Judgment Day for the God of Moses

Everyday is Judgment Day. The new comes to light. The old passes away. What are the gold, silver and precious stones that endure? You be the judge. Your point of view can be the context.

Not only that but God told him this personally.

On the other hand, was this the God of Moses and Abraham? Was it Bob’s God?

And, re this thread, was it a God more partial to Christians, Jews or Muslims?

Also, how did Buddha weigh in on all this in his conversations with him/Him? And the Devil? And Death itself?

Oh, that’s a sophisticated reaction to the points I made. :laughing:

Look, you’re felix daStooge on this post, okay? It’s still just a judgment call hopelessly rooted subjectively in dasein, but I feel more confident about this one.

Note to Bob:

Take him with you, okay? :wink:

Another classic “general description spiritual contraption”.

And even though your point of view about it is rooted subjectively in dasein, that need be as far as you go in order to avoid an actual, say, existential context?

Now let’s get back to the God of Moses and Judgment Day.

Felix is up at the Pearly Gates and argues that, “Everyday is Judgment Day. The new comes to light. The old passes away. What are the gold, silver and precious stones that endure? You be the judge.”

So, sure, you be the judge here too. Does he go up or down?

“Sophisticated”? You’re the sophist here not me. You stand for sophist positions. “Man is the measure of all things.” Moral relativity. Polemics. Your shit comes straight out of their playbook!

Have we learned nothing in 2400 years? Oh yeah technology has advanced. We’ve got more people and more suffering and we’re in danger of bringing down life on the planet with us. (This latter observation is rhetorical, not necessarily aimed at you.)

Okay, given a particular context, let’s explore the manner in which you construe a Sophistic point of view. As it relates to connecting the dots between morality here and now and immortality there and then. Then, using the same context, we can move on to the Milesians and the Pythagoreans, the Pluralists and Atomists.

Of course, my contention in regard to human suffering is how so much of it revolves historically around the God and No God objectivists gaining the political power necessary to enforce their own dogmas.

Only, as a moral nihilist, I also own up to the fact that, historically, moral nihilism has itself been used to sustain all manner of ghastly injustice. From the “show me the money” crony capitalists that own and operate the global economy to the sociopaths that can make life a living hell for anyone who just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Which is why those like you need your “general description spiritual contraptions” to anchor yourself in…in order to bring whatever measure of comfort and consolation you can manage.

Note to the God of Moses:

Up or down?


I’m not only curious about the God of Moses, but any religious path in which there appears to be one or another rendition of Judgment Day in the Scriptures.

Or those religious paths that link so-call enlightened behaviors on this side of the grave with, say, reincarnation on the other side.

What of those people who in all sincerity or through childhood indoctrination, place their bets on the wrong God/Buddha? How, historically, for all practical purposes, do you imagine that works? You are judged given how much to worship and adore any given God but any number of people may have gone from the cradle to the grave never even having heard of this God. Or scarcely knew anything about Him. Do they get a free pass for this? Meaning that those who have been made aware of Him but choose to worship and adore their own God instead are punished for that? They actually would have better off never having been aware of the God at all?

I wonder: How many religious folks ever really think things like this through at all. Though I’d like to believe that those who come to a philosophy venue would be willing to.

Though I suspect that to the extent such an exploration begins to chip away at their own faith, any number of folks will back off.

UUUmmmm…sorry for intruding…but you’re missing something.
A context.
Don’t be fulminating fanatics spreading us/them in the here/now.
Take it down from the conceptual stratosphere.

Return to your without a context discussion.

Note to Others
Unless I’m wrong…of course.

That’s because you think that the object of faith must be worked out into a left brain philosophical system in order to warrant believe. Whereas faith is basic trust in Ultimate Reality. All religions point to it metaphorically. All theological systems as systems fall short of one-to-one correspondence with the ultimate One. Faith in a system results in error. You have directed your attention towards pointing out the errors. Going about it the way you do, that’s where you’ll stay stuck. But you seem to be deeply attached to this MO. You can plug in your determinism proposition here.

Just what we need --a parody of a parody!


A suggestion…

That you and those like Bob here begin an “intelligent and civil” exchange exploring your respective views on the Abrahamic God.

How about in the agora at KT?

This way, as I follow it, I can be reminded over and over again that…

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Of course: another general description intellectual/spiritual contraption that steers completely away from the points I raise above.

One can imagine felix on Judgment Day making these point in the interview with the admittance officer – God? – at the entrance to Heaven or Nirvana or whatever he imagines the fate of his very own “I” to be.

Technically, he’ll point out, what really is an “error” when it comes to going up or down?

And why not his own Ultimate Reality, he’ll insist. He can argue as I would that this is rooted subjectively in dasein out in the particular world historically and culturally understood in a particular way. A world he was just thrown into at birth. Completely beyond his control.

Really, what would – what could – God say to that?

Note to Mr. Fun:

Don’t be fooled by this. This is just one more tiresome example of the “any enemy of iambiguous is a friend of mine” syndrome here at ILP.

Of late I have been making almost as big a fool of Bob as I do of you. He’s got me on “ignore” I suspect.

And, again, the irony being that, if you and he were ever to discuss his Christian God, you would soon be spewing as much invective scorn at him as you do in regard to nihilism with me.

He actually detests those who come here to ILP and turn the discussions into caustic huffing and puffing “mock mock mock” exchanges. But since it’s aimed at me and I’m a threat to his own comforting and consoling spiritual One True Path, he’ll make an exception.

Right, Bob?

The key to your argument there is “…one can imagine…” And a psychological proposition to go with it: all imagination is motivated. It’s no great leap to suppose that imagination of an afterlife in heaven is motivated by desire for immortality. What’s motivating your imagination? I have several hypotheses, but I defer to whatever may come from the horse’s mouth, as it were.

Lorikeet wrote:

which I don’t think I was :mrgreen:

Given that, to the best of my knowledge, you have not had the actual experience of being interviewed for admittance into Heaven or its equivalent, all I can do is imagine how you might respond to any judgmental questions about your life put to you. With immortality and salvation on the line. And, besides, it’s less what motivates you to answer as you do and more what might motivate God [or His No God equivalent] to be approving or disapproving of your answers.

Again, assuming that there is a Judgment Day…and that admittance comes down to which particular “a God, the God” is evaluating your answers.

What motivates me? Why the same thing that motivates everyone else of course: immortality and salvation.

This thread just confronts those convinced that their own One True Path rests on the assumption that given Judgment Day, a God, the God will be likely to judge them as eligible to go up and not down. Or even to tumble over into the abyss that is oblivion.

And then those like Bob who won’t delve too deeply into this for fear of putting cracks in his own comfort and consolation.

You want judgement day for ALL gods?!?!?!

How fucking hard is it to say, “there’s this thing called consent violation (I don’t want that) and we should fix it”???

How fucking hard is that to say!!!

All the gods and prophets are bullshit.

That simple.

I want to wake people up. And I can say it this simply.

No Einstein, no Jesus, no Socrates, no emperor, no Nobel prize winners, no ceo philanthropist, no celebrity , no president, no author, no ministers, no ET’s, no prophets, no Buddha, none of it.

The most important thing to communicate in ALL of existence is that consent violation is the only problem.

You can look at this one of two ways:

1.) you can be depressed that your heroes were mentally retarded - and so were you

2.) you can be released from the shackles of the dead and expand to new and infinite possibility

The choice is yours.

I choose no Ecmandu!