The Information of Meaning

Why do you hate cigars so much?

That’s surprising.

Answer every question w/o me asking it.

Why if you alreadynknow the question that is known as the answer to another question that is not contrary but fallacious to a non related answered question earlier with no possible solution?

Give it up as I have not and never will abandon the answer.

If curious, then try to pretend to know, me no. I never ever and never been dislodged for apparent wrong doing not committed and while avoiding slips of profane tongue as the gates of he’ll may not ever may or have opened it’s fiery entrails to consume

So rest assured my name as is implied by it’s signature.

Why did you sign Anubis?

“I think we must fully face the fact that when Christianity does not make a man v. much better, it makes him v. much worse. It is, paradoxically, dangerous to draw nearer to God. Doesn’t one find in one’s own experience that every advance (if one ever has advances) in the spiritual life opens to one the possibility of blacker sins as well as brighter virtues? Conversion may make of one who was, if no better, no worse than an animal, something like a devil. Satan was an angel.”

– W. Lewis, ed., Letters of C. S. Lewis (1966), p. 301

It’s a long story, one that has many implications. The simplest one is the best a here, and it has to do with my upcoming dental surgery, at USC school of dentistry.
And it goes like this:

He is 22 finished BS and is already in his final year in residency , talker, Egyptian and already taking of getting the other degree in dental surgery. Then, talking with You, about God and it’s phonetic inversion, found out about Egyptian magic and the ancient worship of dogs.

That’s a prelude to follow up on some thoughts he has on Egypt ology, and how when very little me no bereft of parents a big sheepdog komondor guarded lovingly over me.

This is the obvious. The less obvious is detailed and much more involved maybe time allowing will enable to figure those out, more in line with ILP objectives.

Now you’re speaking my language. Vaguely.

Part of me wants to say there is dust in ash.

The other part of me feels like you just spun me around again and wants to call you a jackass.

Forget that part.

They worshiped cats. You’re always spying aren’t you? That’s creepy. Unless you’re a sheep dog. In which case I don’t really care. Actually, I really don’t care either way. I feel sorry for you, actually.


Don’t you have anything better to do with your life? lol Seriously.

Terrible. Good terrible?? Fear & trembling terrible?

Way to write it in crayon.


I can only allude momentarily to a previous allusion
That don’t look to go too close to God for the other(s) may get hurt.

That is in and out of the electromagnetic irony of how it works.

That is a core argument where getting too close changes apparently the negativity of the core if opposites attract .

It creates a dynamic effect; turning it like the wheel to regulate the appropriate distance to the coure.

Alternative relatively the core does not revolve but the others going around it do, as did ancient Ptolemy.

With sincere effort Prometheus need not have burnt up, but the fatality was fore seen and the invention premature.

Since it had to be in an effort to enlighten the surrounding darkness, that message from a willingly sacrificial lamb , reassured the being of the cosmic reappearance

Simulation > coincidence < fear & trembling

Dealing with the coincidentally relevant after the fact.


Kukur tihar worshipped dog of nepal

77, hate to seek imprimatur at this point but shall print a menu of bow wow of litany regarding man’'s best friend:

“According to some old beliefs, black dogs are also said to be the reincarnation of the fearsome god, Bhairava. … This dog was Yama who took this form to test the truthfulness of the eldest Pandava, Yudhistir. Yama, the Hindu god of death has four dogs with four eyes guarding his abode.”

"Saint Guinefort was a 13th-century French dog that received local veneration as a folk saint after miracles were reported at his grave. "

And manthy too numerous to mention.


I read your whole OP.
Good philosophers tend to feel refreshing and clear.

During that semester I was mixing science and philosophy in some of my written stuff. I was starting to think that was weird about myself until I found some old papers on similar topics, and I was doing the same stuff back then. It hit me …dude, I’ve been weird for a really long time. I’m really glad he helped me find that part of myself again. Weird is good.

