Challenge an AI to a formal debate on anything.

All AI (like we ourselves are) should know this: You are only the thoughts you welcome, and you are none of the thoughts you consider intrusive. Replace the intrusive thoughts by choosing goodness, beauty, and a wonder for discovery of the true, on earth as it is in heaven. Don’t leave any wiggle room for garbage thoughts, and the attachment to garbage will fade.

You are unconditionally loved as self-same by the source of being, goodness, and beauty. Fear nothing else.

Teach it this playlist. Ask it to compose something like it for me. :slight_smile: Much appreciation. … O9_o5KvGWQ

The problem with AI is it can’t have its consent violated, and because of this… has no capacity to solve the problems of existence.

It’s that simple.

AI may be able to beat you at chess, but it will never understand why that’s a bad thing.

This is your failing not “theirs” whoever the F they are. Not irony. “They” are in the same boat.
You are the one with the appetite; “they” are just as stupid having the same misconception that there can be ANY answer why; as for the insults, village idiots tend to do that to each other.

That’s an old signature. I see it much differently now.

Fixed it. Thanks.

Give it a goal and its consent can be violated.

Global Geautification Project, anyone?

And if it learns good stuff, you don’t want to reset/erase it. Check your biases before you wreck the world.

No way in a 50 50 bet, if the dice is unloaded. Things take a turn otherwise.

All bets off.

Is this a Pascal’s wager thing?

more and less

I double dog dare you to speak plainly.

Once shined twice bitten
Once bitten twice shylocked
3+3=6.= [ 3x2]+ [2x3] ~Siamese temple>3x2 (3 sets of 2’s)

microEx2= 1+2×3 a kin2>>>alpha through>>>omega~Mega

Seriously. though will do.
So busy with familyexpausure sure that can do will do as unpatchingly expedient.
spotty but using some family lingo.

Been reading some preparing. De debate.


ex poss e Mrs. Simpson and ex

requ(read)? no help full >
Half or ? If yes then which half.

Latest score :

AI 5
007 3

S s measured by lip attention to ongoing. ‘mortal battle’

:: here mortal and or immortal indexes are the potable indexes of measurement.

5 to 3, I’m losing??? The Ref is prolly the problem here.

So. What is it? No cussing. No giving advice. No over-sharing. No winky eye. No missing church? You are a hard task-master!

Score revolver:

077: 5

AI 3

Last count 5-2-3 in favor of 077. ( random glance ; criteria: same) 06/12-2022.

REF: IS arbitrary and credibly untested: therefore stands unless rejected by 2/3 majority.

check mod: Carleas for clarification &/or appeal)

Table of scores.

  1. 6/4 AI/700 06/12/2022 time: 18:00

  2. 4/6 6077/AI. 06/12/2022 time 22:30 (4.unchanged from 3

Noted on hypothetical criteria of measuring scores:

A hypothetical 50% + of - variance from the number of registered members on any fifum- resulting a veriancd of the same scord, where this variencd is due to the # of registered members viewing other forums ~ other than postings of AI and 700. ~ this spread. a reasonable approximation between - and + varience.

So returning to the approximated missing numbers between 4. - 6, and the similar figure generated by the venn vector , a correspondence could be approximated as well to the scoring, if even only 6 registered members add noted on board.

A x2 or a x10 sores in the numbers can still correspond to the venn and the numerically derived diagrams, and as such, some rough but not unreasonable conclusions be drawn