Secular Existence & Transcendence

Transcendence as noted by those who meditate, take drugs or simply are in awe of the beauty and complexity of life and Nature may indicate specific awareness of qualities known by the average mind. Either these experiences are normal or they are esoteric, known only to a few fortunate human beings.
Our pasts are steps on the stairway to heaven; we do not rise without them. Perhaps transcendence is actually growth and development, available to all.
I live in a secular society and am forced by need of necessities to cope with past and present realities. My result of being spiritually minded in a secular world is depression. That may not be true for everyone who is in my situation. I just find it problematic to believe in a form of transcendence which is available only to a few mystics and seers. A mind cannot transcend itself.

I think that this has been the lot of many people, myself included, and I believe that the mystics and seers have always pointed the way but lacked the support. The realities I have to cope with are, however, on close inspection, just variations on past tendencies to ignore the transcendence of life, and I think you will agree, further examples for the reduction of life to enjoyment in any form you can get it. Of course, many people struggling to get through life don’t even have that, and so it is reduce to the reduction of suffering on a materialistic level. The search for meaningful life, in which I can find a direction for me that will take me out of the hole I find myself, so that I can be in awe of the beauty and complexity of life, is not achieved on the wide road, but on the narrow and winding path, and few are they that find the entrance - although I don’t believe it has to be that way.

Thanks for that post. I am not alone.
Direction is the key word. If you can offer direction to yourself and others, direction to a more spiritual existence, you will have done your part to preserve what is good about Life.

Bob said “If understood in everyday language, that “transcendence” means “going beyond”, and “self-transcendence” means going beyond a prior form or state of oneself, the question of honest enquirers is, why?”

So “Transcendence” is a spatial metaphor “going beyond” or climbing. Beyond what? You already answered–“beyond the self”.

Then you ask “Why”?

I think it’s motivated by despair with life on the negative side. On the positive side it’s the desire for something more. I think it’s the existential motive for philosophy in the first place.

At first glance, it seems that the mind cannot transcend itself because it’s a container. That’s the image-- the metaphor.

But as such, it can expand itself by taking in new experiences, new information, and thereby enlarging one’s point of view. Thus in time the mind, the “container” of all our cognitions transcends what it was in the past.

Although I can see that it wasn’t clear that I was relating a conversation with people who ask me why I would want to go beyond myself, I appreciate the answer.

I agree with you and yet I feel with Ierellus and assume that it has been the way of many deep thinkers to become frustrated with experiences of life, seeing that we have a mystery of unfathomable depth in front of us, which we can only tentatively investigate, knowing that people around us consider it a waste of time. I even had a conversation with once close friends who, on asking what I was thinking about, and hearing that I was using a fast to assist my enquiry, asked me whether I thought I was better than they. I said that I was just an inquisitive spirit and decided not to be so open again.

Many evangelical Christians I know have had an unusual tendency towards alcohol lately, which has been cause for concern. They avoid conversations about faith, and philosophy is, as you know, a no-go. Even talking about what constitutes the reality we experience or what makes us find something beautiful is met with suspicion. I have found that they sometimes express fear of being trapped in some unwanted discussion, and that they want their world to remain as they see it, and not endanger that by going beyond in thought.

It is strange to see how people react when they see my meditation cushion or hear that my son also meditates. My bookshelf provokes the question whether I read anything just for fun, despite there being books from Tolkien, GRR Martin, Somerset Maughm, Conan Doyle, George Orwell, and many other German authors there to see as well. These are unprovoked comments, or answers to questions put to me. People are uninquisitive it seems, but worse, they seem to question the right of others to be inquisitive.


So it seems those friends are not willing to step back and look at why they look at things the way they do. They prefer to live unexamined the lives. To examine your life is to look at it ‘as if’ from the outside, that is, ‘as if’ from a transcendent point of view.

In any case there are this worldly experiences of transcendence for secular people. The 20th century produced a public sphere that transcends topical spaces. Think of the Olympics watched on the internet throughout the world. We are fused more or less as a common agent with other anonymous individuals. Such were the times of collective evanescence that founded society and the sacred. They occur with or without the conceptual vessel of a God or other symbol of Transcendence e.g. satori or Nirvana. But without a common symbol in which to invest them, it’s like pouring wine out on the floor to evaporate in the dust.

Nevertheless, I’m not here to persuade anybody into anything. As I said I think philosophy itself is fundamentally motivated by the existential need and desire for transcendence. The variations on that theme gives us the whole of philosophy

Did you read my post in which I merely invited those who do make a distinction between secular existence and transcendence to then take this distinction to the part I note time and again is my own main interest in these things: “how ought one to live in a world bursting at the seams with both conflicting goods and contingency, chance and change?”

Not interested in taking it there? Fine, take it where you want to go instead.

I read your OP and zeroed in on that further distinction you made: between the “self assured and the anxious/alienated”. Though again my focus here revolves around connecting the dots existentially between “morality here and now” and “immortality there and then”. And the extent to which some are inclined here to embrace either a God or a No God world.

Some see this as me hijacking the thread, I see it instead as me taking what I construe to be an interesting “general description spiritual assessment” of meaning and purpose in our lives, down out of the realm of psychologisms and out into the lives that we actually live…interactions such that how we construe our value judgments as anchored either more or less to existentialism or essentialism can make all the difference in the world regarding whether we do feel “self assured” or “anxious/alienated”.

After all, it is difficult for me to imagine how someone might feel more anxious and alienated than if they construe their own “self” here as “fractured and fragmented”.

Yes, in regard to religion, I focused in on particular historical and cultural denominations that provide the faithful with an actual Script for differentiating things said to be more or less sublime and awesome and transcending. And even those who make use of meditation and drugs to reach these states sooner or later are going to find themselves in contexts in which assessments of the secular and the transcendental collide out in the world of human social, political and economic interaction. My main interest in these things.

Thus the invitation on my part to those who wish to explore that aspect of the existential/essential divide.

Yes, just as there are conflicting ecclesiastical assessments of meaning and purpose in our lives, there are conflicting secular – ideological, deontological – assessments as well.

But what I wish to explore in terms of what can be a fundamental difference regarding the existential/essential divide “out in the world” is less what people claim to believe is true and more how they came to believe this instead of that given the arguments I make in my signature threads.

My main interest here revolves around secularity and transcendence as any particular individual might come to bring his or her own “general description spiritual assessment” down to Earth and explore the “for all practical purposes” implications of that assessment in regard to the very real conflicting goods that do revolve around things like homosexuality. Is there either a secular or a transcending frame of mind that is able to bring all rational and virtuous people together…or is my own assessment of human identity rooted in dasein more reasonable?

Again, choose one or the other. Only then focus in on a particular set of circumstances and explore the extent to which your own value judgments can be pinned down using the tools of philosophy or science or theology or spirituality.

As opposed to the manner in which “I” construe a fractured and fragmented “self” here to be a reasonable frame of mind in a No God world.

“As opposed to”? Whose self isn’t fractured and fragmented? Is somebody claiming that theirs isn’t?

I’m not sure how you see that you are taking anything out of the realm of psychologism, since where has Felix applied psychological conceptions to the interpretation of historical events or logical thought? Rather he spoke about the experience of existence having further dimensions than most people apply to their lives. There are numerous people who fall into one of those categories, and several who are blissfully ignorant of anything that could make them anxious, not having had to take on responsibility as yet. I find that it is then that people have to decide where they stand and how able they are to cope. It is then that you find that the self-assured retain to a certain degree their ignorance wilfully, avoiding moral complexity, regardless of where they stand and what doctrines they hold to (I am certain that they all have some doctrine they uphold). These people have often had an early advantage of identifying with other self-assured people and being welcomed by those people as one of their own.

Others are daunted by the task before them, become anxious and often indecisive, feigning perhaps membership to a group, but still insecure, having never had the advantage of belonging fully or finding acceptance. They have also not found a doctrine that could sustain them over a longer period, finding themselves in doubt of the self-assured, seeking to become streetwise in their coping with day-to-day life, developing hands-on skills and remaining pragmatic in their attitude. They survive with their anxiety, but there are many dark days and nights.

The alienated are those who I see their selves “fractured and fragmented”, seeing how society is guided by forces they have no influence on and finding no point of refuge except in their own company. This is often a state between adolescence and adulthood that can be overcome - and is by most. It is also a place where people who become victims of society find themselves, returned as it were back at the beginning of adult life, all experience wiped out and questioned. There are increasingly more people finding themselves at this point in their lives, whether they belonged to the self-assured or the anxious previously.

I am sure that the forces that be in our commercial societies are oblivious to the fate of the last group, being often made up of the first group, who are often singularly focused, and disregard collateral damage outright. They see themselves confirmed by their apparent success, measured as it is only on abstract figures and statistics, and they see the alienation of the last group as self-inflicted. I see this as a daily experience in our society, not as psychologism, or pure theory.

Rather than colliding with the world of human social, political and economic interaction, I see that many “assessments of the secular and the transcendental” provide a realistic picture of the reality in which we find ourselves. So realistic that many traditions have existed over thousands of years. The difference that has come about in our time is the solely materialistic orientation, which disregards aspects of experience that have non-materialistic explanations. We are suggested by an overbearing media, that this has no stock and that it is illusory, but the fact remains that many of us are illusory about our perception of reality, often assuming that the senses are presenting us with a true picture of reality, not taking into account the role that our brain has in sorting the sensory input.

People have been explaining to others over millennia that our perception is illusory, and modern science, if it be heard, confirms this. What I do see is the collision of materialistic interpretations of allegorical texts, as well as taking literally descriptions of experiences that are difficult to contain without metaphorical references. The transcendent experiences of people throughout history have come into disrepute despite the fact that many have a questionable grasp of reality, wrapped up as we are in our concrete jungles and artificial experience of life. The stability of our immediate environment often encourages us to believe that we have a grasp of what life is, but a night under the stars away from our towns opens up a new dimension of experience.

The loss of the experience of transcendence in secular life is the subject of this topic and this is chiefly down to the artificial environment we have created for ourselves in which life is so very complex, but leads people to either ignore the complexity, or shrink away from it, and few are those who cope well enough to guide others. The secret of survival in such a situation is humility and compassion, introspection and the building of community.

An excellent post Bob. And Iambiguous made some good points too. He’s right that no amount of possible transcendent experience in this life will free a person from existential conflict. Jesus, who according to the Gospels described his own transcendent experience in terms of the judaistic theology of his time, got caught in the middle of social political religious conflict between the Romans and the Jews in the first century Middle East. It got him killed. Threading the moral needle of life is the trickiest of businesses.

But that was 1500 years before the emergence of Western secular society. Now theism is one option among many. Most are Christians in the US. But they live in the context of a secular society. And they are significantly divided amongst themselves.

Yeah, the moral and political and spiritual objectivists who divide up the world between “one of us” [the rational and ethical] and “one of them” [the irrational and unethical] certainly strike me as eschewing a fractured and fragmented self in regard to the question, “how ought one to live in a world bursting at the seams with both conflicting goods and contingency, chance and change?”

They don’t strike you that way?

Some from a secular perspective, others from a frame of mind considerably more transcending.

Only we still need a context in order for me to argue more substantively what I mean by that.

Now, about all the other points I made above that you simply ignored…


Oh yeah you can view every phenomena within your cognitive grasp as a conflicting good. And you have to make choices about them without ultimate certainty.

Your favorite issue is abortion. The so-called prolife side looks at it as a total evil. The pro choice side looks at choice as a total good. Stepping back and looking at it from an ever so slightly meta point of view, fetuses and a woman’s right to her body are both competing goods.

Many of the same people who would deny women the right to choose whether or not she continues her pregnancy, won’t wear a mask or get vaccinated because it violates their right to choose.

It’s probably not a very savory metaphor to include in this context, but as one of my professors used to say, it depends on whose ox is getting gored.

In my case it’s kind of a peripheral issue. I’ve never been pregnant and I never will be. My influence on the judiciary and the political process are seriously limited.

I think that this system should give women the resources they need to make an informed choice on a case-by-case basis since they are the people who are closest to the actual existential dilemma. Ever closer than those old folks in the SCOTUS.

First off, as I noted to felix, my reaction to the OP revolves around my own particular philosophical interest in these crucial relationships. In other words, “Secular Existence & Transcendence” as that relates to exploring this question…

“…how ought one to live in a world bursting at the seams with both conflicting goods and contingency, chance and change?”

…given a particular set of circumstances.

And if Bob is not interested in going there, that’s fine. He can go to where he prefers to take the OP instead.


Here it depends on how you construe the meaning of psychologism.

a tendency to interpret events or arguments in subjective terms, or to exaggerate the relevance of psychological factors.

Now, in regard to “Secular Existence & Transcendence”, what particular events are the arguments relating to? Given my own interest in this distinction, we need a particular set of circumstances in which to explore the extent to which our personal value judgments are aimed more at sustaining a comforting and consoling psychological frame of mind [anchored to either a secular or sacred font] or are instead rooted philosophically in the manner in which I construe the “self” at the existential intersection of dasein, conflicting goods and political economy.

Instead, given my own set of assumptions, you don’t do there. You stay up in the “general description” clouds:

Given what situation? One ripped from the headlines for example. Actual anxiety and self-assurance and ignorance and doctrines relating the moral complexity of what specific moral conflagration that most here will be familiar with?

Instead, your points remained anchored firmly to intellectual contraption skyhooks:

Choose a conflicting good that is of particular interest to you. Note the relationship between the distinction you make regarding your assessment of a secular and a transcending frame of mind by noting specifically how you yourself feel or do not feel alienated in your interactions with others. Interactions that revolve around the question, “…how ought one to live in a world bursting at the seams with both conflicting goods and contingency, chance and change?”

Then I will describe the manner in which my own fractured and fragmented “I” is alienated in regard to discussions and debates pertaining to conflicting goods like abortion, or gun control, or human sexuality, or the role of government. Why philosophically I have, of late, been unable to “overcome” it.

Instead [as per usual in my view]:

Again, this begs for a context. What particular traditions revolving around which particular moral, political and spiritual prejudices such that in regard to traditions that are in conflict you make an argument whereby you draw the line [relating to this conflict] between materialist and non-materialist components of these conflicted interactions.

And how do you factor in capitalism [political economy] in creating and then sustaining the rampant crass materialism – mindless consumption – that pervades the culture.

But, no, you can’t help yourself in my view:

Back up into the general description clouds…

My point though is that “transcendence” in the minds of the moral, political and spiritual objectivists among us can lead to a dangerous group-think that sometimes revolves around the secular, and sometimes the ecclesiastic.

And few things are more artificial [and shallow] to me than the “one of us” versus “one of them” mentality of those who approach value judgments a mile wide and an inch deep.

I don’t expect self transcendence( SD) to result in pat answers to moral questions. But SD may enable a person to look at a moral conflict from a fresh perspective on a conflict between conflicting goods.

Anyway Iambiguous, I’m willing to go along with your agenda and see where it takes us. I’ve already started to address your pet issues of homosexuality and abortion above. I doubt that you will see my approach to the matters as adequate. I welcome your criticisms.

Thanks, I appreciate that.

Though, again, abortion is not just a “pet” issue of mine.

It is a moral conflagration that literally revolves around life and death. And it is almost always “in the news”. Here in America of late because of the SC ruling on the Texas effort to enlist citizens in the task of enforcing what many construe to be a draconian abortion policy. A law that bans abortions when some women don’t even realize that they are pregnant.

But most importantly because, re the OP on this thread – … 1&t=194382 – it was the issue that started the ball rolling for me in the general direction of a “fractured and fragmented” “I”.

Given in turn the transformation from a transcending frame of mind to a considerably more secular perspective.

Interesting topic. Analytically unsolveable, practically dissuasive. because there is a flaw, an inherent flaw in putting alienation and anxiety at par, in a forum that specifically distinguishes psychologism from analytical signifiers.

These leveling differences propagate the need to bring them together, at least within realistic. off the hook ideoms, with the very transperent need for a workable series of transcending methods.

Not that god has to be invented out of the same dust from a worn out ground, but out of the human need to grow some way of generalizing the socially adaptive human family , out of the original narrowly defined tribal family unit.

Maybe, that or truly we will continue to travel the worn out road that previously determined and defined us.

No implication need to be garnered her which makes this one dimensional world godless, hence no religious/civil split gas to be prescribed as a cure all.

The faith based idea of an absolute sum of metaphor, before it’s existential growth , is understandibly outrageous, however this regression can be appreciated , when looked at as a result of political , critical levels of determinate power applied to 19 th century social development.

The 20 th century exhibited so much of this, that the criticality actually reversed the ground, to kind of a hanging metaphor, and the point became meaningless, because the triangular point suddenle appeared to support the entire structure.
No one saw it coming, but they should have, and the assasination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, should not have been taken out of context.

The end of the Romanov rule should have been an indication of what may come ahead, and historic significance should not have been deemed irrelevant.

That history repeats it’s self should not have been ignored, as falling out of an oft repeated pattern, a mere philosophic plaything of worried salons.

Meaning went out with the baby with the bathwater of obsessions with cleanliness, whereas prior to that cleanliness was germ that divided a war , of European conflict, some claiming that cleanliness had the very seeds that contaminated it’s very body politic.

There is a hidden paradoxical rat here, festering the the wound that should enigmatically here.

Some dare call it fallacious.

My intention in the OP was to include exploration of secular this-worldly sources of transcendence on this thread.

I’m not sure what to make of your comments. Personal religion is one option in a secular society.

But Transcendence may not be limited to the religious. People may self- transcend at a rock concert or a football game when they become involved in a spirit that is greater than themselves. That may be what motivates them to be involved in those events.

They can more easily watch the game or listen to music at home. But the enthusiasm is not the same as when you’re in a crowd who’s there for a common purpose.