
Chris: “Somebody once wrote: ‘Hell is the impossibility of reason.’ That’s what this place feels like. Hell.”

And, for those who loathe – loathe – Trump, Hell is basically smack dab in the middle of where we are now.

There is no possibility even for “moderation, negotiation and compromise” with someone who makes up his own facts. The facts may be fake but for millions of “value voter” pinheads nothing matters more than their belief that Trump really does mean it when he aims to take America back to at least the postmodern rendition of the 1950s.

Or that’s the argument from some.

On the other hand, others note that he does in fact expose the America that exists behind the curtains. The Mr. Smith Goes To Washington without the happy liberal ending. It’s all about naked power in the end. The Republicans just make that really, really clear this time.

Show me the money. End of story.

Again another who provides no factual evidence, merely more hateful opinions upon opinions upon opinions.

I can guess that you too haven’t a clue concerning global events.

Do you favor global communism or not? Have you ever even thought about it? Or are you one of the very many gaslighted into hating something? The whole political war is only about global communism versus the US Constitution. Yet here you are all focused on hating the only thing standing between global communism and any sense of freedom.

It’s like someone complaining about Winston Churchill in the middle of WW2.

Of course you’re only paraphrasing James S. Saint, right?

But, sure, pick a “global event” that comes straight out of Trumpworld, and note for us what “having a clue” entails.

My guess: As with James, it revolves only around your own impregnable intellectual assumptions about the “human condition”.

Though, sure, I could have you all wrong. By, for example, not entirely agreeing with you. :sunglasses:

What does any of that have to do with James?

And what does any of that have to do with actual global events - China’s attacking India, China’s trade embargo on Australia, China’s infiltration into US universities, China’s use of COVID, and so on?

Well, let’s just say that, from my point of view, a lot. Like James, you either subsume all of your moral and political value judgments in the philosophical/intellectual/spiritual equivalent of a “theory of everything” or you don’t.

Do you?

Either way, choose a component of Trumpworld – science and disease, global warming, race, sexism, law and order, crony capitalism, evangelism etc. – and note the extent to which your arguments are viewed by you as those that all rational and virtuous men and women are obligated to emulate or, like me, are derived more from the manner in which I see them as the embodiment of dasein, conflicting goods and political economy.

Okay, then note how any of these events are or are not linked to the manner in which I noted the conflicting arguments of those in the OP in regard to their opposition to Trumpworld.

How, using the tools of philosophy, would we go about establishing definitively whether Trumpworld is or is not not the mere mortal equivalent of Hell.

So you are just obsessed with Trump? What do they call that - Trump Derangement Syndrome?

I think that you (and all those like you) should raise your gaze a little, ignore the trees for a moment and see the forest burning in the distance.

Note to others:

What on earth does this have to do with the points I raised above?

So, what do you think: Another one bites the dust? :laughing:

Choose your side or accept your irrelevance.

You had your chance to sustain an actual substantive exchange. You fucked it up.

You know, if I do say so myself.

Now, go play with the other Kids. We’re done.

Anyone else?

What is it about me that reduces some members here down to, well, this? :laughing:

I think I know but I might be wrong.