For the love of God!

We are not the answer to All prayers, least of all Our own.

I like that list.

…an esoteric approach?

Did Crowley know what love was? …or St Augustine non-infidelity love?

The Euthyphro dilemma is found in Plato’s dialogue
Euthyphro, in which Socrates asks Euthyphro, “Is the
pious loved by the gods because it is pious, or is it
pious because it is loved by the gods?” Wikipedia

It sounds like his gods loved conditionally, for him to even think of or pose such a question… local gods/local problems.

Should all Faiths be based on (an) unconditional loving god/s, otherwise what is the point in having unconditional faith in One’s Faith… for its a reciprocal endeavour, of a seemingly symbiotic nature.

Even if we stop caring about ourselves our god/s or our Faith/s, they should never stop caring about us, earned… by being faithful to One’s Faith, through devotion.

The resolution is that God is the Good (Love)… he exists his essence. That is why he fulfills his promises (remains faithful/true) even if we don’t. Romans 3:3-4.

Love bounds very widely dispersed latitude, from the apperant logicality of ‘ love your enemies, your brother, your neighbor, (since not acting accordingly thus can logically turn them into contrary positions)- all the way to boundless, non descript absolute concern- which only absolute faith can bind .

Such absolution is only possible with full recognition of the precise identity of form and content I’ve role both God and the individual assume of each other: this is why this assumption falls totality to the individual, sine God by definition is perceived and known as One so possesses each mortal sentient being.

Such love needs no further proof from God, but conversely is asked and even demanded by Man, over again.

The Self Sacrafice , of God, is appreciated as the act that tears The Son Of God from an unbreakable bond, to prove that the Wird of God was literally Created , so that men could believe. and stop sacrificing their own sons to gain Gods favor, and see literally their sacraficial acts causing miracles of favors that could make them believe -generation after generation.

However God saw that man will forget to sacrafice their beliefs in the Wird, as if they would forfeit their material gains and trade them as Faust did and sell out, so He, God had to save His Creation, for He So Loved Mankind.

…a reciprocity in kind, is necessary… sorry! =;

Faith is a two-way street, not a one-way alley.

He forgives those, that forgive themselves… so a subsumation of sorts… so a responsibility of Self, not of All… We ain’t Atlas!

Operator: God’s busy right now, but if you ring back later he’ll be able to take your call…

[hangs up]

Me: …try again tomorrow… coz he’s got all the time ~as well as the whole world- on/in, his hands.

911: Please stay on the line. Your neighbor (the other) will be with you shortly. You just happen to have complementary needs. I will walk you through it. If I send out my resources like gangbusters it would not be just to your house. Not everybody’s house is ready for that. We understand your frustration. We are right there with you.

Keep continually weeding your garden,
lest your neighbours’ gardens also becometh full of weeds.

My current situation, right now… for I cannot see any grass, for all the weeds.

I will have you know I intentionally allow the native species to grow wild and do not prefer your typical well-manicured yard. Rarely does anyone ever listen to my advice on the matter. They always mow all that stuff down; all my freaking beautiful wild flowers planted for nothing. I’ve given up for now. If I ever am the only one in charge, there goes my little spot of the normal-looking neighborhood.

Art imitates life wherever I go…

Js. I hope you see your wildflowers.

What a load of assumptative judgemental twaddle… as per

…is why I ignore, the bore.

I’m not boring you, MagsJ. I’m just standing here minding my own business, admiring your wildflowers.

How do you make holy water?

… you boil the hell out if it.

New to you. You break it, you buy it (caveat emptor: no refunds). No window shopping; door is always open. Leave 99, get 1 free. Today only.



MagsJ, you need to walk through the weeds and trust that you will find the grass. Keep looking.
It will be there!!! The Leap of faith is well worth it.

Do you remember Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?

At the third challenge, Indiana faces a giant chasm. There’s no way he could ever come close to jumping across, and he eventually realizes that it’s a leap of faith. Indiana takes a giant step off the edge and Boom! There’s an invisible bridge. He slowly walks across, and before he moves on, he throws some sand across the bridge so he can find his way back more easily. … y/scene-14

Thanks Arc, but I was talking literally not metaphorically… my neighbours’ weeds have suffocated all my grass away, so now I’ve got all weeds and no grass.

What to do, what to do! re-seed or pave over the lot…