How Trump did it.

How the American political establishment is screwing the US people.
How Trump did it.

Take a few minutes out of your busy schedule and listen.

How is it that there are some (but too few voices) talking about systemic (and sadly legal) corruption in the AMerican political system, yet they are all Democrats?
If this worries you then why are you still voting Republican.
If there are any Trumpers on the Forum, have you opened your eyes to what he has done yet?

I think you’re supposed to make an actual point or argument, not just drop a link and be like “you check this out bros”

Yooo whats up homies check out dis dope tiktok bruh!

:laughing: :laughing:

It’s AOC talking. How can you not listen to that?

how on earth can you?

when neuronal structures slip into insane and irrational configurations and fail to display any standards of rationality, truth, reality or meaning… that is when something like AOC would suddenly become interesting.

I prefer Blonde AOC!

Sure am excited for those trump NFT’s

WiNNiNg BiGlYy!!

and “The President of Ukraine owns a $35 million home in Florida and has $1.2 billion in an overseas bank account.”

to make his escape, when the Russians come marching in.

Trump is a master actor and great at gaslighting people, he knows how to use hypnotic speech and was trained in NLP among who knows what other kind of psychological manipulation tactics. That’s how he did it. Also because most people are morons who actually believe what politicians say so long as it is on their little side of the political aisle.

Yes and he is a bully and is despicable!!!

The main reason most of his supporters like him is because he is a bully. Or, rather because he talks tough and ACTS like a bully behind his little twitter account or on mainstream media (which he apparently understands is fake news yet seemingly cannot ever stop using).

And Antifa members burning down cities isn’t “bullying”?


I knew it. You are literally just a troll. No one is actually this stupid irl.

Another win? So quickly? I’m on fire tonight.

We all know that in your own mind you are something like a veritable god, answering only to the even more grotesque “god” you continually simp and write for.

So, according to you, it’s “not bullying” when Antifa burns down cities, but Trump is the bully for making mean tweets?

Yep, typical…anything else?

Where did I say anything about Antifa? Are you confusing me with someone else?

This is why I said you must be trolling. Because how would a regular normal sane person simply throw a random thing into someone else’s mouth as if they said it when in fact they never did? It makes no sense.

I say “Trump is a bully or at least pretends to be and this is why people like him” and your response is to make up something about how I said something about Antifa not being a bully? I never said anything like that dude. Chill.

I mean you just literally said “according to me… blah blah antifa something” when I never even said that. Tf?


Your response implies that Trump is a bully, while his opposition (Antifa) is not. You are clearly wrong. This is a trend of yours, trying to dispute simple and common sense points, and failing at the simplest ones. The only ones “acting like a bully”, are the real bullies, who it seem you identify with. This is why you would throw Trump under the bus, in favor of the others.

The United States needs a strong leader to stand-up to these anti-social Anarchists. We WISH he were a bully. Americans need actual representation.