the lie that women were just as intelligent as males – able to think outside the box – as were other races the intellectual equals of Europeans, has brought America on the precipice of its own end. The lie, continuously repeated, that social bigotry explains human sexual and racial disparity has been exposed as another form of post-modern propaganda – nihilism is a method of crowd control.
Women currently outnumber males in American universities, and they’ve failed to replace the loss of creativity required to maintain the U.S. on the forefront of world domination; the delusion that racial differences are a product of social prejudices, adopted, with no doubts, by institutions has failed to produce the innovative brain-power required to compete with other SuperStates that never bought into this lie. Most of this was imposed upon people that know better, under threat of socioeconomic punishment, forcing many to remain silent.
The U.S. is in panic mode. Still running well on the brain-power of the last generation, it sees the next one being the source of its collapse, or the erosion of its Hyper-Power status, which is founded on technological innovations.

Synopsis of the previous;
Why American elites are in conflict?

1-Decades of promoting anti-family lifestyles - normalization of homosexuality, hedonism, extreme individualism etc.
Cultivating the kinds of specialized minds required to maintain innovative technological advancement requires long term investment in time and resources. Individuals must be raised within stable supportive environments allowing them to dedicate their time and to focus their minds with few distraction.
Technologies have reached levels demanding more focus, freeing them to focus m,ore mental energies towards their specialization.
4th and 5th generation weaponry and onward will require more mental resources.
Stable and healthy families are the only way to provide the conditions required for such focus.
Hedonism dilutes and homosexuality destroys family structures.
Hollywood’s promotion of homosexual lifestyles and hedonism is what was intended to undermine external cultural threats - soften up the world for American dominance.
Eliminating the father from the family liberated the institution to be dominated by the state.

2-Promoting the theory that females and males were equals in physical and mental potentials has been proven, dramatically, to be false. Females have a different kind of mind, applying a different kind of reasoning - effective in preserving and cultivating what has already been provided, but unable to think outside the cognitive box, a creative necessity for the development of new technologies.
Females can maintain and improve on what has already been given to them, and served as the keepers of a culture’s founding principles and traditions, but they cannot challenge established beliefs and without this masculine impulse to challenge there is no innovation.
Women are now outnumbering U.S higher education constitutions where future minds are being shaped. So far They’ve failed to provide the creativity required to maintain American technological superiority - fundamental for American Superpower status; a failure blamed on men and institutional prejudice, demanding a further imposition of rules that exclude males and offer undeserved opportunities to females.
Humanities and women studies will do nothing to maintain American hegemony.
Hollywood and other American pop-culture propaganda outlets are continuing the feminization of intellectualism, once used to undermine resistance to American power.

3-Promoting the theory that race is a social construct, and a superficial identifier, has reduced Caucasian and oriental participation in higher education.
Importing from non-European and/or from Asian nations cannot compensate for the loss of European creativity.
“Affirmative Action” has failed to produce the theoretical academic parity that has lauded for decades as the solution to social injustices, and crime statistics.
At best these races can provide supportive maintenance and an productive improvement on what has already been given to them - similar to females - but they cannot offer the levels of intellectual insights required to remain dominant.
Nihilistic idealism has proven to be unable to deal with reality - which it denies relevance to - replacing the objective world with an inter-subjective alternative - its either/or binary is in antithesis to a world of fluctuating approximation, requiring a more flexible mind.
Americanism’s promotion of racial equality - under the erroneous literal interpretation of its founding principle that “all men are created equal” cannot correct itself, but only seek blame in external factors - preventing an escape from a self-imposed cognitive trap - exacerbated over the years to its present madness.
Hollywood - American branch of its global soft power- has established this lie as a ‘truth’ nobody can question, under penalty of law and socioeconomic ostracizing, as a consequence declining American intelligence, on the higher echelons, has imposed a gradual and predictable decline in innovation - a fact that is presently manifesting in Russian military superiority in some weapon platforms. If this trend continues America will no longer be able to provide the brain-power required to maintain its military superiority.
As a side-note, European decline in higher academics is not reflected in a similar decline in Jewish participation.
But Semites are not known for their technological genius, but only for their theoretical and linguistic genius, therefore Semites cannot be included in the European racial group, proven by their historical absence from the production of technological and scientific advancements - similar to females, they fail to offer pragmatic applications of their intelligence, but can only offer linguistically based and semiotic, innovation.
I would add their absence of artistic advancement. They are known to cultivate and improve from a art-form they adopt from the people they come in contact with, but have not made any advancements in the arts, that were entirely of their own making.
I offer this side-note as a response to the Jewish genius hypothesis, implying that what is lost by European decline may be compensated for by another race’s intelligence.
The type of intelligence required for the advancement of art and science, is particular to Indo-European males.
Let’s not forget that if the war had no ended then Germany was well ion its way to developing an atomic bomb - America’s and Russia’s nuclear status is owed to German minds.
The shift from European and Asian immigrants towards Latino and Afro-Asiatics (mostly of Arabian Semitic and North-African origins), will not compensate fro the loss of European male participation.
A fact now recognized among the more conservative and pragmatic American elite.

Basic tenants of Americanism, shaping its ideal cosmopolitan homo Americanus:

1] Open-Markets, Open-Borders – free flow of goods & services, i.e., Globalism.
Sacrifice of physicality – need/suffering – to attain immortality as eternal peace, viz., as a state of liberation from need/suffering.

2] Individualism – ego-centered. Man with no past, no inherited identity, no nature – man as nurtured tabula rasa; man completely a product of socioeconomic supply-demand forces entirely subjective within an inter-subjective socioeconomic environment, i.e., civilization with no culture, environment. Individual judged exclusively by his performance: consumption/production, measured monetarily, via marketability, popularity, etc. Ego defined as the lucid part of self-consciousness, identifying only with what is clearly intended; rejecting, negating, forgetting, the unconscious automated acts of the body.

3] Messianism – freedom replacing salvation myths, via a messianic icon/idol, abstracted as credit, i.e., money.
Freedom form past, indicating a liberation from physical identifiers, i.e., natural identifiers; techno-utopian future replacing a paradise beyond space/time; multifarious singular one-god, replaced by multifarious one-humanity; god-creator of oneness, replaced by universal order, manifesting an individual creating himself, as an extension of divine will; “will to power” redefined as universal fatalism determining an inevitable positive outcome, i.e., faith in divine benevolence – individuals acting as divine agencies nullifying injustices, evil, bigotry, cruelty, hatred etc.
America as the agency of salvation, via money – either/or binaries: either all mankind is saved from its past, i.e., its nature, or all mankind is doomed to an eternity in hell, via extermination/extinction, i.e., Armageddon.

4] Futurism ([size=10]akin of the Italian art movement[/size]) – focus on an imminent future, in the present, with no inhibiting past to limit these idealized projections forward and forever onward. Worship of the “goodness” of a coming present, that is always a day away, and so it cannot be blemished – neither falsified nor verified – existing as a perpetual “yet to be”; as a purified, unsoiled, source of hope {[size=10]see 2[/size]} – individual as singularity, with a presence – created socioeconomically, wilfully, intentionally – and a future – positive projections of idealized state of being; projections of noetic abstractions – and no past – or an arbitrarily selected and whitewashed past only used to validate and affirm the ideals of, and in, the ongoing present, i.e., modernity. [see postmodernism]
A seductive idea if you keep in mind accumulating unfit mutations burdening the common man with failures he cannot fully understand – finding relief in accusations against an evil force/entity. [[size=10]see victim culture[/size]]

5] Pragmatism at the cost of reason and integrity. What works is true, what fails to produce a desired outcome is useless. Hedonism is presented as a validating criterion for judging and choosing knowledge/understanding variations, i.e., subjective perspectives. Objective determining subjective validity, therefore controlling the objectives – ambitions, desires, wants etc. – of the masses determines their behavioural predictability.
Americanism proposes materialism – access to goods & services – as man’s highest objective, ergo freedom is validated by access to a multiplicity of goods & services; “pursuit of happiness,” as an objective, determines an individual’s assessment of validity, e.g., if it does not add to the potential for attaining happiness – defined as comfort, safety, pleasure etc. – it is false and useless, if it does it is true and useful – criterion reduced to primal needs/desires: lowest-common-denominator, unifying genetically/memetically – racially/culturally – heterogeneous populations into a homogenous mass of diverse individuals, each with its own pursuits of happiness.
Contrary to Schopenhauer, pleasure is associated with a “positive” state – affirmation of validity – rather than a negative state of ephemeral distraction from existing, experienced as need/suffering.
Herd psychology exploited and manipulated to produce harmonious coexistence.

6] More is best – perpetual economic growth used as a measure of success and happiness [[size=10]see 5[/size]].
In the either/or binary Asceticism is defined is accordance with Abrahamic world-views – as an end in itself – rather than Hellenic ([size=10]Ασκησις[/size]) balance, as a means to an end.
Less is more,” becomes “more is better” – i.e., gluttony, greed, promiscuity as a basic measure of happiness, i.e., quantity over quality.
Markets must be continuously growing, wealth increasing, goods and services multiplying.

Ergo, Americanised miscegenated populations, that have nothing to feel proud of in their own heritage, always admire the Jews, who turned a concept into an identity, and practiced inbreeding, cultivating hatred towards them to ensure they would not be absorbed by the host.
as a result, WASPs are no longer, while Jews dominate the US, having fabricated through media and Hollywood the very idea of American.
Then they tried to globalize it through Americanism and are facing issues.

mainly because Anglo-Saxon Puritans had already suffered a shaming defeat at the hands of the Norse, and there was nothing left to feel proud about.
Their culture-of-no-culture became the American model.

What seduces the meek and the weak is Jewish feminine guile, turning weakness into a strength.
Money is their messiah - overcoming all inherited inferiorities.
Now money has become America’s messiah.
Wealth indicating divine approval.

Now we know why mestozos and mixed race individuals with not much of a heritage, find in America something familiar.
With no past to speak of, no heritage worth preserving, they can surrender to America’s culture-of-no-culture, and purchase on its markets whatever culture is missing in their own.
Mixing and sampling…as they do in cRap, reflecting this American compensation.

Instead we have the hyper-erotic…pornography.
All is bigger in America.
Hypermasculinity in the form of cRap, overcompensating for emasculation - feminization of man.

dang bruh what kind of porn are you watching?

It was one with your mother.

Americanism’s Linguistic Codes

Liberty = salvation; detachment from the body, as past made present, as presence; erasing past so as to begin the process of self-creation; rebirth as pure mind/spirit gathering material to construct its identity; process of creation and recreation offering infinite possibilities; freedom from old world hierarchies and natural order.

As with all forms of nihilism the use of words acquire different connotations and implications, e.g., individualism – or should I say additional connotations and implications so as to shift meaning from one to the other. [size=50][ MANifesto: Nihilism][/size]

Progress = continuous expansion of probabilities; increase in options to choose from, i.e., freedom; infinite supply for infinite demand, i.e., divine marketplace; movement towards godliness and infinite probabilities, i.e., techno-utopian – art imitating art.

American capitalism is based on the hypothesis of infinite and continuous economic growth. [ MANifesto: Capitalism/Socialism]

Money is American Capitalism Messianic symbol of salvation from natural order – from the past, i.e., sum of all nurturing, offering man a continuous option to reinvent himself. Upward market values symbolize man’s ascent towards liberation from himself; attainment of divinity. [size=50][ MANifesto: Economics – Money]

Individualism = men with no past; no inheritance, no nature – nature = sum of all nurturing; a blank slate (tabula rasa) beginning the process of self-creation; constructing an identity from nothing and nowhere; man creator of reality, including himself.
Individualism, as we’ve been trained to grasp its meaning, is any life form that can think and express its thinking semiotically.

Logos is the means by which nihilism – both spiritual, e.g., Abrahamism, and secular, e.g., Marxism and postmodernism, propose to “change mankind” by changing humanity, as the defining medium of world creation.
Denial of free-will emphasises a loss of hope in the American experiment; a submission to the hopelessness of biological probabilities. On the other end naïve idealism overemphasizes the possibility – i.e., hope – of changing, or even negating, biological probabilities. The latter psychological attitude leading to the inevitable disillusionments/disappointments – i.e., loss of fate – that produces the former.

Logos, the ability to use language or some level of semiotics, is for Americanism the lowest-common-denominator. It is what separates man from beast and what unifies mankind into a singular logocentric unity.
“First came the word…,” and the word is last, i.e., arche and telos; alpha & omega.
For the modern secular Abrahamic, the Old Testament still holds true. It is the foundation of his being, the root of his identity – the source of his new testimony.
By words/numbers he identifies who belongs to the human race, dismissing all subdivisions as contrary to the 1/0 binary – we are all one in and through words/numbers, and nil outside them. Language, i.e., semiotics, separating man from animal; the unifying symbols of the magical, the divinely mysterious and occult, i.e., the mind: world creator, world negator.
To see mathematical patterns is to see into the mind of god, and be one with him.
Through semiotics man is liberated from his past – reborn, every moment, with every word, simply by declaring himself this or that his internal creations are externalized, imposing themselves upon what has been determined.
Replace words/numbers by codes – data codes, bank codes, monetary codes – fabricating matrices of streaming codes – artifices concealing cosmos like a fabricated shroud. [size=50][ MANifesto: Word War][/size]
Since the assassination of Kennedy and the impeachment of Nixon, the U.S. has been represented by a series of imbeciles or psychotics, easily manageable by its elites – cultural distorters.

Americanism’s individualism begins with the presumption of a ‘freedom from…’ rather than a ‘freedom to…’ Messianism is expressed in this linguistic/semiotic ‘liberation from the past’ – disconnection, rejection, negation of past – either selectively or completely – which is the foundation of nihilism.

The ‘will’ thus disconnected from everything is rooted in nothing, emerging from nowhere which can now be substituted by a beyond or an occult ideal. Once no-thing is the foundation of will, some-thing can take the form of an absolute one/nil that cannot refer to the past but to what is above or beneath what is experienced as existence. “Will to Power” “Will to Life” is no longer a reference to a continuum – past/present/future – but to a universal, an absolute singularity, or an absolute void. ‘Will’ is taken out of its place in the dynamic present acting as a mediator between past and a projected future, but is converted to an abstraction, a divine idea/ideal, a concept existing, ironically, in the mind of the willing.
Individual having lost its identity outsources its will to evade the consequences, i.e., accepting responsibility. Willing is a perpetual fleeing from, rather than a movement towards, an intentionality guided by precedent – it is continuous forgetfulness. A will with no past can then also reject the future to become a no-thing continuously inventing itself anew. By sampling from what becomes present to it – is presented to it as if it were due to some divine plan, fate. The future replaces the past as the source of becoming. It is given what has already been determined – movement towards a determined future is a continuously rejection of an immutable or non-existent past. The will is not pushed but pulled, i.e., attracted, towards its determined destination which already exists.

Democracy = intersubjective collectivism; hive mind; divergent expressions of the collective spirit, i.e., divinity.
Not to be confused with original Democracy. Within Americanism the concept acquires metaphysical dimensions.
The ‘democratization of a people’ is its integration within Americanism’s sacred collective mind – within its infinite mental frontiers – within which every “individual” can recreate itself from within its collectivized semiotics.
‘Spreading Democracy’ is code for ‘spreading salvation,’ i.e., liberating peoples from traditions and ethnic, racial, biological limitations and, though money, offering them the possibility to remake themselves into anything, as long as it does not restrict or inhibit the creative possibilities of another within the same collective.

Trump is a corrective push-back, reminding us all about how imperfect Democracy is. His delusional, post-truth, right-wing rhetoric, perfectly reflects the absurdity of identity politics as it has been cultivated by the left, openly and unabashedly claiming that race & sex are nothing more than social constructs.
Trump is like a shocked awakening to an organism’s sickness, viz., realizing that something is wrong with it, that it is suffering from some kind of disease, but unable to identify the cause, its only impulse is to pull-back into itself so as to have the time to self-diagnose its situation.
Renegotiating trade deals and defence alliances was a start but there was no sign of any recognition of what the underlying problem was, and still is. Biden’s election and his return to America’s previous methods is evidence that American elites have no clue what is going on and why their power is in decline. Trump and his faction did not have a clue, either, but they, at least, realized that something was terribly wrong with the “state of the union” and only sought to give themselves time to analyze the situation. I doubt they’ll have a second chance, but if they do then I doubt they will successfully self-diagnose since they are also ill and their reasoning is corrupted by the same ailment.

Trump is becoming a cult-like figure – America’s gasp, the last great capitalist emperor before the long eastern dark swallowed it all up; the final individualist that will live in our memories as the American spirit personified: narcissistic, rich, unapologetic, egotistical…

“Cancel Culture” is Americanism’s culture-of-no-culture.

Basic tenants of Americanism, shaping its ideal cosmopolitan homo Americanus:
1] Open-Markets, Open-Borders – free flow of goods & services, i.e., Globalism.
Sacrifice of physicality, experienced as need/suffering, in an effort to attain immortality as an imagined state of eternal peace, viz., alluding to a fantastic state of liberation from need/suffering.
2] Individualism – ego-centered. Promoting and prescribing a future man entirely void of past, i.e., lacking a genetically inherited identity – nature; man as entirely nurtured, i.e., created from birth from a presumed blank state (tabula rasa) – socially determined; man as a resource, a product of ongoing socioeconomic supply/demand dynamics, entirely subjective, subjected to an inter-subjective socioeconomic environment, i.e., civilization with no dominant culture.
Individuals judged exclusively by their performances within this supply/demand market dynamic, viz., consuming/producing measured monetarily, via marketability, popularity, etc.
Ego defined as the lucid part of consciousness – referring to the ‘self’ in self-consciousness, i.e., consciousness of one’s own consciousness, identifying only with what is clearly intended by itself, rejecting, and denying unconscious automated physical reactions and/or impulses.
3] Messianism – ‘freedom’ replacing salvation myths, via a messianic icon/idol which has been abstracted into credit codes, e.g., money, implying a liberation from the past – inheritance; liberation from physical identifiers, i.e., natural identifiers, the physical, the body as past made present as presence; compensating for the loss of a past with the promise of an imminent techno-utopian future, replacing paradise and its allusion to a beyond space/time eternal bliss with futurism; a multifariously singular one-god replaced by the conception of a diversified one-humanity; god-creator of oneness replaced by universal order, manifesting an individuated creation of its singularity, as an extension of divine will; “will to power” redefined as universal fatalism determining an inevitable outcome, positively affirmed, i.e., faith in divine benevolence – individuals acting as divine agencies nullifying injustices, evil, bigotry, cruelty, hatred etc. progressing towards an inevitably divine perfection within which all injustices are justified and all suffering is validated.
America presents itself as an agency of salvation, via monetary relief from nature’s cruel viciousness – a pragmatic application of either/or binaries as its sacred codes, e.g., either all mankind will be saved from its past, from itself i.e., its own nature, or all mankind will be doomed to an eternity in an earthly hell, via extermination/extinction, i.e., Armageddon.
4] Futurism (akin of the Italian art movement) – focus of presence – the present – on an eternally imminent future, with no inhibiting past to limit all forms of idealized projection forward, and forever onward – eternal hope is maintained as a constant ‘yet to become’ which can never disappoint, projecting an eternally unblemished imminent present [see 2]; individuality reduced to a noetic singularity – entirely theoretical and abstract – with an ongoing presence – created socioeconomically, wilfully, intentionally – and an imminent future – positive projections of idealized state of being, but with no past to hinder mental projections. [See postmodernism]
A seductive idea if you keep in mind accumulating unfit mutations burdening the common man with failures he cannot fully understand – finding relief in accusations against an evil external agency, preventing the full realization of the promised ideal. [ MANifesto: Word Wars]
5] Pragmatism at the cost of reason and integrity. What works is true, what fails to produce a desired outcome is useless, ergo untrue. Hedonism is presented as a validating criterion for judging and choosing varied knowledge/understanding, i.e., subjective perspectives. Objective determining subjective validity, therefore controlling all acceptable objectives, e.g., ambitions, desires, wants etc., to be adopted and imitated by the mediocre masses – put into practice.
Americanism uses materialism – access to goods & services – as a measure of man’s highest objectives, ergo freedom, i.e., salvation, liberty, is validated by access to multiple varieties of goods & services; ‘pursuit of happiness,’ as a guiding objective determines an individual’s assessment of validity, e.g., if it does not add to the potential for attaining happiness – defined as comfort, safety, pleasure etc. – it is false and useless, if it does it is true and useful – criterion reduced to primal needs/desires: lowest-common-denominator. ‘Happiness’ is defined as the gratification of needs/desires that can only be evaluated through access to goods & services, ergo, more access, more goods and services available to an individual is a measure of its contentment, its pleasure options, and its happiness.
An idea contrary to Schopenhauer’s understanding of pleasure’s negative state; pleasure associated with a positive state of becoming, ephemerally liberated from the experience of existing, via distraction, satiation, and/or detachment.
Manipulating the pleasure principle herd psychology is exploited and placated in order to establish an artificial stare of harmonious coexistence.
6] More is best – perpetual economic growth used as a measure of success and happiness. [See 5]
In the either/or binary asceticism is defined is accordance with Abrahamic world-views – as an end in itself – rather than Hellenic (Ασκησις) balance, as a means to an end. ‘Less is more,’ becomes ‘more is better’ – i.e., gluttony, greed, promiscuity as a basic measure of happiness, i.e., quantity over quality – ‘progress’ becomes a perpetual movement towards greater quantities, even at the expense of lower qualities. Markets must be continuously growing, wealth increasing, goods and services multiplying, because this is the only way to practically measure truth and happiness.

America began as a beacon calling to it the world’s lost, those wanting to escape old world hierarchies, bad choices, and bad blood, and has now become a meme-world calling to it all those seeking a way out of existence – a revolution against reality; a nil-portal out of the universe and into a metaverse.

America was and still is an ongoing experiment. Its very existence was a product of mass escape; fleeing from old-world hierarchies, fleeing from an impoverished past and its limited probabilities, fleeing from one’s responsibilities, one’s own family, one’s own lands, fleeing towards the unknown, the new world full of exiting and unknown possibilities. The U.S. was founded on this hopeful inspiring escapism, a continual fleeing from what has been determined towards a boundless fate. This became its marketed name brand, liberty, viz., freedom from past, and the immutably determined; freedom from natural order itself.