Sympathy for trump.

Trump is deregulating like crazy.
Trump welcomes monopolies.
Trump is making massive tax loopholes even more massive.

I know why he’s doing this. There are 2 reasons…

1.) He likes the high life. He’s just trying to save his own ass. He’s in debt to some very dark shit and he’s scared

2.) the United States is being blackmailed by the ultra rich to leave the country to another country is Trump doesn’t do exactly what they tell him to do or say.

That doesn’t make Trump a good person though. He should just say outright the predicament that he’s in.

My plan of wage caps doesn’t work unless every country on earth adopts it simultaneously. People will just move to another country. This is the blackmail.

My wage cap plan is perfect. It actually makes for a better economy all around, but psychopaths don’t care about things like that. It’d make the US economy the most competitive on planet earth because it forces more people to have better communication for better outcomes in order to accomplish anything. (Democratic economy)

Psychopaths don’t care about better. They care about being emperors. No matter how shitty, they’ll at least still be a modern day emperor.

I have observed that it takes quite a long time for someone who has been as gaslighted as you to ever wake up to the contrary facts against their misguided beliefs (an ego thing I guess) so I don’t expect you to ever agree any time soon how absolutely backwards you have the real story. Other than your first statement your post is complete rubbish.

Fact 1
You are right that Mr Trump has been “deregulating like crazy” because it is regulations that prevent small businesses from competing - an anti-monopoly agenda.

Fact 2
Mr Trump has held an anti-monopoly campaign against the American media; MSNBC, CNN, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and others who have formed a Marxist cabal (a monopoly). Mr Trump stood alone against the monopoly known as “Big Pharma” who has been charging the captured US citizenry 10 times more for common pharmaceuticals than other countries (his Favored Nations EO). Big Pharma has since launch $100’s of millions into campaigning against Mr Trump.

Fact 3
“He’s just trying to save his own ass. He’s in debt to some very dark shit and he’s scared” How ridiculous.

  • He had no need to give up his extreme success in order to fight against the Washington swamp and save the US from communist infiltration.
  • He had no need to donate his $400,000 salary to the US treasury and other underfunded humanitarian causes.
  • He had no need to give $13 billion to American farmers that he took back from China.
  • He had no personal need to take on China, the greatest single threat to the world.
  • He had no need to oppose the US industrial war complex by getting out of Middle Eastern wars.
  • The list goes on and on.

No US President has ever given so much to his country while receiving so little in return except hateful vitriol. Wasn’t it Socrates who said that “everyone hates the man who speaks truth”?

He has been nominated for 3 Noble Peace prizes by foreign countries who are neither particularly friendly to the US nor directly benefiting from him.

The man is anything but “scared”.

The rest of your post is equally as assbackward and actually quite accurately describes his Marxist opponents called the “Democrat” party who have been proven to be as criminal as they can be.

Perhaps 20-30 years from now, you might, late at night, realize how deeply they all had fooled you. I wouldn’t hold my breath for it.

Remember, they always accuse their opponent of their own misdeeds (Hillary Clinton collusion with the Russians - pure hypocrisy). Pay little attention to what they say (either side). Look very closely at what you can verify that they actually do - look at the actual facts, not the headlines and accusations.

Ok, so how do you get the ‘actual facts’ if not from fake news.

Let me guess… Qanon, Alex Jones, Fox News, Breibart?

Sure… the US is almost 100% a propaganda state, everyone who knows this is unsettled by it. Donald plays this like a fiddle to people who still think the US hasn’t been taken over decades ago.

Deregulation has cost small business WAY more than monopolies.

He hasn’t done shit about big pharma. Almost all ad revenue on tv is made by illegal ads from big pharma. You know how tv can’t do tobacco ads anymore, that’s not nearly as fucked up as big pharma. He could at least offer a bill to make it illegal.

I do a much harder job in my life than trump could even imagine right now and I do it every second of every day.

You are aware that the “intellectual” rise of the Republicans is a propaganda campaign. Who owns Fox? Murdoch. What’s he up to? Profit. What do the elites want most? To make democracy look evil.

Let’s think about this for a moment.

What’s worse? A slight ego hit for being seen as an evil liberal or evil conservative or more money for these people.

You’re being played.

All those fucks just laugh at you when you post what you just posted…

Poor little trump, getting bailed out of billions of dollars in debt just to what? Look bad in front of 100’s of millions of people in a country where our votes haven’t been counted in 30 years?!?!

Oh, poor, poor trump.

I know you think I’m stupid… you really just don’t get it yet.

Here , what becomes an optical , rather than a substantive play. The background, the context, within which to view the issues in the fore. The context within which Trump finds himself does not regard the focus of the Republican Party, appearing to present him as a primary messenger of. his policies.

His lack of mandate initially , gave him a blank check to orchestrate his evolving policies , irrispective of appearent congressional checks.

Therefore, if it is as spinned. that a Republican policy play ,appears to show, rather then those using a purported and verified ploy to signify Trump’s intelligent decisions as significant- is of an unavoidable consequence.

Watch the actual videos of the complete events - not what someone said that someone did nor the short clips intended to cut out exculpatory counter evidence. Expect everyone to be lying so look very very closely at the actual evidence that you can find.

In the long run today, you would find that the anti-Trumpers have been lying at least 20 times more than the pro-Trumpers. At some point you begin to not even bother listening to what the anti-Trump media cabal say but instead just look for the little bit of actual evidence you can see for yourself.

The Russian collusion hoax is a dead giveaway against the Marxist anti-Trumpers. Not only was it eventually proven to be a setup after long investigations by his opponents and costing millions to the US citizens, but worse, found to have been instigated by Russian collusion from the Democrat (Marxist) party. You don’t hear any of that part from the MSNBC/CNN media cabal.

A great deal of more balanced perspective is seen from media outside the US. Sky News is an example from Australia. There is corrupt news outlets everywhere. But also there are those showing the actual facts for you to see for yourself.

If you want one side to be right, as you obviously do, you will avoid the truth, as you obviously do.

I think that you are the fella that said that 1=2 is not a contradiction.

So you prefer to simply try to guess at who is being more tricky and good or evil?

Are you bothering to research and weigh the actual facts despite any trickery (as Science would do)?

Obviously not. You have not presented any at all.

And there we go. You are either deceitful or missing something upstairs.

I stated that 1+1=2 is a visual contradiction but not a conceptual contradiction.

I put it so simply in that thread.

I mean, I made it stupid simple, like, kindergarten simple.

What does that speak to the rest of your grasp of reality ??

That the liberals and conservatives are playing a shell game with you, and you can’t even see it. We’ve been at the level of a global cabal for decades now. Your still inside it.

There are two kinds of people who simply cannot see reality - those who are blind and those who are afraid to open their eyes

Ok, let’s do this!

Trump had complete congressional control of the US…

The guy could have rammed a fucking bill that said we must all eat dirty diapers every September 22nd and it would have passed if it was on his parties agenda…

Yet here he is complaining that the liberals block everything? The wall? Easy sheeszee…

Why do you think none of that shit was passed?

Simple. More drama to keep the illusion of the drama of party struggle, and to paint Trump as the “outsider”

He’s not a fucking outsider man. He’s on the same fucking script.

Shall we continue with facts?

Ec wrote

Yes, EC present your facts and the evidence that proves them. Present evidence how deregulation doesn’t help small businesses compete and only helps monopolies stay monopolies. Obsrvr presented the fact that Trump deregulated to help small businesses as spoken by Trump earlier in his presidency as his motive for deregulation, to cut the red tape so progress can be made. Present evidence beyond empty circular assertions. Have you ever presented evidence, ever?

What trump says and what’s actually true are always apart from each other. Deregulation means more pollution, defending big pharma… basically any Poison that cuts costs is regulation. He doesn’t give a fuck. Where exactly is trumps executive order to bust monopolies? How detailed is it? Nothing.

What about this less abstract fact: … 3#p2776933

That is only one of your assertions that is entirely false.

Do you and meno_ both believe that the USA and the world should be communist?

That is all it is really about. China and Israel have you focused on Trump, Racism, and Climate Change - George Floyd was abused - "Burn down the country and ban all police. Ban all police so that we can burn the country. " Why get everyone focused on hating everyone else? So China and/or Israel can take over to instill Marxist communism.

You both seem to be all wrapped up in and focused on the latest thing to hate (blinding you from reality) so that you will ignore the real threat - unless you actually favor global communism. Do you?

She asked for actual evidence not more blind assertions.

So you have no evidence to support your claim? Noted.

In regards to what you linked to above. Wiki explains…

Regulations cover many things, not only the environment. What does over-regulation do to support economic growth or help the people? Why do the regulators get to choose the companies (probably ones who are giving them kickbacks)? The way it’s set up now it’s a money game that big companies can bribe their way into.

I look at it this way, fuck regulation when we already have a litigious country, sue the companies who you can prove poison the environment or people so that their quality of life declines or their life ends. Some FDA regulations regarding basic food and drug safety shouldn’t be touched when we already know what kills or cripples, but I don’t think Trump is interfering with those that protect us from poisonous foods or drugs.

Dude, I’m taking it on good faith that you’ve actually read that trump defunded the NIH, the CDC and the EPA drastically. (Deregulation)! You may not be a good faith poster.

This Marxism stuff is absurd. My philosophy is wage cap capitalism.

You fucks can kill or torture me all you want because I know this shit. They have a saying in hell, “revenge is sweetest on the other side”.

Of course none of you have been to hell, so you don’t know what you’re talking about… including Wendy who states she’s in Hades.

There are people seeking to assassinate me (again) because of what I argue. Well just let the chips fall where they may.

I’ve met many trump supporters who can’t handle that presidents spanning over 30 years have been selected and not elected. It hurts their brains too much. Deal with the real world.

Ok Wendy, look at the money then. Who was or was not funded or defunded.

You are not presenting proof EC. Do you ever produce anything concrete like videos, executive actions written by Trump, claims from small businesses what regulations used to help them that Trump took away, anything other than your own non-factual without evidence take on things?

Do you favor global (or US) communism? Yes or no?

If “no” then it is very very obvious that you haven’t the slightest clue as to what is happening in the global scene. If you did, you would know that Mr Trump is the ONLY thing standing between global communism and any sense of freedom.

Your beliefs about how the world and the US function are ridiculously unfounded. That’s why you have been asked to provide or at least to look at the ACTUAL evidence not your speculations.

Yes that does seem an apt description of what you know.

Wendy, I don’t need to fucking re-dig for hours to state basic truths. There’s a long game here. For example:

Frackers are going to be able to buy up any small chain that they can as part of their portfolio. It’s a fact. Up and comers get bought out sometimes for twice their assets by big money. That’s the new economic landscape… the very thing conservatives have been masturbating to for decades. With trump? Now it’s a reality. He’s the part of the culmination of the desire to end democracy on earth, but it doesn’t work if learned helplessness is not in sync with transparency. Donald Trump doesn’t give a fuck about either of us Wendy. The sad part is, you swallow the whole pile of bullshit and I don’t. Maybe some of it, but not the whole fucking pile!

Again, no factual evidence.

Dude. Really? These facts are common knowledge for good faith interlocutors. Yes, I can find what trump defunded… and the fracking analogy is common sense.