Was Protestantism and Mass Literacy a Huge Mistake???

The Protestant Movement delegitimized the Holy Roman Catholic Church Order by ‘outsourcing’ The Bible and the Priests who “interpreted” it.

In essence, the Protestant Restoration was very much the “internet” of the 1500 and 1600s. All of a sudden, the plebian and serf masses, the peasants, could learn to read and write on “their own”, without Catholic Priests and Bishops breathing down their necks. The hypothesis was the same as it is now, “if you educate the peasant masses, then everybody benefits”. But is this really true? The problem and question is one of interpretation and Who Decides exactly, as to what means what? We even see this on this forum today, or anytime over the recent years. Who decides “the correct” interpretation, for the masses? Does Main Stream Media dictate what is ‘true’ or not? Do the “fact checkers” decide what is true and real, or do you?

The problem was and is Subjectivity, that if the masses/peasants/serfs/slaves were given the ability to read/write, that they would then understand what exactly they were reading and writing. This is the false presumption.

For example, there is a thread right now Good News of the Kingdom that debates whether the sacrifice and offering of Jesus Christ is literal, and that it literally means Christians believe in or practice Cannibalism, in the sense of ‘drinking’ the blood of Christ, and ‘eating’ the flesh of Christ. I believe, personally, that this is severely stupid. It misses the point entirely, maliciously so. It degrades from the whole Point/Purpose/Meaning of the writing! It distracts and redirects. It is “Fake News”. Because rather than talk about the significance of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice and offering, it misappropriates it into something nonsensical, evil, wrong, and distracting. It takes something that is Good, and makes it as Evil, bad, wrong, as possible.

This is the problem of Subjective Interpretation, and why much credit should be returned back to the Holy Roman Catholics. Because, at the very least, they would not allow such retarded interpretations to go unpunished. This is symbolic of the fact, that, despite Literacy of the Plebs, that they do not understand what they are reading, and why they are reading it. They do not understand its purpose, points, or meaning. They do not understand its symbolism, metaphors, and significance.

The plebs DO in fact need Mediators for them to understand, what and why, they are reading.

And it is true, now, with the internet, with the Overflow of information and data worldwide. That you can give a person mountains and mountains of delicious raw food to eat. But if that person doesn’t know how to cook …then the meat spoils, and s/he gains very little in the end, only a very very small piece of the wealth s/he has inherited.

It is disgraceful.

The Catholics were/are Right. Mediators are needed. Superior Interpretation is needed, between God and Peasant.

The point of this, essentially, is that Superior/Inferior interpretations of reality are obvious.

That some sources of information/data/news can be trusted, and others cannot.

And that such sources, if they are trusted, can be flagrantly wrong, consistently, and abuse those positions of authority, for ulterior motives and agendas.

It is then Objectively Superior if an Authority were both “telling the truth” and “without ulterior motive”, which is obviously rare, and not common.

How then does Postmodern Humanity, around the entire world, face such difficult situations? Can false Authorities be rejected? And how can true Authorities be ‘chosen’?

Catholicism was a hermetic cult which had a free hand at doing whatever they said goes.
They had dumped the contents of the bible and given the Pope the hotline to god.
The Pope was seen as the voice of god on earth able to demand whatever he wanted.
What the Pope said was Christian dogma.
This led to a situation where the Pope had a brothel in the Vatican and used to sell sins out to the highes bidder, giving forgiveness to those that could most afford the cash to buy the indulgences.
The relgion had also becone awassh with fake unchristian beliefs, and syncratisms from Pagan systems of belief.

And yet, here we are… with gross Protestant misinterpretations of Religion, and Reality.

If the Pope is untrustworthy, then who is?

Sculptor wrote:

Who would believe and accept this? :evilfun: or pay for it…

Ur are you catholic?

I just assumed you were an atheist.

If theocracy, then why not technocracy?

I believe the Universe is filled with life, alien civilizations are common, and what humans perceive as “God/demons/angels” are sometimes entities from higher dimensions.

I guess, technically, that would make me a Polytheist, maybe… I just think of myself as a Philosopher. Obviously I don’t have concrete evidence, or alien crafts to prove my hypotheses.


Because Technocrats are Protestants, and technically fall under the same criticism & weakness as stated in the OP.

Here’s the presumption and main criticism:

From 1500 onward, Protestants thought they could do religion/spirituality/christianity ‘better’ than the Catholic Church and Pope… but they’ve failed, for reasons listed above.

The Technocratic Clergy, “fact checkers”, are just as corrupt, sinful, ruthless, evil as the worst crimes of the Catholic Diocese and malevolent Archbishops…

Same bullshit, same outcome,

Protestantism has Failed.

Here’s an argument:

If humanity is forced into a false-dichotomy of morality between Protestantism (Americanism) and Catholicism…

Then why wouldn’t people choose the institution that protects Chastity and Sanctity of marriage, value of love and family, tradition, conservatism, and protecting the Family unit? Which Churches offer such protection and identity, the Protestants and their Technocracy… or Catholicism and thousands of years of such traditions?? The choice seems obvious, to me.

Nothing since the Protestant movement began, helped, uplifted, or protected their family unit from ultimate destruction. Simply observe the propaganda, indoctrination, and “education” they splay in everybody’s faces right now… These people claim to “care for black people”, but, do they? They claim human “Equality” and justice, but, do they? Obviously not. It was never their intention to protect anybody, any collective, and certainly not any traditional family structure. Protestantism resulted in dissection of Family, and xenophobia in place of Love, Loyalty, Ethnogenesis – Estrangement, Dehumanization.

Here’s another argument:

Where has Free Speech gone?

Did the Protestants really believe it, from the onset? Did they protect it? Observe the historical Conclusion to what they claimed to believe, their primary values…

Ditched at the first sign of struggle and strife. Absent, when it really and truly counted…

How ‘free’ has speech remained, when the sitting US President is censored and banished from speaking??

By the same ones who were spawned from its supposed origin?? Again, Protestantism has failed, in the end, when it actually mattered and counted.

The Protestants of Human History must admit…

It was all a lie.

They never really believed in Free Speech. It was about political power from the start. A resistance against Rome, so that they create their own, new Rome (New York and Washington DC), in which they could control their own Narrative, and then that “Free Speech” would end.

Free Speech, Bill of Rights, Constitutional Amendments, Human Rights… but only when convenient.

Could be, I have little idea what’s out there.
These’re things only a few men can verify with their own senses.
In addition to ETs, sometimes I wonder about cosmology too, have they been entirely honest with us about cosmology?
Are the luminaries and outerspace exactly what they say they are?

Not sure if WASP elites who gave us a bit of freedom and democracy were planning on taking it back at some point all along, but it wouldn’t surprise me.
Would it have been better to stick with paleofeudalism if freedom and democracy necessarily lead to neofeudalism?

If neofeudalism is inevitable, the clever, hearty & stubborn may find ways around it.

Industrialism and Capitalism made the world rich, creating the American Middle Class… not necessarily the WASP political-cultural system.

It was more about ingenuity, colonialism, and raw ambition in the New World.

An interesting perspective. Do I detect a nostalgia for order and structural unity? I read in this an implicit critique of the modern theological epsitemology. Still, there’s no going back without the loss of theological freedom (including freedom from theology as it were), is there?

The WASP work ethic went hand in hand with capitalism, industrialism and wealth, along with other WASP values like the nuclear family as opposed to the extended family, a capacity to change jobs and locales multiple times in one’s life, adapt to different socioeconomic environments, greater emphasis on intellectual and social freedom, on personal development and achievement, on education and career, on the arts, philosophy and the sciences, on creativity, rationality and ingenuity.

Also see the Fable of the Bees (private vice = public virtue).
Producerism is but one side of the coin, consumerism and materialism the other.

Democracy (universal suffrage) protects capitalism (universal liberty).
Dictatorship is more likely to beget cronyism.

Big government doesn’t just come from intervention in the economy, but from intervention in all domains of life, in culture, religion and society.
By reducing the size of government across the board citizens were able to get down to business, and pleasure.
State meddling in culture, religion and society tends to stifle.
If government isn’t heavily taxing the people for strictly economic reasons it can still heavily tax them to spend money on excessively policing them and waging war.

I believe there “is going back”, in a bad way, and this maybe a historical trend.

Already there are systems forming in the United States which promote, encourage, and enforce mass censorship and mass silencing of political opposition.

Theocratic rule follows from such environments. The Protestant Technocrats are acting very much the same way as rogue, mafia Archbishops sent from the Church to oversee Pagan serf dissent and uprisings. For example, the amount of items of critique which cannot be stated on youtube, twitter, facebook, search results tamped on google, by “widespread voter fraud”, “wuhan laboratory leak”, “vaccine inefficiency”, etc. is oppressive.

Definitely, I don’t see the US Federal and International Government shrinking anytime soon…

Previously you said that the Catholic Church was right, but now you have a problem with “mafia Archbishops sent from the Church to oversee Pagan serf dissent and uprisings”? And then you connect that with YouTube Twitter Facebook and various conspiracy theories?

Often times, it’s a lesser-of-two-evils approach. I’m merely introducing the possibility… probability… that Western Civilization made a grave mistake.

My point is: it’s not enough to teach children how to read, but also, how to think.

And this means, philosophically, with an open-mind, sharpness, critique, and relentless pursuit of Truth and Justice. Moral Values, which the Western masses are deprived of, and thirsty for.

Things they cannot get or attain, without a spiritual foundation.

So humans don’t think spontaneously they have to be taught how? And the teachers will be teaching them how to think not how they the teachers think, right? And who will teach the teachers? And whose version of spirituality will be taught?