PM's: SQL Error

Hi Carleas,
I’m having problems sending PM’s. I’ve been getting this message even when I go to save a draft. I’ve signed out and rebooted my machine but still the same problem.
The error message below says it’s a database error. Thanks.

General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]
Incorrect string value: ‘\xF0\x9F\x98\x8A. …’ for column ‘draft_message’ at row 1 [1366]
An SQL error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact the Board Administrator if this problem persists.

Fixed yet?

What about now?

Sometimes people don’t respond quickly because they want to appear busy.

I used to do that when I worked for the government.
My boss got mad at me and told me to answer immediately.
So when when a call came through, I’d answer: “911. What’s your emergency?”
then put them on hold and pretended I had other calls.


Me: “911, sorry to keep you waiting. What is your emergency?”

Caller: “Oh my god. I’m in the woods. I was hunting with my friend and I think I accidently killed him. Oh my god what am I going to do?”

Me: “Stay calm, sir. The first thing I want you to do is to make sure he really is dead.”


Caller: “OK, now what?

Me: :confused:

Me: “911. What’s your emergency?”

Caller: “There’s a massive fight going on right now. Please send the cops.”

Me: “Whose fighting? Do they have any weapons?”

Caller: “There are two girls fighting. They don’t have any weapons but they’re fighting over me.”

Me: “And why is this an emergency?

Caller: The ugly one is winning.


I think my computer has a virus.

Maybe it has covid?

OK, but where’s the ‘any’ key?

Me: “911, What’s your emergency?”

Caller: “I’d like to report a kidnapping”

Me: “OK. How old is the child?”

Caller: "He’s three. (sobbing… ) He wandered off into his bedroom and… "

Me: “Don’t worry. Just let him nap. He’ll be up and about and about in an hour or so. Bye”

Caller: :open_mouth:


Me: “911 What’s your emergency?”

Caller: “My husband has crushing pains in his chest. I think he might be having a stroke”

Me: “Don’t worry, ma’am. Emergency services are on their way. Just remain calm and stay with him until they arrive.”

Caller: “How long will the ambulance be?”

Me: “About 5 metres.”


I have people waiting for my spiritual advice…

and I’m unable to get their credit card details.

Me: “911. What’s your emergency?”

Caller: “My wife has just gone into labor and I don’t know what to do.”

Me: “Is this her first child?”

Caller: “No. This is her husband.”


Me: “911. What’s your emergency?”

Asian man: “Wife in bed. She wery wery hot.”

Me: “Okay… good for you.”


All’s good. It’s working now.

For your info, Carleas, in case you get the same error message down the track:
I wrote this message on Word and added a smilie. The system doesn’t like smilies from other programs and wouldn’t send.

Thanks for all your help. :laughing:
I couldn’t have done in without you. :sunglasses:


Lol Chakra… I’m digging your humour, very much. ; )

Hehehe. You like ‘dad jokes’, too? They’re so corny and cringy they’re funny.


They’re so corny and cringy as not to be funny.

My dad got to appreciate that if I found him funny I’d laugh, but if I didn’t… which was oftentimes, I at least appreciated the joke due to his effort in making it.

He made me his wing-woman when I was 17, if that helps with context. :slight_smile:

Yeah, dads and their jokes are great.
I have a couple of cute Asian girls who call me ‘daddy’ and like my jokes.


We’ll need a context, of course…