impeachment or why I waited until now....

as has been noted by, well just about everyone in the news,
the house has begun a impeachment “inquiry”…

As I have noted before, I have been in favor of this since about 12 minutes
into Herr Trumpfs administration…

I haven’t posted about this for the simple reason that the news
has been ever changing… I can’t even keep up with it…

at this point, the “inquiry” has pulled in Barr, Pence and Rudy Giuliani…
with more to certainly come……

Barr is now actively involved in breaking the law by not allowing
Justice officials to be interviewed by the house intelligence committee…

and what exactly else is on that now famous top secret server which
is exactly what IQ45 accused Hilary of doing… hiding things from the
government… recall the calls to find the “e-mails” which were on a
top secret server or so the village idiot claimed…

IQ45 and his supporters are now actively lying to congress and the American
people in some vain attempt to escape responsibility for actions taken
which are clearly in violation of the constitution…

IQ45 can and must be impeached even if a crime hasn’t been committed
because the constitution is quite clear about the fact that the president c
cannot use his influence as president to influence the 2020 election…

now the prime minister of Australia has said the IQ45 pressed him into investigating
the origins of Mueller investigations… this goes with the current and proven claim
of pressing the head of the Ukraine to investigate the son of a political opponent
for the express purpose of influencing the 2020 election which is in direct violation of
United States constitution…

then IQ45 has also committee witness tampering by calling for the punishment
of the Whistleblower by old school punishment in the past, I.E… executed…

that is witness tampering and is punishable by any jury in America…

but again for the purpose of impeachment, no actual crime has to
be committed (although several has been committed already)

the basic idea that a quid pro quo has to be committed for their to
be a crime is simply untrue…all that has to happen is that IQ45 has
to demand the investigation of Biden’s son and the open secret is
the military money that IQ45 was withholding that was being used
to “influence” the Ukrainian PM…

that alone is enough of a violation of the constitution to invoke
the impeachment “inquiry”…if no other action were to come to light,
the use of official government money used to influence a foreign
government to act on the next election is impeachable…

it is high crimes… and far more serious then anything Clinton or
and this is important, more serious then anything Nixon did…
which did warrant impeachment…

of course, the GOP is all about party over country and so the chances
of the senate acting is slim to none and slim left town…

but it doesn’t matter… for if IQ45 isn’t at least impeached, then
we have absolutely no rules or laws which can impact a president…
the president becomes above the law which is the very act that
the constitution wanted to avoid…if we don’t hold IQ45 accountable for
his actions, then we can’t hold any congressmen or president accountable
for actions committed……. the bar must be set to a point where we must
be able to hold politicians accountable for their actions, regardless if they
are local, state or federal officials…


There is a lot of ‘damn if he is impeached and damped if not’

Majority body politics wants to go with it as soon as possible, but there is caution in the wind. There are even those who say Trump wants it, because like a cat he wants to play hyperbole, whete yeah, he knows for certain that the Senate won’t convict him.
With that he still has until the election to offer carrots, that some can’t refuse, and it might distill to yeah! the hate mincing media is at fault.
Some come 2020 and a whole lot faithful will swallow that line!

Pelosi is smarter than that, and she wants the sails to keep going on political windfall. Let the weather change and the electorate may well forget all but renewed calls based on anti media hype.

Don’t know but this whole matter, as weird it is becoming , is garnering a lit more then an ultimate fixed, yes fixed election.

The Republicans know something that the oh luv is not aware, nor the Dems,
and I predict a huge revelation in the coming .months, withstanding allegations and their negative effects.

Its either will become dirtier, in any case, and the question of which route will cause public opinion to finally decisively turn any which way, is the big question.

The hope that Dems see as definitive, is, that even if Republicans stick by their man to a crucial point where they would abandon Trump, Trump would at that point unravel.

But all this contingency is analyzed almost daily, and the soon approaching election will indeed be a page turner.

Trump is only interested to two things.

1.) Enacting laws that increase his own wealth.

2.) staying out of prison so he can enjoy that wealth

Duties of a reputable president ??? pfft trump doesn’t give a fuck