UFO Propaganda

Hasn’t the world gotten enough of American Reality tele?

Did you ever watch those “Reality TV” programs that Americans put out a few years back? Did you actually believe they were real? If you did you should seriously consider that you cannot detect fake news from actual news - or fake video from actual video.

At first I thought it was just a typical capitalist endeavor to sucker people into watching tele and gaining more money from advertisements - but recently I think differently.

After watching the globalist political hoaxes run rampid throughout the news, now I think those Reality TV sows were just practice and training for manipulating the apparently seriously dumbed down American population (as revealed with the “Capital insurrection” reality hoax). A careful and critical eye could easily see that those Reality TV shows were not real at all (nor the supposed “insurrection” videos) - staged reality videos for practice manipulating an audience.

And now they have something new - Pentagon released video footage of real UFOs. Here we go —

MagsJ asked “What American calamity is coming next?” I am now wondering if it isn’t going to be some explosion with video of a supposed UFO crashing into the Pentagon or possibly the US Capital (much like the 9/11 videos but perhaps by stating it out loud they won’t do it). It will give the socialists even MORE power to strip the Americans of all rights and completely dismiss the US Constitution and remove ALL democracies across the world.

The embarrassing thing to me is that ALL - conservative and liberal - news and opinion hosts are accepting this farce merely because it is coming from the US Pentagon - recently completely taken over by the globalist hoaxters (as if like the US military never lied about anything and now actively purging all constitutionalists). Even 60 Minutes has done an episode on it. But I have to admit it fits with having the liar and criminal O’Biden as an actual supposed US President (obviously merely a puppet).

So the video that was released is in the following report -


And also (and even more embarrassing) -


“Video Explained” it says - right - by a serious nutter.

Have you ever seen a flight simulator - perhaps a video or arcade game? I’m sure real training simulators are similar - just more professional. A target shows up like a duck in a shooting gallery - swings back and forth to challenge your aim - and once you “lock on” with your targeting computer - you shoot it down.

If you watch the video that should look pretty familiar.

“Oh but the pilots actually SAW it!” - some ignorant explains.

Pilots today wear helmets with heads-up displays in front of their face - showing various critical details and measurements so that the pilot doesn’t have to look down at his meters and can visually target an object. What they see is a computer projection merged with what might really be out their window. They are watching a combination of reality and a computer generated image.

The computers creating those targeting images are very very AI sophisticated (I’m sure). The computers do most of the work - both identifying and targeting whatever the pilot looks toward. The pilot merely has to decide to pull the trigger.

But after creating such a sophisticated device - don’t you have to test and adjust it? And how would you test it other than to give it a simulated target to try to identify and lock onto. See if it does. And then ask what it will do if the computer cannot identify the object. Maybe give it some blurry thing - an “Unidentifiable Object”. See how it responds. Make adjustments as necessary. You don’t want the pilot or computer believing that it is actually a Chinese or Russian aircraft.

I am talking about the largest and most sophisticated military in the world - (currently) the USA. Do you really think they are so dumbed down as to not think to test their computer targeting devices and pilots?

And what about the pilots? Don’t they have to be tested? How is a pilot going to respond when he sees something that he cannot identify floating around in his airspace? “But the pilot actually saw it!” Of course he did. That is the whole point - project an image that neither the pilot nor the computer can identify and make sure it does whatever it is supposed to. Are they going to advertise to pilots ahead of time that it is all just a test? Wouldn’t that defeat the purpose?

Why do you think those UFOs can move so fast? It is bloody computer generate image! Of course - it can appear to travel faster than light - because it isn’t actually out there - it is on his heads-up display.

Watch the video - how is that NOT merely a targeting testing program for the helmet AI and the pilot?

Once the aiming device locks onto the artificially projected target - the program stops - target acquired - the image drifts down to the horizon - programmed to “crash” - “disappear into the water”. Of course they don’t find any wreckage. Of course they don’t report or advertise their daily “encounters” for years and years - IT IS a BLOODY TRAINING PROGRAM!!.

“But the videos are REAL!”

Of course they are real. They have to monitor and record what the pilot and computer did when faced with such a situation. You can’t kick them out based on mere speculation. Yes - The FILM is real - but the object - try not to be completely moronic.

But perhaps - soon to be used as even more Fake News about some real alien from Mars crashing into America somewhere. Perhaps they will use one of Dr Fauci’s mutilated and diseased infants - dyed green and starved - to prove that it was a real alien. And then of course it will be absolutely necessary - across the world - to give absolute military authority to - make a guess.

Socialism is ALL about lying to people to get them to go along with the power grab. It serves nothing else. The whole world has recognized the power in simply dumbing down, confusing, and scaring the population. It is a very effective way to control the population. The religions do it. The politicians do it. It is “The Lucifarian Enlightenment”.

If you want to be a sucker then be a sucker. But if not - wake up to the UN-Reality of tele and what you are being shown - “Believe nothing that you read and only half of what you see.”

if you went to a therapist and just gave them a printout of this post, what do you think they would say to you?

do people in your real life know that you think this way?

K: in real life, crazy, deep down crazy people never realize just how crazy they
really are… UR and OB are nuts… but do they know it?


UFOs exist, which’s just to say there’re things out there even the best and brightest can’t identify.
The US government denied their existence for decades.
Now they admit they exist, not that we needed their confirmation.
I’ve seen areal phenomena I couldn’t identify, and I don’t think anyone else could if they saw what I saw for themselves, altho I can’t be sure.
I’ve had friends and family describe things to me that looked and moved in bizarre, unearthly ways.
There have been mass sightings, dozens and hundreds of people unknown to each other from all walks of life giving the same description of the same object, sometimes caught on camera by two or more people, strangers to one another.
These things are out there.
I don’t know what they are, can only speculate, but what I do know is, we can’t trust government to be honest with us about them.
They may pretend to know less, or more than they do.
They may tell us things about them they know not to be true for a political motive.

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”


They can make holograms float high in the air - bump the projectors (possibly in space orbit) and the glow shoots off at incredible speed - massless - no wings or surfaces required - no exhaust - the exact things they claim to have seen.

Just because no one is admitting it - doesn’t mean no one is fooling you - for a reason.

The US didn’t merely not admit they exist - they had none to absolute minimum effort to identify them for decades. How stupid do you think the Americans are (before recently anyway)?

And one of those things is there are people smart enough and wealthy enough to play games with your head.

But did they have the technology to make these holograms decades ago?
Because people have been seeing these sorts of things for at least many decades, perhaps longer.
Maybe they’ve had the tech to make sophisticated holograms for a long time, maybe not, again all I know for 100% certain is, there’s strange happenings on planet earth, holographic projections or otherwise, and government has proven over and over again we can’t trust them to be honest with us about them, or with much of anything for that matter.

That, and probably much, much more we can scarcely imagine.

I don’t think anyone was seeing them until they made that old radio show - War of the Worlds - that everyone thought was real. The show proved how such realistic Fake News could persuade the public into panic mode - exactly like the fake “Capital Insurrection” hoax. People actually believed those reality tele programs and studio wrestling programs - “I was there - I saw them fighting for real!”

Did they see the same things decades ago? From what I have heard they only saw the glowing bulbs in the Northern skies - the corona thing - well explained. Maybe at times they saw actual secret military air-craft that the military wouldn’t want to tell anyone about. Do you think that militaries don’t ever keep secrets about their best tricky weapons? Did the Greeks spread the word that they can build a Trojan horse - before they did it in combat?

We can’t trust them to not be the ones doing it themselves - of course they don’t want to investigate - they want you to spread the fear of it - exactly like they didn’t want to investigate the fraud or Hunter Biden or the Clintons - “nothing to see here” - because they are the ones doing it.

Military is very very very serious business. They never just ignore something unidentifiable - never - if for no other reason - to program the computers to be able to identify it faster. And do you really believe that the American military just says to themselves - “Well chaps, we can’t recognize it so obviously it isn’t Chinese or Russia - so we’ll just ignore it”.

The conspiracy theory is that they are hiding a truth when the truth is that they are not hiding - they are just playing with your mind.

Think of the power of being able to convince your enemy that they see a target that isn’t really there. Didn’t they use that tactic in Iraq? Psyho-warfare.

I am absolutely sure that the film released by the Pentagon that they are going on about is a training program - “catch me - catch me - Oooo - got me” (assuming the entire film isn’t fake - still a possibility). And now used to build up another “climate change” style hoax - if nothing else to funnel even more money into the Pentagon and away from anything helpful to the US.

People have been reporting seeing UFOs for millennia.
Some of these reports sound similar in some ways to modern reports.
However UFO reports were very few and far in between till the 1890s, which was around the time manmade airships were becoming popular, so many of these UFOs may’ve just been manmade airships.

Did the military build top secret aircraft capable of easily outmaneuvering; flying circles around the very best aircraft we have on record today, in the early-mid 20th century?
Perhaps, but I have my doubts.
Again, I’m keeping an open mind, for me they remain unidentified, I’m not identifying them as clandestine manmade aircraft, nor as extraterrestrial spacecraft, I don’t know what they are.
Some of them may not fit into either category, some of them could be bizarre atmospheric phenomena presently unknown to science, like ‘ball lightning’ is suppose to be, could be all sorts of things, even things we don’t yet have words or concepts for.
It’s a mystery, and I like mysteries.

If you like mysteries and enjoy your bubble - that is fine. But if you are serious and rational then there are very limited possibilities to consider -

  • You are being manipulated into thinking these things are real
  • The professional militaries of the world know exactly who is doing these things and believe one of the following -
    [list][*] They are doing it themselves
  • They know of a group doing it who are extremely - extremely - extremely advanced but are very friendly
  • They know that it is aliens from outer space who are also very friendly.
    But if you just love that last option - despite the absurdity of it - enjoy your fantasy (MIJOT). :smiley:

But do realize they have been telling the world that the world will end within a few years due to climate change for at least the last 50 years - for a reason (and truth isn’t it). And that you must wear face masks until they stick you with their syringes else everyone is going to die. Both totally disregarding any actual science.

in keeping up with his legacy of always being wrong, ob is wrong again…

I point to the 1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg
or perhaps the 1566 celestial phenomenon over Basel…
(both easily found on Wiki)


Or the professional militaries of the world, don’t know what these things are.

Are those really the only possibilities?
I can think of many possibilities, ranging from the plausible to implausible.
See ball lightning for an example of a plausibility.
See time travelers for an example of an implausibility.
That is technologically advanced terrestrials visiting us from our future/their present.
Or alternatively from our past/their present, even more bizarre.
These sentient terrestrials may be human, humanoid or nonhuman.

Why is it so absurd?
Humans sometimes visit remote parts of the globe to study the flora and fauna there and protect endangered species.
If these animals could talk to one another, they’d be having the same conversation about humans that you and I are having about what may be extraterrestrials.

Only if you believe them to be as dumb as a balling ball.

Or just less than omniscient.

There’s a lot of earthly and heavenly phenomena science still can’t explain, from the ordinary to the extraordinary, but I wouldn’t characterize it as dumb.

Whatever these things are, they may be just too elusive, ephemeral and sporadic.

And for that reason the military almost does nothing to investigate them? :confused:

Isn’t it more reasonable that for that reason the military would be doing Everything to investigate them?

Right, but just because they’ve investigated them, doesn’t mean they know much.
They probably know more than they’re letting on, but not necessarily a lot.

Another point I want to make is, I’m inclined to believe UFOs aren’t one sort of thing, but many, because there’s a ton of variation in appearance and behavior.
The military may know more about some types of UFOs than others.

Many UFOs may turn out to be not so extraordinary after all, even tho the public and the expertise (we’re privy to) couldn’t identity them.
Many may turn out to be weather phenomena we didn’t understand, disturbances or fluctuations in the earth’s gravitational-magnetic field, new states of matter-energy or the warping of spacetime.

Heard through a lecturer that the US govt. has identified 57 different alien species so far and I’m trying to find an online source to read about all 57. Recently watched a documentary full of interviews given by alien abductees who were impregnated with hybrid dna (with greys and reptilians) and the embryos removed after a few months of gestation, later to meet their hybrid children who communicate telepathically. The similarities between their descriptions of the hybrid children make it some freaky shit and the film estimated that there are millions of abductees, most of who remain silent for fear of not being believed.

And BLM was founded by the Catholic Church. :confused:

If they actual knew anything - they wouldn’t have to put out simulation videos.