Civil War has Started


Trump has proved one thing beyond-all-doubt. The Main Stream Media, is the Enemy of the People, as they ignore the reality on the ground across the nation:


Countless acts of unprovoked violence has occurred across the country. The media constantly spikes these stories, hides them, censors them, removes them, limits on them on Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Youtube, etc etc. Violence is only one-direction. If it’s Left-instigated against Right then your criminal charges will be dropped, and news spiked. GoFundMe’s will be removed. But if there is any self-defense, or God Forbid, retaliation of Right-instigated against Left, then criminal charges are fully-enforced, news blasted nationwide for days straight. GoFundMe for Antifa is allowed by all outlets.

This is fucking insane, enough is enough. However, I realize even this forum is dominated by the Liberal-Left, Marxists, Communists, and their DNC supporters (Carleas).

Because of this One-sided conversation, everybody can see where all this momentum is moving. There is no stopping it. Because there is no discourse, nor has there been for years now. The conversations are over.

Even today, we have lamb biguous laughing at cold-blooded murder in the streets, as most Liberal-Left are clapping for this violence, applauding the murder of “Trumpers” (call anybody you dislike a “Trumper” and they’re killable?!?!), and ramping up the rhetoric harder.


“Peaceful Protests” MSM has been spewing this shit for months now:


Are they over-estimating how stupid Americans are? Are they under-estimating how people will fight to preserve freedom, liberty, and the constitution?

Media silence


Silence on this “philosophy” forum too.

What’s up with that, huh?

I thought we had a First Amendment Freedom to Speech?


the very assumption that there is a civil war assumes that
the right wing conservative actually has any courage…

we know, the many right wing chicken hawks who
who embrace the violence of war and yet, none of them
had the courage of their convictions and fought…

we have many examples of chicken Hawks… from Raygun, to
bush Jr, to IQ45… as a small set of examples…the old school
GOP types did in fact fight, from Bush sr. to bob dole, and quite
a few demo’s fought… from McGovern to Kerry to JFK also fought
in wars…

but today, today, chicken Hawks like URwrong run from any such military
service… and before you ask, because of my hearing loss, I was unable to serve…
I was born 4F…

but the chicken hawks fan the winds of war and violence because they can hide
from its actual content of violence… when the shooting starts, people like
URwrong will be hiding in his basement…the civil war isn’t going to happen
because the right wing is full of gutless cowards… blow hards, all of them…









your need for video’s tells me you are an empty vessel, with no need for
thought… you have the vid’s do your thinking for you…

very, very lazy…


I posted a response but it strangely isn’t here…

PK, you are forced to see the product of your destruction with your own eyes. You blind yourself. Just watch the video and see what your broken mind is manifesting.

this fellow is a gentleman and a scholar

All that just because the guy isnt satisfied with the wage he makes changing oil at jiffy lube.

Isnt it crazy how these assholes are completely backward? They attack the very thing that’s trying to help them.

Are you implying the DNC is trying to help anybody but themselves?

And now a few words from karen, chairman of the BLDM movement.

Karen if you’ll please

It’s not about black lives though.

If it were then you would see compassion for black Republicans or Conservatives.

