Oregon voters vote to leave Oregon...

a sign of the times… 5 counties in Oregon voted to leave Oregon and
become part of Idaho… decreasing the size of Oregon to the size of basically
the Portland area and increasing Idaho to the size of California… plus including
parts of northern California…

it is just another attempt to rewrite what America is…
this is doomed to failure because it has to be approved by
Oregon, Idaho, California and the United States congress…

just like the attempt to split California to get more US senators,
GOP senators…these conservative and make no mistake, these are
conservatives have no shame in trying to rewrite America to fit their own
perverse ideals of America…

just like their attempt to get an constitutional convention to “rewrite” the
constitution…they have 20 states but need 37 states to approve and thus have
no chance in hell but that isn’t the point…

that they hate the constitution so much as to try to rewrite it,
to change its very essence from a enlightenment document to
becoming a fascist document that so excites the conservative…

to make IQ45 dictator for life and then his kids dictators for life…
to make a criminal family, a mob family, dictators for life is nothing short
of destroying America to its very core… owning the libs means turning
America into a dictatorship…more like throwing out the baby with the bath water…

instead of owning the libs, how about thinking about what is best for America,
not just what is best for a fascist America…


Typically -100% Fake News hypocrisy.

Apparently those conservative counties have been trying to accomplish that realignment for decades - because they are tired of Portland socialist politicians taxing the hell out of them and ignoring their county concerns. - Typical Socialism - steal everything you can for as long as they can - Vampiricism.

I never knew that Counties could vote to leave a State… I thought that they were set boundaries, and that only the boundary lines could be moved… not the whole State.

Well that explains the current affairs of California, and about the mass-exodus it’s currently going under, in trying to get away from the defunded-police caused societal unrest.

K: two things, A… this mass changes of the states can never happen because of the
number of organizations that must approve of it, as noted, Oregon, Idaho, and if
California separates, then California, then it must be approved by the U.S congress…
none of that is going to happen…

B. this “mass exodus” isn’t really happening the way you think it is, as I live
in California, I kinda know…what has happened is that housing prices have gone
through the roof here… and that leaves people with some choices and others
with no choices… first of all the young married couple, they can’t afford to
buy here in california…my little two bedroom condo is worth over a million bucks.
and the average house in the city I live in is worth over 1.6 million dollars…
it is like that all around the bay area…who can live here if you don’t already own?
no one…which brings us to the second place, which is older couples who basically
have their entire retirement fund in the value of their house, they are selling their
vastly overprice house and taking that money and going elsewhere where they can buy
a house… so, let us talk about my place, I sell for 1 million, I can’t buy anything around
here for that cheap, so I must move, so I buy a cheaper place in say, Ill. say $250,000
that leaves me roughly 750,000 to retire on… an option I am in fact considering
right now… I am 62… and that is the basis of this Mass exodus… not police defunding
or anything, money, straight out money is causing this mass exodus…


K: another clueless remark by a clueless person…

to say “fake news” really means that the “news” doesn’t fit into my existing
framework of how the world works, and if it doesn’t fit into my existing
viewpoints, then it must be “fake”… because the holding of beliefs can be
the only person with the “true” values, as no one else holds the “true” beliefs
that I hold… in other words, the one who says “fake news” believes in


The Fake News in this case is that any of this has anything to do with the GOP or Mr Trump or anyone rewriting history - just altering the future map.

It is about a socialist US state extorting rural counties for decades.

you know all that stuff happened in like a 2 or 3 block radius, and that you could literally live in portland and go about your day all over the city and never even see them or notice what they were doing right?

like in denver they have these protests at the capitol and my friends from alabama call me and say, “man is it safe up there? i heard the antifas were out in the city taking over the capitol.” to which i reply, “bro are you talking about those people on the capitol steps waving flags and screaming shit into bullhorns? you can’t even hear what they’re screaming when you’re at the light in traffic in front of the capitol, and they are literally just up there waving flags and screaming shit and no one even cares.”

there’s some kind of protest there at least 2 or 3 times a week. i was driving downtown one day and all of a sudden 3 cop cars came at me coming the wrong way down a one way street, at crazy speeds and peeled out around the block, i made my turn and on the next block there were like 100 people all walking down the block building to building wide covering the street i guess trying to show that for 90 seconds they could march down the block. no one gave a shit. it just meant some people had to sit at the light one extra time, but the police were ready to endanger the fuck out of everyone hauling ass down the wrong side of the road and shit. total stupidity. let the idiots walk down the block. this is america isn’t is? we a free country? can a group of people walk down a block without it turning into urban legends about an antifa takeover and a city on fire?

i get the feeling that the people who think that american cities are all ablaze haven’t spent much time in any american cities lately. whatever you hear on the news about all these protest, cut it down to about 10% of what the news would have you believe. i mean there are still people talking about how there were riots in birmingham. i was literally there. they busted like 4 windows. all the business owners put BLM murals up on their windows in the meantime. they don’t like police brutality either.

but the news a year later is going on and on about riots and everything burning down…when the people who lost the windows dont even care that much.

why you care more about this dude’s window than he does? that’s fucking weird.

last week, there must have been 300 or 400 people at the capitol all making all kinds of noise up there, and as i do, when i see these protests, i kinda slow down and look to see if i wanna honk my horn in solidarity with them, or if i want to give them the finger.

this was the anti-vax protest. these motherfuckers were out in the streets like stopping traffic and screaming shit about how they are not science experiments. autism, vaccines are baaaad. whatever. i don’t give a shit about their message. and no one is making anyone get vaccinated. that shit just isn’t happening. if it is, then it’s in some off the wall place, and it makes the news. the exception proves the rule. no one is being forcibly vaccinated. psychos.

like i’m watching the news and they’re saying that society is crumbling and that rioters are burning down the cities and all this hyperbolic shit but then i go out into the world like i always have, and the shit just isn’t like that. you got people with flags and bullhorns in some small spot making a bunch of noise and for real that’s it.