pay per view event liberals are hoping for

IQ45 is thinking about staying in the White house after Jan.20…
and everyone on the liberal websites are hoping that is true…
so we can watch IQ45 get perp walked out of the white house in cuffs…

make it a pay per view event and you could wipe out the national debt with
all the people watching with their popcorn…in fact, I am going to ask
for that day off in hopes of getting this outstanding event on tv…

for at noon, EST Biden becomes president… and IQ45 gets several
notices from the state of NY and the city of NY and with any luck,
he gets arrested that day… and possibly another perp walk in cuffs…

alas, IQ45 is a gutless coward and will be in hiding somewhere,
maybe in Putin’s basement in Moscow? Putin can have that idiot
if it means we don’t have to deal with him ever again…

perhaps he could go to another country, I hear Saudi Arabia is nice
this time of year…

I would help him pack if it meant he was going to another country…

a guy can dream… can’t he?


Are you now under the delusion that if push-comes-to-shove, and there is a physical takeover, that the US Military would be on your side?!?

I can understand your mistake here, that you actually believe the US Military would fight for Communism, instead of America?

Another take on it from NPR: … egal-peril

[b]For four years, Trump has benefited from the de facto immunity from prosecution that all presidents enjoy while in office. But that cloak will pass to Joe Biden when he’s sworn in on Jan. 20, leaving Trump out in the legal cold.

“Clearly, the president enjoyed immunity when he was in office,” said Danya Perry, a former state and federal prosecutor in New York. “And it’s possible, as a matter of law, that he could be indicted on Jan. 21.”

There’s no indication that an indictment is imminent, and it’s possible that Trump could emerge entirely unscathed. But there’s also no doubt that once he’s out of office, he’ll be facing a higher level of legal jeopardy than he has in years.[/b]

Still, my cynical gut tells me that the crony capitalist Biden and the crony capitalist Democratic Party leadership in Congress and the crony capitalist MSM will play the “let’s heal the nation” card instead.

As for the legal guys, I’m no less cynical about them either. There’s what is reported and there’s what unfolds behind the curtain.

Depending of course on just how quietly Trump does bow out.

Urwrong you might wanna take a look at this:

“Of course, hard-boiled right-wingers will vehemently resist such moves, but even they will be swept aside by the tens of millions on the streets. In such circumstances, as we have seen many times, even the armed forces and the police will join in the revolt. The expropriation of all productive wealth by the working class will be swift, so swift that the aforementioned right-wingers won’t be able to regain the initiative (as they have done many times in other revolutions, which is, again, part of the reason why so many of them failed).” … chtenstein

Now you gotta watch out man because if some shit pops off in January and the fuckin army is called in, bout sebmmty er eighty percent of folks is probably gonna side with the resistance.

Imagine waves of bisexual transgender atheist gender pronoun neutral electric car drivin no gun owning vegan feminists filling the streets. The moment the army shoots on em, that wave will multiply in size and consume the whole city. Naw bruh y’ont want nuthin to pop off. The right just doesnt have the numbers.

Honestly it sound like you’re clueless about the military here.


K: that there is a visceral belief in liberals about healing is true…
but there is also a tremendous amount of anger on the left about the village idiot…
it is quite evident on the comment page of every liberal website in America…

but once again, the question comes down to pardons and that NY actions
cannot be pardoned…federal crimes can be pardoned federally…
but there is no pardon for state crimes or even city crimes…

most of the NY state stuff is civil, not criminal which means most likely
he will get hefty fines but the NY city stuff is criminal and that will be his problem…

so just how good is his lawyers? after watching his lawyers get whacked time
after time after time in local courts, state courts, appellate courts
and finally the U.S Supreme court…if I were IQ45, I would be afraid, very,
very afraid…


Hey, guess by what method the military votes supposedly favouring Biden were submitted.

Honestly it sound like you’re clueless about the military here.

K: I am truly hoping you are still sane and capable of communication on
Jan 20, 2021 at 12:00 EST… when Biden is sworn in as president of the U.S

it will be fun to hear your wailing and epic despair when IQ45 is arrested for
crimes in NY, city and state…and Biden gives his inaugural address to the nation
as President of the United States…


I don’t know what exactly to think about all this.
I’m also an outsider, a Canadian, and while I have extensively commented on American politics as of late, because I can see America from my house and what it does affects the whole world, especially its foreign policy, I don’t feel like it’s my place to take sides on something so dire and divisive, but I will say this, this isn’t just about Trump, 20+ red states believe the election in swing states Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin was invalid.
It’s not just about Trump anymore, it’s about red and blue.
Not sure if there’ll be any white left to bridge the gap after all this, might be all black instead.
What was it like 105 congressmen and a majority of Trump supporters don’t recognize the legitimacy of Biden?
It’s in the MSM’s interests to make it seem like it’s just about one man, if it wasn’t for that one carny in the Whitehouse that slipped through the cracks somehow, everything would be just peachy, but it wouldn’t, this chasm between red and blue has been growing deeper for decades and it may be coming to a head.
At the very least I think it needs to be taken more seriously, you cannot just dismiss half the country over this and everything else, that is if you want to hold this thing together.
Anyway, WTH do I know, just one Canuck’s opinion.

cy vance, audrey strauss and letitia james coming for him and his family