Philosophy For Us Dummies

  1. science is everything
  2. god is shit
  3. tyranny is tyranny

god those were good posts…
they dont seem dumb…

again dummies…god exists…that is subjective truth

turtle, when was the last time you took a swim or basked in the Sun on a rock?
Philosophy is only a pond away. :stuck_out_tongue:

do you think i am too serious…every day i sit on a rock in the shade and i walk in the creek…and i still am serious…that is my nature
i could take you for a walk…

Or I might slip you under my wing and take you flying.
But I will NOT have a leach around my neck.

i would be afraid to go on a trip with you…
the last trip, you were teaching me about how to be positive…

find out about quantum weirdness and un-natural truth…you need to know this shit…

us dummies have taken a poll…
50% are 100% certain…
49% are 99.9% certain
01% are 99.8% certain

attention us dummies–

god now exists and it is us dummies…you will live forever if you can whisper “us”…

little slippery reptile…

Don’t be afraid…it’s not as scary as you think.
And I’m not a teacher - I’m an artist. :laughing: I try to paint a picture. We can go flying into one, you know.
We just need to remember to bring our multi-colored paints with us - ALL of them.
Things just need to be painted as IS…or as close to reality as we see it. That way aren’t we closer to your god?

yes we can go…but i will need to teach and i dont want to paint…this god shit is silly for me…i cant take it seriously for myself…that is not where my mind is…where is your mind…


I wouldn’t say that the concept of a god is silly. I may be wrong here but if we humans imagined and dreamed it up, perhaps it does have some basis in reality. It is just the way we choose to conceive of that possible Reality and paint its picture that can get silly. Sometimes we just feel the need to slop so much paint indiscriminately on that canvas that it becomes almost impossible to see. Instead of looking at the canvas and allowing something to reveal itself to us slowly, we have to use up all of that paint and all of that canvas and slop, slop, slop, slop, slop!

Where is my mind at the moment? How can I even answer such a question? Or maybe I just did above. :evilfun:

this is an alert for us dummies…
mutcer is back…look out all christians who are also dummies…the big problem is about jesus…who,what,when,why…be careful…

Well… along with him and LJ/CLD we are on a ‘dummy’ roll #-o

well…yes…we are on a dummy roll…
are we all having fun playing in the sandbox?
dummy alert----watch out for those neutrinos…

:laughing: Who you are, little reptile - the town crier? First Mutcer and then Satyr or vica versa?

you caught me…i was hiding under some leaves…
maybe you are the town teacher…

I’d rather be the town learner…
Hiding under some leaves? That sounds ved’y ved’y interesting…may I join you?
And what were those leaves whispering to you?

i am hiding from the terrible people in this world…
the leaves are protecting me…they are good…you can be there also…