Unbanning Pinnacle of Reason

when will the unbanning take effect? if ever?

I pray it would never happen…

but which god could hear me?

Wait…let me patch you through to one of my friends.

Ok, go ahead Shiva.

Ah, yes…what can I do for you?

Ad, please substitute your current avatar for this Shiva’s picture. I can hardly READ your posts!

You didn’t answer Shiva.

Are you brave or simply foolish Mr. Fab.

Of course nor even Shiva could make it easier to support an unbanning of PoR…

Are you nasty or simply insolent Dr Adler?

Are you naive or simply resistant to the use of James bond references?

Bring back PoR. This place is getting way too sane.

the man is back

hey i’m on your side fabiano

i am all for free speech and stuff but there needs to be an annoyance limit on it. like… you can say whatever you want: three times.

It appears all the old guards want me back, so now it is up to Ben to permit democracy to take its place, plus he promised to unbann me after a month.

It certainly doesn’t help that one of the first things you do is start sending the same abusive PMs that helped get you banned in the first place! :unamused: Lessons and learning, PoR, lessons and learning.