Unions and co-ops are free market at its finest

I think unions are a poor remedy for a never ending social predicament.

:laughing: - ever tried that?

Ever notice how prounioneers think their own opinion is exactly the same as the union leader’s opinion?

Unions function by demanding unity through coercion, subterfuge, and fascism of their own members - "Do what we say to protect yourself from evil monsters – or suffer our wrath!"

It is like saying - “The CCP is merely playing the free market.” :confused:

Unions should be illegal, period.

I think unions would be fine if - and only if - they had to operate under a power dividing constitution (similar to the US Constitution). Otherwise they are just another socialist/communist mini-regime.

They’re mafias, first of all. The most textbook possible case of a racket.

There is a reason the actual mafia found it the perfect vehicle. Still today, wherever there is a union, there is an arm of the local organized crime. This isn’t even disputed.

Second of all, these are the things they accomplish:

  • Force the competitive workers to pull the weight of the useless bums,

  • Raise the cost of labour so that there is a pay ceiling, first, and a much reduced labour pool, second, severe inflation accross the economy, third. The third point is important, because the money extorted from the employers then doesn’t even go as far as lesser pay would without unions.

  • Retard progress by adding miles of red tape around any enterprise.

  • Reduce the overall quality of the work, with teachers being the best possible example.

Third of all, in a “free market,” if there were no laws one way or the other, employers have much more muscle and can just eliminate unions in a gang type war. Becase, left without legalized regulation, that is what unions do, and have always done. Gang war tactics. They would lose that war in every case without the state protecting them. So, for humanitarian reasons, best to skip the whole thing all together and make them illegal.

Of course, employers aren’t the only ones extorted and coerced. Normal ass people who just want to work and negociate with employers on their own terms, and work whenever the fuck they want under whatever terms they prefer, are coerced by these mafias.

Ask anybody that has ever worked in a unionized industry whether they ever had a say in any of the shit imposed on them. Or, for example, paying union fees.

Your point about why don’t disgruntled workers just start their own thing, their own company or coop or whatever stupid shit, is one which passing straight over the heads of dirty communists is proof that they are not only unable to use reason, but uninterested. Whenever they do, it either goes broke or cannot scale, or is just a normal succesful company like any other.

The reason operations by disgruntled workers tend to fail is that the disgruntled workers tend to be the useless pieces of shit. Competitive people tend to just do very well and get promoted and be company men all the way. They thrive under the sophisticated infrastructure that is provided to them. Except where unions exist and no real way exists for them to reap the benefits of being excellent.

Like yes, lol, an enterprise takes much more than people doing menial labour. Complictaed infrastructures are required.

If “capitalists” aren’t required and “workers” could fulfill that role just as well if not better, go ahead and do it lol. If you really can do it better, more efficiently and more competently, then you will become very rich. Welcome to the free markets.

What does this Gamer guy know about any of this? He read a book once.

His whole argument is a hypothetical mess that skips over huge swaths of reasoning. A perfect case of A then ? then B.

This is because it was not constructed from reason, from the reality of a situation and the actual elements of it, but from moralism.

Fuck unions.

Have you ever done an honest day’s work in your life?


I see the pro-dictatorship crowd hates unions…
The only reason they hate unions is Faux news told them
to hate unions… if Faux news changed policy and suddenly
love unions… these guys would LOVE unions to death…

And yes, I belong to a union and have for 15 years…
I am quite happy belonging to the union…


What lol the weed trafficker’s union?

Out of 10 active dictatorships in the world, 9 are unionist communist. Of course, you need to know what is happening in the actual world to know this, not read some college book.

Of course, unions are excellent vehicles for communist dictatorships. They already have all the infrastructure to send down orders and enforce policy. Unions are very good at quashing dissent.

Lol I hadn’t spent much time thinking on it, but imagine if drug dealers at the bottom of the chain did unionize?


If any further proof is needed that unions can only prosper with a government that protects them.

i think there may actually be a dispensary worker union in colorado. and all the starbucks stores have been unionizing. love it because they’re shitting on starbucks who has been shitting on coffee bean farmers and baristas for years and just funneling all the value to stockholders while making it harder for small businesses to succeed. i was briefly in an ironworker union and had a great time and got paid really well. had to wear a flame retardant suit and all this other safety equipment and stand knee deep in all this grease at the bottom of a pipe mill with all these red hot steel pipes rolling on these cooling racks over our heads. our job was to reinforce a collapsing wall that was holding up those racks with the hot pipes on it. real crazy shit. pay was good.

That’s my point dumbass. Unions can only work once the industry comes under the protective arms of government.

I could measure what you know about this with the length of a fart.

there’s no real iron work left in the US. some, but it’s mainly done in China and shit. Unions killed the industry.

weed union ftw lol


there is definitely a pipe mill in birmingham that makes seamless steel pipe and ships it all over the world and it’s like a pit of hell in there. i worked at that fucker. also power plants man, they require ironworkers for maintenace. so the ironworkers are pretty much constantly employed off just that even if there isn’t some economic boom of new construction. they’re definitely working

i was doing that shit in between semesters in college and man these guys would be welding while standing knee deep in this thick grease and my whole job was to just stand there with a fire extinguisher and put out little fires like when a piece of slag would fly off in the welding process and land in the grease that shit was fucking wild.

then i had to take a slam one day and so i went to this bathroom in the basement that had been there since what must have been the 1800s and there was a copy of a playboy from 1979 in there and on the inside cover of the back page was a pic of a shaved vag and written over the image was this story like “i am not afraid to show myself i will be seen like in the future vaginas will be shaved” and i just remember laughing and being like bro whoever wrote this in 1979 totally called it

You are a complete fucking moron with a big mouth. Everyone here knows it and so do you.

I’m happy to have a debate but you’re so idiotic you’re not even wrong. If you want to come to this board learn how to think and communicate. If not, get a fucking life.

You are a complete fucking moron with a big mouth. Everyone here knows it and so do you.

I’m happy to have a debate but you’re so idiotic you’re not even wrong. If you want to come to this board, learn how to think and communicate. If not, get a fucking life.

You’re welcome.

Be good brothers.