How does nature know?

Nice. Love it. (‘course reminds me of “My sheep know my voice.”)

A long time


“For Nature”
As if nature were a god, or a thing?
Infected, you are, by Abrahamism.

Two ways of thinking about nature.
As the sum of all that exists - cosmos.
As the sum total of all that lives.

What is the difference between what lives and what does not?
Both existing.
This is how ‘nature knows’.
Stored events, as organic codes guiding its processes.
Codes that offer an advantage to survival and reproduction, are propagated; those that do not, dare eliminated; those that do neither, are stored as inert, latent codes, that may be triggered at some alter date by the inclusion of new codes.
Call them codes, data, information…algorithms…

Two forms of code.
Genetic, DNA - all life has this.
An additional source of memory evolves - experiential.
Creating body/mind dichotomy.
Experiential memory is what we call learning.
Learning streamlines natural selection - it allows an organism to adapt, on the fly, in real time, to novel circumstances or to circumstances it has survived.
This increases choices…free-will.
Free = referring to quantity of options; will strength determining which of those options is accessible to the individual.
Will being the focus of an organism’s aggregate energies.
So free-will refers to an individual organism’s awareness and access to options it can choose from.
An organism can choose, then judge its choice as erroneous - or not entirely effective in relation to its objective - and adapt it.
This multiplies the survival and reproduction probability of an individual organism.

If an individual misidentifies the origin of its error, and its degree, it will fails to adapt itself…and will repeat its error, even fi with different consequences…due to whatever adjustment sit did make and due to chaos…random energies and the choices of other living organism’s and the interactions of non-living energies.

There is only baked in purpose/function for repeating parts of nature?

Nature’s primary “purpose” is to maintain and propagate itself.
What offers an advantage is selected and ingratiated into a species behaviour - manifesting physical and mental traits.
Homo sapiens develop additional purposes above and beyond mere survival and reproduction.
They give themselves a purpose - sometimes, as in nihilistic memes, they find a purpose contrary to their own survival.
Humans can think beyond the immediate, and their own lifespan.

Purpose = objective.

The objective is what gives value to the subject’s movements, actions, choices.
Triangulation: subject - movement/effort - objective.
This is what gives purpose and establishes value judgements.

Given that “nature” (which I believe is the nickname for “existence”) only appears in the form of a person and that which the person experiences, the only part of nature that knows anything is the consciousness of a person.

Yes…nature can be used to represent ‘all that exists’ or it may be used to represent ‘all that is ordered and therefore perceptible’ or it may be used to represent ‘all that lives, or has will/intent’.

or all that is wild and untamed by reason


Ha…how you desperately want to give it all a rational, to introduce the absurdity of an Abrahamic god.

Ockham’s Razor…
Morality, free-will, and emotions do not need a creator.
Natural selection suffices.
What offers an advantage, is passed on; what does not, is neutral and may be triggered later on; what offers a disadvantage, perishes along with the individual and is not passed on.

You are an expert at using the same premise to argue for two different conclusions.

Does all morality support survival, or are there unnatural life-denying moralities?

The God of Abraham does not reduce to absurdity, although he can reduce your argument to absurdity.

He is the Good, but we interpret it.

No moron…not two…only in your mind are there two, binaries is how you think; only in your understanding…explaining why you are a Christian.

How many times can I repeat it:
All that evolves and persists offers a survival advantage…like your Christianity.
But you don’t practice it, religiously, do you, old hag…so you must go to Church and ask for forgiveness for not following your own beliefs.
If you did…you would not last a week.

A singularity that cannot be proven nor shown…is an absurdity.
All absurdities can claim all sorts of outlandish shit, and then make all sorts of outlandish linguistic excuses.

At least the Jews describe their singularity as both good and evil.
Christians have to invent an entire story to explain why Adam is the source of Evil - Promethean by the way…not original - making free-will a trick…a ruse…to weaponize shame and guilt.

The other fucks on this forum, have abandoned the Christian bullshyte, and adopted straight-up linguistic methods to claim free-will does not exist, and that choice is not truly a choice.
So, they’ve become shameless and guiltless cynics.
You hold on the old ways, so you evade becoming a postmodern cynic.
You are happy to admit that you are a slave.

It’s easy to set up a straw man to beat down, but only a weak person would do that.

I’m no fireball throwing witch. I know there’s a brain in there somewhere :wink: As my mom used to say, use it for something else besides a hat rack.

A hat with a rabbit hole.

And that’s a (w)rap.

Well…case closed.
You have a brain…despite what you say.

And we can all appreciate its quality.

Nature -to me- is that which has been untampered/uninfluenced with… so a natural progression and unfolding of time and of all situations, within a boundary-set.

…go with the flow or go against the grain, which one is best?

…which one, is proving detrimental to humanity? This question is more difficult than rocket-science, for most. :neutral_face:

It is the finished work by which to compare its “in progress”. Our example is Jesus on the cross, and his Resurrection, and the Holy Spirit connecting us (the receptive) as his body, according to self=other… not like mindless group-thinking drones.

I weren’t talking to you!

Yes, unaffected by human interventions…or what was before man intervened.

What is the goal?
The goal, the objective, determines value.

Nihilism is proving to be detrimental.

well I guess we’ll just have to let it blow up then. I got nothin else.

So pertinent to cities more-so than towns and lesser to villages, I would gather…

Furthering humanity, not undermining it… heal, not harming… truth, not lieing… protect, not abusing… etc. etc. etc.

I only heard of ‘nihilism’ when I came here, but knew of the occultists and occultism… not sure if they are one and the same… I read, but did not rejoice in it… understood, but chose not to understand.