so what exactly is CRT?

critical race theory (CRT), intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.

What is critical race theory?
Why was critical race theory developed?
Why is critical race theory important?
How does critical race theory challenge the neutrality of law?
How did critical race theory evolve?
Critical race theory (CRT) was officially organized in 1989, at the first annual Workshop on Critical Race Theory, though its intellectual origins go back much farther, to the 1960s and ’70s. Its immediate precursor was the critical legal studies (CLS) movement, which dedicated itself to examining how the law and legal institutions serve the interests of the wealthy and powerful at the expense of the poor and marginalized. (CLS, an offshoot of Marxist-oriented critical theory, may also be viewed as a radicalization of early 20th-century legal realism, a school of legal philosophy according to which judicial decision making, especially at the appellate level, is influenced as much by nonlegal—political or ideological—factors as by precedent and principles of legal reasoning.) Like CLS scholars, critical race theorists believed that political liberalism was incapable of adequately addressing fundamental problems of injustice in American society (notwithstanding legislation and court rulings advancing civil rights in the 1950s and ’60s), because its emphasis on the equitable treatment under the law of all races (“colour blindness”) rendered it capable of recognizing only the most overt and obvious racist practices, not those that were relatively indirect, subtle, or systemic. Liberalism was also faulted for mistakenly presupposing the apolitical nature of judicial decision making and for taking a self-consciously incremental or reformist approach that prolonged unjust social arrangements and afforded opportunities for retrenchment and backsliding through administrative delays and conservative legal challenges. Unlike most CLS scholars, however, critical race theorists did not wish to abandon the notions of law or legal rights altogether, because, in their experience, some laws and legal reforms had done much to help oppressed or exploited people.

In their work Critical Race Theory: An Introduction, first published in 2001, the legal scholars Richard Delgado (one of the founders of CRT) and Jean Stefancic discuss several general propositions that they claim would be accepted by many critical race theorists, despite the considerable variation of belief among members of the movement. These “basic tenets” of CRT, according to the authors, include the following claims: (1) Race is socially constructed, not biologically natural. (2) Racism in the United States is normal, not aberrational: it is the common, ordinary experience of most people of colour. (3) Owing to what critical race theorists call “interest convergence” or “material determinism,” legal advances (or setbacks) for people of colour tend to serve the interests of dominant white groups. Thus, the racial hierarchy that characterizes American society may be unaffected or even reinforced by ostensible improvements in the legal status of oppressed or exploited people. (4) Members of minority groups periodically undergo “differential racialization,” or the attribution to them of varying sets of negative stereotypes, again depending on the needs or interests of whites. (5) According to the thesis of “intersectionality” or “antiessentialism,” no individual can be adequately identified by membership in a single group. An African American person, for example, may also identify as a woman, a lesbian, a feminist, a Christian, and so on. Finally, (6) the “voice of colour” thesis holds that people of colour are uniquely qualified to speak on behalf of other members of their group (or groups) regarding the forms and effects of racism. This consensus has led to the growth of the “legal story telling” movement, which argues that the self-expressed views of victims of racism and other forms of oppression provide essential insight into the nature of the legal system.

CRT has influenced scholarship in fields outside the confines of legal studies, including women’s and gender studies, education, American studies, and sociology. CRT spin-off movements formed by Asian American, Latinx, LGBTQ, Muslim, and Native American scholars have also taken hold. In the early 21st century, critical race theorists addressed themselves to a number of issues, including police brutality and criminal justice, hate speech and hate crimes, health care, affirmative action, poverty and the welfare state, immigration, and voting rights.

K: seems to be pretty basic…


Such things should have elements of being basic.

I don’t have a huge knowledge of this CRT but at the heart of it, and I am not talking about CRT directly but rather some sort of solution - things should be examined. Racism is clearly not a good thing and neither are the overhyped groups that fight against it. I know we have to start somewhere but we also need to make things quickly better as we move forward or we get stuck with all the useless fighting that happens instead of the productive outcome that could be going on.

You are welcome to educate me a little here - in the meantime, I will read your post properly and find something to use for comparative analysis.

On the other hand, it seems easier enough to disagree with the goings-on with this - race does not mean separate species. Back on the original hand, it may well be the case that laws are geared in such a way to be racist - that is the outcome of enforcement of such laws - the economy over the years appears to have offered plenty of opportunities - seems the white man built the system so why would it not work in his favor?

I wish for a gentle introduction to such matters instead of some rabbit hole mess. It would appear everyone is incapable of adequately addressing fundamental problems of injustice in American society - at least for some time.

I went through a whole lot of sites to find a reader friendly description
of CRT…many were a lot lot more complicated… then this…

I admit I didn’t get all the ramifications of what was there, but
enough to know that CRT isn’t the threat the right make it to be…

but of course, the right needs and in fact, can only function as
a chicken little advocate… they need the world to always be ending to
encourage their followers to go with their fear instead of hope…

the right wing, THE GOP can only function if it is in crisis, it cannot be
a happy place or a good place or a moral place… that doesn’t install
the fear and hate and greed needed by the right wing and the GOP…

so hope and love and peace and happiness does not and can not
exist within the right wing or the GOP…it doesn’t create the fear
and hate needed by the GOP/right wing to have its principles of
division and hatred and bigotry and prejudice in place…
the right wing and the GOP can only exists in the negative,
never in the positive…


I was not necessarily saying, that what you wrote, is bad, Peter. But for anyone to sit by and think I don’t pay attention to the bullshit in the world and not get pissed-off about sh-it? Whatever…The thing that popped straight out to me was the idea of racism being socially constructed as opposed to it being a reasonably understandable consequence of nature…different and distant original habitats, etc. Science has been actively considering this for a long time - a fundamental question of this contemplation being, why are we so different? It actually stands out and flags itself - as obvious as a big hairy pair of…you fill in the gaps…I don’t think some man waved his magic wand and there was a Black man and then waved it again to make an Asian man and so on…CRT appears to have a fundamental flaw that is being thrown in the face of science…built on things that before all the author knows, he/she may be pulling out of thin air…substanceless…It is even suggestive in ways that I find distasteful, unacceptable, and unevolved - but ultimately you need to have a race before you can have racism.

All this before we get to genes and memes and how they differ among societies - you could just say instead of race, colonies - not as in colonial but colonies branched out from Africa but let’s face it, people want something to upset them and argue about instead of refactoring their mind to look at things sensibly. So you and me both - disappointed.

Oh, and instead of taking sides, because quite frankly what is to be perceived as both sides is clearly freaking retarded - I try to maintain a more balanced attitude toward life, not humoring my passions(you know, strong and barely controllable emotions) and desires(as in, strongly wish for or want) before taking a rational look at things - make up your mind what actually needs to happen and go do something about it - the talk and words are both sickening and embarrassing - so I will post a link for those who are not too busy arguing the fucking point all the time - Is racism and bigotry in our DNA?(ie. something to comparatively analyze with) - aside from the horse-shit at the top about humans being the most cooperative species on the planet, it is actually not a bad article that attempts a more balanced viewpoint - at the very least the author is trying - the few errors he/she/it makes are obvious to those whose eyes are actually open. There are tons of articles that at least attempt to do the same - but open your eyes to errors that clearly present themselves - things might actually start getting done.

“then this…” - really, man? Anything without a solid basis is a threat - ad hoc solutions should be viewed as temporary and rational solutions more permanent.

We must also remember that things are in a constant state of change - this is not a static universe and hence the need for ad hoc solutions at times…

…but to palm things off as the be-all-end-all…come on…people need to get together and work things out…not become extremists which is clearly happening on “both sides”…

…enough of all the socially constructed horse-shit already…there are things in our biology - time to get over that and overcome ourselves - or - keep being retarded…

…or just go to war…I will fight for my happiness while you fight for your freedom or whatever it is you think you are fighting for…real peace in light of nature is an illusion…

…tell your objections to the next hurricane that comes along and see if it cares…lastly pay attention to my first sentence in this post instead of my last as so many do…

…the nugget before the period(aka fullstop)…

Despite any objections that may arise, I am going to post this video here for me to watch again in a few days. I will by no means take back anything I said in the last post but this stuff is interesting to look at. As stated in the article that I linked to in the last post, racism can be basically suppressed intentionally. If it is biological it may not go away entirely for all people - as stated in that article some people struggle with it.


I particularly like what the guy says at 7:35 about history should not be something that makes us feel good - it should tell the truth. There was a part more toward the beginning from the other guy that I liked too but I forgot exactly what it was - I will catch it on the next viewing. So this is basically one of the latest political hot potatoes over there in the USA from what I can tell - I started to get this idea as I realized how far I had to scroll to get to this video and the titles of the other videos along the way. The theory itself is decades old if I caught that properly - this is the jump between CLS and CRT mentioned in the OP - from its intellectual origins to its being officially organized, and that may help to explain why it was that what stuck out to me as rather odd, did so - I know theories are not always up to date with information from other fields and sometimes authors like to push some boundaries.

I was somewhat able to glimpse what both sides are more or less up in arms about. So one of the issues seems to be the appropriate age to teach children about critical thinking…

…perfectly valid to consider:

It seems to me that this sort of thing requires a gentle introduction via skilled teachers to implement. I don’t know how the school system works in the USA but this is interesting to me nonetheless. As it indicates in the quote - there appears to be a need for at least a parent to get involved. I am curious if there are parents in the USA that may not have the time to spend with their children on this stuff as I know in different places around the world some people work two jobs and in a lot of households both parents are working. If this CRT is something that will become USA wide then it seems the teachers will need to be more involved given the potential dilemma faced by parents.

There is a lot more to explore here and a great deal to consider - I believe that many existing school systems are not optimized anyway - I have no clue about the USA though.

CRT holds that “race” as a category is not a biological or innate category, but is purely cultural.
This refelction is borne out by the simple fact that no single human is capable of representing a specimen type for any “race”, and that all humans are capable or producing progeny with any other human from Australia to Scotland or from Tumbuktu to San Diego.
It is also patently obvious that most humans exhibit traits that could so eaily be represented by ANY defined race, and that such characteristics by which races are defined are arbirtary and mostly visual bearing little relationship to ability, capacilty or morality.
There is more difference between members of the same race than could ever be demonstrated by differences between the races.
Sadly Identity Politics has just about screwed all the good work of early CRT thinkers.
Rather than show the vanity of racialism, it tends to provide people the tools to re-infoce racial stereotyping.
This, whilst seeming to empower the underprivileged and oppressed groups, plays into the hands of the dominant groups who can now point to the differences that are made the fetishes of the powerless. ANd it is by these means that disadvantaged groups participate in their own oppression.

I have been way too busy in life to keep up with everything in the political environment - I do my best to understand some things that seem important where I am. But this CRT thing is interesting to me given psychological and biological considerations - I know with this I have to deal with some political things along the way - been there before - but I want the two sides to the story in all facets of my interest if possible - I will attempt to approach it with zero bias if I can, so I intend on taking notice rather than engaging too hard on the political front, chat wise - I will explore the Marxist-oriented critical theory and Liberalism aspects to help me understand some of the logic involved. I am going to go over some of the things you are mentioning here too. As well as stuff in the OP. This is completely new to me.

It is impossible to delete your point of view and look at something unbiased.
All you can hope to do is recognise the position from which you come and try and acknowedge that your understanding is going to tend to favour your previous experience.

It is evident to me that you have already assumed two lenses “Marxism” and “Liberalism” before you start.

when i was a kid they taught me that the indians threw a big dinner with the pilgrims where everyone thanked each other and that’s why we eat turkey and that’s the story of the indians and the pilgrims everyone!

not sure this was an accurate and complete version of that theory.

whatever you want to call it, we shouldn’t teach inaccurate history, or lie to kids in school.

it’s so weird that the people who revere history when it’s time to take down statues of people who fought to split america in half, suddenly hate history when it’s time to teach kids that some people back in the day were assholes.

there are no principles with these people, they just want to do whatever serves them.

I think this is a topic that requires deep analysis in order to see what is really going on. And after doing that deep dive it is clear that the subject is entirely about manipulating a population’s attitudes into changing in a pre-chosen direction. There is very very little regard for truth or science. It is entirely about exaggerations and lies in order to achieve a result.

Ignorant or biased people cannot rationally debate this topic. It is easy to point out many lies involved but the truth doesn’t achieve the desired result. And those who favor the chosen result simply deny any contradicting truths. The whole thing is just too complicated to bring coherence to any discussion of it. All short comments will be false or misleading yet only short comments are taken in.

If you favor CRT - you don’t want to know the truth of it. If you disfavor CRT - any arguments you make will be irrelevant. It is all strictly politics reality and truth have nothing to do with it.

The essence of CRT is simple -

  • Anything Whites are good at on average is racist (intelligence skills)
  • Anything Non-whites are bad at on average at is racist (social skills)
  • And until the gene pools and authorities are changed it is all systemic racism!
  • Whites giving all money and power to non-whites and refusing to have children is required.

The projected intended outcome is global authoritarianism.

K: once again, your conspiracy theories have gotten in the way of any thinking
you might have tried to do…what you have written is completely opposite of what
I discovered in the very first post about CRT… try reading that and then respond…

so I challenge you to read the very first post of this thread and respond to that…
without some conspiracy theory you have already cooked up before the facts,
before the explanation of what CRT actually is…

read it and then think about it… don’t do what you usually do which is
create a conspiracy theory and then apply that to the thread or post…
engage in understanding what CRT is, and then respond to it…


History is mostly lies.
THe dominant ideaology and the victors in war tend to get the chance to control the message. The 20thC is characterised by same of the facts of the horrors of history coming to the surface.
Why would we be surprised with the statues start to come down?
We all cheered when Stalin and Saddam’s images were thrown down.
Seriuously what the F is the difference? Colson was a complete cunt. chuck the mutha in the river.

Banning CRT is like banning Darwin.
Eventually they’ll have to accept the truth.

Like just about everything you spew onto the forum this reflects your Fox News Programming.

It was a Harvard professor (not Fox) who said that maths (consequentially also science, logic, and rational thinking) is racist.

K: once again, escaping accountability and responsibility by not
naming the “Harvard Professor”…by failing to name the professor in question,
we are unable to look for ourselves… that is to say, to trust your word that
a “Harvard professor” said what you claim they said…so name names…
Given the right wing preference for lying, I would rather look up who said this…
not take your word for it…


If I thought that you ever actually looked up to verify anything political - we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Instead, you would have been agreeing with Urwrong1000 when he was showing you all those videos.

As always - you merely accuse your enemy of what you are doing - always the accuser - always the conspiracy denier and accuser - always willing to lie - probably even to yourself - but never willing to look at actual evidence.

In this case the report was from months ago and if there was an once of integrity about you I would have already researched exactly who said it and in what setting and with a little research on their background. But with your particular set of attitudes - even writing this one post is nearly a waste.

obsrvr524"]It was a Harvard professor (not Fox) who said that maths (consequentially also science, logic, and rational thinking) is racist.

K: once again, escaping accountability and responsibility by not
naming the “Harvard Professor”…by failing to name the professor in question,
we are unable to look for ourselves… that is to say, to trust your word that
a “Harvard professor” said what you claim they said…so name names…
Given the right wing preference for lying, I would rather look up who said this…
not take your word for it…

If I thought that you ever actually looked up to verify anything political - we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Instead, you would have been agreeing with Urwrong1000 when he was showing you all those videos.
As always - you merely accuse your enemy of what you are doing - always the accuser - always the conspiracy denier and accuser - always willing to lie - probably even to yourself - but never willing to look at actual evidence.
In this case the report was from months ago and if there was an once of integrity about you I would have already researched exactly who said it and in what setting and with a little research on their background. But with your particular set of attitudes - even writing this one post is nearly a waste.

K: so bottom line is I called you out when you lied about a “harvard professor” quote
and your response is…

Ob… I would tell you the truth but you are preventing me… somehow…
because somehow its Kropotkin fault that Observe lied and somehow its Kropotkin fault
that Observe can’t revel the professor’s name… (you know… the one who doesn’t exists)
and somehow, Kropotkin is preventing Observe from researching, you know, the fake
professor quote…because somehow, Kropotkin with
“with a particular set of attitudes” is preventing Observe from being able to tell us
anything about this “Harvard Professor” (who doesn’t actually exists)

I think I am living rent free inside of Observe head…


No. You called me a liar without evidence. And now you defend by saying that I am avoiding answering to your lie that I lied.

You are just not worth the effort to argue with - not much different than Ecmandu, Mr Reasonable, or iambiguous.

People who have no interest in the truth of anything are easy enough to spot and not waste time on.