Rachel Maddow "Is Not News" Says Court Ruling!

Welcome back Gloom… :greetings-wavegreen:

Hey Mags :greetings-waveyellow:

Something about this topic…

americanbar.org/groups/crsj … the-truth/

Trump has the right to criticize the MSM, just as the MSM has the right to criticize him, rightwing and alt media.
Trump never tried to take away the MSM’s right to criticize him, he just criticized them back.
Your article compares Trump to Hitler, I mean what a joke, if Trump was Hitler he would’ve never left office and his enemies would all be dead or in internment camps.

Gloom. I don’t like any US presidents in history.

There are many multifaceted aspects of the trump administration that are reminiscent of early nazism.

That’s not my argument here.

I just linked the current legal arguments about news, the first amendment and the law.

If you can get past the implied analogy between trump and Hitler you’ll see that a station can call itself a news outlet and not report the news.

The question is can this be overly abused.

When I say the MSM, perhaps I should say leftwing media, because they’re at least every bit as biased as rightwing media, admittedly, watch the video.

Because he called the leftwing media fake news?
That’s what the leftwing media and politicians say about rightwing and alt media, they say it’s fake news, and now we have Maddow’s own lawyers admitting she’s not real news in court.

Dude… that’s not new. There was a fox affiliate (not fox proper, just some random affiliate) in Florida in 1996 that a ruling was made for that you don’t have to report the news to call yourself a news station. It’s stood every since.

That’s why you have shows like the Colbert Report or The Daily Show with John Stewart or the Bill Maher show.

I personally think every leader on earth in its entire history has been fake news.

I’ll tell you real news:

Two biggest problems in existence are these:

  • The pleasurable exclusive access problem

  • the negative zero sum problem

If a world leader actually spoke the truth, I’d be astounded

I don’t disagree.

All media is biased because all people are biased.
While some media outlets are worse than others, media that often props up rightwing politicians is no worse than media that often props up leftwing politicians.
At least Tucker Carlson has guests on his show like Jimmy Dore who’re critical of both the right and the left, as well as the establishment in general.

How do you devote resources to the only actual problem that exists if you refuse to name it?

It’s like shooting yourself in the foot.

Sure… we wanted to go to the moon.


Sure… we wanted to map the genome.


Sure… we’re now mapping the brain.

In process.

Who gives a fuck?!?!

If we actually set our sights on the REAL prize…

We’ll make it happen.

All these fucking leaders, religions, celebrities and gurus are just wasting everyone’s time.

What do you believe that problem to be?
A zero sum society?

The real problem is:

  • The pleasurable exclusive access problem

(Say, you get to see someone naked who other people want to see naked but it’s only you)

  • the negative zero sum problem

(For every win you have, there are more than 1 loser)

That’s it. Those are the only problems in existence.

Not only do people not think these are problems… they think causing these problems are the meaning of life.

So they get married and fuck people. They live in nice neighborhoods… etc… go to nice schools (not that those schools teach the truth)

People (billions of them) are completely totally fucked in the head.

What do you do about billions of fucked up people?!?

This is a fact … and you need to hear this…

Almost every human who’s ever existed on earth is a sadistic psychopath. Minus maybe 3 people out of over 10 billion.

It’s a fact. It’s a fact on these boards, it’s a fact in the world.

do fox next

Fox is definitely biased, but I feel like the left tends to be more oblivious to their media’s biases than the right nowadays.

As for CNN, they’re more pro-establishment than anything, both the liberal and neocon establishment.
After Trump came to power, they swung left, but I suspect if say Bernie came to power, they would’ve swung right.
Trump deviated from neocon doctrine on some things, and for CNN, most of MSM and the corporate globalists they represent, that’s intolerable.

The world is a shitshow STRUCTURALLY!!!

Counsils, governments, one world government …

Doesn’t matter. Still a shitshow.

If you can’t talk one fucking person out of having sex because it’s sadistic psychopathic behavior… how the fuck are you going to herd 8 billion psychopaths ?

We brought it upon ourselves. Nobody gives a shit.

They understand it. They know it’s true. They don’t fucking care.

As above so below?

Actually it’s as below so above.

And below is “I don’t give a shit”

And that’s what you’re going to get.

Notice that no one is arguing the differences between CBS and NBC or MSNBC and ABC or CNN and social media or any combination - because they always say the exact same things at the exact same time - even though supposedly competitors (but are actually a socialist cabal - a monopoly dedicated to manipulating the population’s opinions along with social media - control the group thinking). Fox News stands out because they don’t go along with the Marxist media cabal. So the Marxist media cabal - having zero ethics or morals - simply lies - lies - and lies - largely against Fox News.


You’re done before you even started.


I don’t believe that is true anymore. It used to be true more than a year ago - maybe 2 years. Today there are a variety of Fox channel anchors and hosts who are not Trump supporters at all (such as Bret Baier - a Chris Wallace wannabe) and at times anti-Trump (such as Chris Wallace - who was never a Trump supporter and hosted the last debate not letting Mr Trump speak freely - that was predictable - which is why he was chosen). Most of their news anchors are just too ditzy to listen to - but certainly not Trump supporters.

So the whole “Fox News” = lying Trump supporter right-wing white supremacist extremists - is just typical ridiculous Commie Cult balderdash. But the lack of ethics, of morality, and lying defines them - so what else could be expected.

Come to think of it - the only pro-Trump supporter on Fox is Hannity.

Tucker Carlson (rarely even mentioning Mr Trump) is merely anti-deception - anti-corruption - anti-stupid - so of course that makes him inherently anti-O’Biden and Harris and the entire Left - because their entire platform is lying and corruption.