Religions and supernatural beliefs are the enemy of world pe

Religions and supernatural beliefs are the enemy of world peace, as shown by 5000 years of war.

Supernatural believing faith-based religious hierarchies have been lying so much to their people that the more vulnerable of their people actually believe the — mythical, allegorical, imaginary icons that they are persuaded,— against all logic and reason, — to believe in as real. That is abuse to a mind.

A mind is a person’s most treasured possession and to allow liars and con men to effect and infect so many minds, — should be made illegal, as well as a sin, — but of course, — the world is not ready for a moral religious lesson.

Logic, reason, logos, intelligent thinking, — it seems, — are no match against the vile con men who run the religions and the mythos they and the faith poison they use to damage precious minds.

We and our ancestors have paid a high price to the religious con men that have damaged so many minds. A huge price in minds, cash as well as; world peace.

Those con men should be censored.

Religions are a good thing. They have just forgotten that they were created to produce peace.

Not the God damned God produced 5,000 years of our war filled history.

While those same religions oppressed non-believers, women and gays. As the majority, the religious also impose poverty.

The supernatural belief fostered by the mainstream, — immoral, homophobic, and misogynous religions, — and their con men hierarchy, — are not a friend to peace.

They should be outlawed as soon as possible.

This would allow what Jesus preached in terms of electing a human God.

Human Gods can make peace and I suggest we elect one, as in the Roman System, democracy; to bring peace to the world that we are God damned destroying for our children.

Their precious minds are in your hands.

Logos or mythos must be chosen by all.

Peace wants Logos, not mythos, faith, or an unproven supernatural concept of any kind.

Trust the method for peace that Jesus preached. Elect a God. A man. Jesus asked his people if they had forgotten that they were Gods.

Most had, but not the Gnostics who had taught the Roman Jesus.

Be a Gnostic and recognize the evil of religions, as well as the good parts.

I would prefer to focus on the good, but my love has created a great hate for the religious con men who harm so many.

That hate forces me to call them out, even as I recognize the need for community churches. Less so now as in the past.

Our world cannot afford to lose good minds to religious faith based supernatural thinking that is helping to destroy our world.

Peace and decent morality would like to prevail.

Be decent parents and people and tell your children that there is nothing to fear from the supernatural, because there is only good, in what you can imagine somehow; even if you do not see it in your imagination immediately. Think dreams.

Minds are too precious to allow frivolous impairment with supernatural beliefs.

Save your mind by discarding faith without facts and the imaginary supernatural realm.



There is no supernatural realm. Ideas pro religion or anti religion come from the deep inner recesses of the human brain/mind. Take certain drugs and you will
experience heaven and hell.
Good luck with trying to persuade the ultra-rational from their belief in them vs us, which is the origin of all wars.

I emboldened the parts I disagree with.

On the other hand we have the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution:

It seems to me that outlawing religions and beliefs that we don’t like is the road to totalitarianism. Better to let people express their opinions in a free market of ideas. Without the freedom to be wrong in the public light, people will hold ideas in private darkness where validity is indiscernible. Freedom always involves risk. But the alternative is tyranny.

If you blame religion for war, you are probably only blaming the first surface.

I think war is more about racism in old times.
The enemy is dehumanized, then it becomes a good thing to kill or enslave them.
Civil war happens when one party is dehumanized. Or often, both parties dehumanize each other.

There is the argument that the other religion is immoral or evil.
That is probably what you are focusing on.
The claim that one religion is holy and the others are evil.
That does lead to war.

The rational need little from me.

It is the irrational religious who need help.


Your constitution is garbage. Look at the conditions in your backwards country.

If interfering in despicable religions is totalitarianism to you, then I guess that you would have let groups like the Waco Texas bunch just go ahead and kill their adherents without interference.

A religious tribe within a greater secular tribe does not get more rights than anyone else.

Being a religious fool with supernatural beliefs should bring more right to the medical system and that is about it.



We have a long war history that proves the concept.

If racism was that important, you might wonder why so many Christian sects fought with other Christian sects within the same social groups of the same race.

In fact, if they had not stopped fighting each other, they would have lost all of Europe to the Muslims who got as far as France before the push back sent them south again.


If religious wars are “bad”, then Christians fighting Muslims must also be “bad”.

Therefore “losing” Europe to the Muslims should be okay … certainly nothing to fight about.

Yes, the USA is divided. And religion is a major contributing divisive factor. “Backwards” no doubt, but in relation to what “forward”?

History shows the problem of State suppression of religious freedom. We see that in the Soviet Union of the 20th century and the Republic of China now. Two horrendous examples among many.

Religious tribalism is a problem, no doubt. But, to “outlaw” religious belief is to put the thought control under the power of the State.

If one possessed perfect knowledge of Ultimate Reality one would be in the position to do that. Apparently Plato thought he was in that position when he wrote his “Republic” in 375BCE.

But, no one has convinced me that they have that knowledge. So I am for democracy with religious freedom on agnostic grounds.

I was talking cause of war and not their good or evil aspects.

There are good wars that need fighting. WWII comes to mind as well as the U.S. civil war.

The more colonial wars further back in history held a lot of evil. Most of those were religious wars.


Democracy to replace your oligarchy would be nice. This is another topic though.

Religious freedom, you would not like. How far would you let that go?

Would Jews and Christians be able to stone unruly children and fornicators the way they used to?

Would Muslims be able to throw gays from buildings the way they like to do?


There are laws to deal with those kinds of crimes without denying a modicum of religious freedom. Absolutism leads to totalitarianism be it secular or religious.

All the god religions are fascist, absolutist and totalitarian. Their homophobia and misogyny makes that a true statement.

I do agree that it takes secular law to clip their immoral wings.

Left to their own, they are too immoral and dangerous. We have had enough inquisitions and jihads.
