Messages in Bacteria

To make it maybe a little clearer: the Messenger in Messenger RiboNucleic Acid does not refer to the transportation of proteins, but to the transportation from the DNA molecule in the cell of the code used to generate proteins to the part of the cell where the proteins are generated. This also means that the MRNA in the vaccines does not have a messenger function, as their is no original DNA molecule it is copying the information from, but a coding function.

That also brings up a very interesting correlation: how little scientists actually understand DNA.

The way DNA “codes” phenotypes, that is, everything that occurs in your body, is by selectively generating proteins from amino acids. That is all DNA does, code for proteins. This then begins a chain reaction that eventually leads to, let’s say, “blue eyes.” Simply by the chemical interactions these proteins then undergo. As you can imagine, this process is so mind-bogglingly complicated and hard to trace, that scientists not only have not even began to be able to trace it, but do not even try. The way DNA code is “broken” is by isolating a phenotype, let’s say “blue eyes,” and then finding the corresponding code in DNA that ocurrs whenever blue eyes occur, and does not occur when blue eyes do not occur. They guess. By guessing they have generated a fairly impressive map of genes, but it is a popular myth that scientists understand how DNA code expression works.

Maybe that is one reason these MRNA vaccines, which feel a little like using an atomic bomb to take out a mole in a frenchman’s garden, or using the CIA to discover what your child looks at on the computer, are being implemented is as a sort of experimental way to slowly begin to understand DNA expression.

What these MRNA molecules in the vaccine do is code for the Wuhan cold, so that your own body then produces it in controlled amounts and builds immunity against it. As you can imagine, coding for the creation of a virus is far less complicated, and the chain of generated proteins leading to an entire organism, or whole phenotypes, far easier to trace.

Personally, that is the reason I think this was done. The situation was exploited to implement mass scale experimentation to better understand DNA expression, its actual dynamics rather than just correlating code to phenotypes.

It goes without saying that Wendy Darling is right, and aside from coding for this virus it could code for anything else the developpers chose, including simple coded messages and jokes. Maybe the message is “the bearer of this RNA molecule is gay and I had sex with his mother.”

So the vaccine does have the potential - and probability - of altering the human DNA. So of course that will be what it is used for (if not already being used on your children).

Apparently the Chinese have been altering the DNA of their solders in the effort to make the “winter-solders” - “super-solders”.

Leave it to communists to hold to no limit.

Perhaps that is what the “message” reads. :smiley:

Yes, RNA is genetic material. If you think about it, trees use it in lieu of DNA, that is, RNA does get transmitted from generation to generation like DNA does. There is no reason that RNA added to the cells of your body wouldn’t be carried in the sperm cells, along with the DNA molecules, and transmitted to the offspring.

This was obvious to me from the beginning, another thing this entire episode is impressing on me is just how ignorant even scientists in other fields are of how genetics work. These are the genetic dynamics that are simple to understand.

RNA does not even have to alter DNA. It itself constitutes genome, genetic material.

Don’t fool yourself. What these vaccines are injecting into your body are genes.

The problem with DNA alterations is that it redefines your family for all future generations - redesigning humanity - to fit what someone else likes.

James mentioned this kind of thing years ago - “retroviruses designed to alter DNA and humanity”.

Apparently vaccines are more efficient - demanding that ALL children and even those already immune - take our injection - immediately - or else. And in many places the elderly being the lowest priority.

Not the slightest effort was made to specifically insulate the actual people at risk.

One can see where the temptation in some cases would be hard to resist, like to cure something like muscular dystrophy. But to cure what is essentially a common cold?

You really need to rearrange a person’s entire genome so they don’t get a cold?

It’s a little like getting an entire intestinal transplant to cure lactose intolerance.

Or, like they did in the days when neurosurgeons wanted to better understand the functioning of the brain, a lobotomy to cure a mood disorder.

I guess since it’s very small and fits into an injection, like a mineral shot, it must not be invasive at all.

You get your vitamins shot, you get your genes upgrade shot.

And your cast shot - erudite - peasant - laborer - ruler -whatever classes they have in mind.

You actually believe that any vaccines are actually upgrading genes rather than degrading genetics so as to cause sterilization in future generations? Or degradation along the lines of enacting a soft diseased ill genocide of peoples who “they” profit from as their vaccinated slowly die after purchasing all sorts of medical treatments from the “theys.” Um, too tired to word that more intelligently.

The US CDC has concluded that young men are getting an extremely high rate of heart problems and death associated with taking the vaccine. Many countries are now banning the vaccines from young people.

In the mean time - O’Biden is still insisting that children take the vaccine - “They are safe. They are safe.” And US universities are still requiring that ALL students take the vaccine regardless of any objection - regardless of already being immune.

Israel and Germany have already discovered it is better to keep children away from it.

this topic


If you look at dystopian science fiction, the hero often has a kind of strange affirmativism, a love of the world. Because he understands it, understands what’s going on in it, and this gives him pleasure. This then confuses the writer and inveitably they introduce some young idiot without the capacity for very advanced thought that represents “innocence” or whatever and gets the hero to self-immolate.

Best example?

Probably Cowboy Bebop, or its western counterpart Firefly. But even the movie they made for Cowboy Bebop eventually falls for the thing, and incidentally the movie for Firefly also.

There are many others though, and they aren’t all closet film noirs or westerns. OK no they’re all film noirs.

The point is: knowledge is the greatest pleasure available to man.

The risks of DNA vaccines for human use are fairly limited, especially given their relatively low cost of manufacture and their effectiveness in inducing immune responses via the activation of TLRs and through TLR-independent mechanisms. The majority of research in the field is performed using DNA vaccines that encode viral proteins, with the exception of a few studies using proteins derived from tumour associated antigens (TAAs).

The development of tumour antigens (TAs) has become an attractive avenue in the development of cancer vaccines. Many tumour antigens are targets of the innate immune system, and they can be delivered via DNA vaccines to drive potent immune responses in the context of immunotherapy.

While this is not currently a possibility with RNA vaccines being used in the pandemic, which transfect synthetic RNA to the immune-cells and translate it within the cytoplasmic matrix, (such that there is no reason for the synthetic RNA to enter the nucleus) there are nonetheless a few reasons for concern, chief of which is the risk implied here: genomic integration with the host DNA, should the vaccine enter the cell nucleus.

If the synthetic DNA enters the cell nucleus, or if it enters in a non-integrating vector, then there are potential safety concerns associated with the risk of genomic instability caused by the integration of foreign DNA through vaccine or by the vector which, given how little we understand the human genome, can have unforeseen interactions with other unrelated genes.

Although the risk of genomic instability caused by an RNA vaccine (as opposed to a DNA vaccine) is low, it remains a consideration that should be taken into account, particularly given the fact that cancer is such a common disease. Indeed, as outlined by De Palma et al. in a recent review, several experimental DNA and RNA vaccines, including some intended for eventual human use, were derived from adenoviral vectors, which carry the potential for insertional mutagenesis, as well as the potential to generate new genes as a consequence of integration into the host cell genome.


My first post on ILP.

The best way to find out might be to read the papers in which scientists mention doing this. They will probably say right there why they are doing it.

Without having read the papers myself, I can only speculate.

Sculpter already provided a good possibility, to label some particular dna. Perhaps the researchers want to see what happens to it and where it ends up in a colony of bacteria. That might conceivably be a way of investigating horizontal gene transfer or something like that.

Another thing that is happening as we speak is that scientists have recognized the information processing activities on the molecular biological level and have tried to construct ‘computers’ that operate using molecular biology rather than electronics.

And there’s the whole synthetic biology thing, something that’s generating lots of interest in microbiology. This is basically the creation of designer genomes.

One of the more interesting things happening in synthetic biology is creation of bacteria with minimum genomes. The question there is what is the minimum number of genes necessary in a reproducing cell, and what are those genes?

Science has its uses.

If only science remained science, for the betterment of all.

Not to come across as too prejudicial, science may begin with good intentions but it seems to end disastrously(Covid/Swine Flu/Bird Flu/AIDS, weapons of mass destruction, used for political/financial gain, resource depletion, environmental incidents, etc.) or secretly(cures never released, weapons on hold, actual exploration kept secret). I’d mention more examples of disastrously and secretly, if I didn’t need to clean my kitchen.