Here it is! TO HELL YOU SAY! Pantheopsychic Comics Issue 1

Greetings Wise Ones,

As stated earlier my final word on Pantheopsychism and Pantheopsychic Theology was to be an e-book entitled: For He Has Set Eternity In The Hearts Of Men, but this has changed.

The final word on Pantheopsychism and Pantheopsychic Theology is to be a comic book series overarchingly entitled: The Gospel of the Undamned. For He Has Set Eternity In The Hearts Of Men, meanwhile, is to be the title of the comic series finale.

This is finally a reality, after decades in the mental making since that ancient time when I stood on the beach in Corpus Christi, Texas on a religious retreat with an ex-girlfriend, standing on the beach and watching the waves when the weirdest, most bizarre thought struck me like a surprise beach ball to the face:

What if Christ is still being crucified,
and we actually live inside his mind?

Something I certainly would never have thought of in a million years to be sure or so it seemed…but the crazy idea hovered, glowering in menacing light within the crawlspace of my mind, and Pantheopsychism was born. Though it would slowly develop over the next 21 years through the evolutionary steps under the prototype nom de guerre’s of “Superchristianity” and “Weird Christianity”.

I took the concept: “…and we actually live inside his mind?” literally in my Pantheopsychic works until recently, but recently I was inspired (I think) to see the logical problems with the literal meaning of the concept (can other consciousnesses logically exist within a larger consciousness?). Consciousness-content-replication and the idea that the external world is not an infinite conscious mind of God but an infinite unconscious mind solved the problem, with Acts 17:21 (‘For in Him we live, and move, and have our being’) still satisfied through the concept of the unconscious mind of God containing God-replicators and the conscious mind of God being the source of the experience of those who reside in the space of God’s unconscious mind (everything a permutation of the God-Substance).

[The whole shamboozle is aptly sorted out and explained in the ILP posts: A Final, Pantheopsychic Theory of Everything and, Are You A God-Replicant?]

But I digress. Below is Issue #1 of Pantheopsychic Comics, a critical analysis of the need for the existence of the damned and damnation itself entitled: To Hell You Say!

Phenomenal Graffiti

Nice Work

It’s definitely interesting.
I read the whole thing.

To Dan:



