The Academy


…it’s a joke, right?

The ONLY thing that is academic, is the aestethics! It has NOTHING to do with elevated philosophy!

Where is the incitemen for critical thinking?

Where is the promotion of logic and reason which all western philosophy are based upon? Logic and reason are based on factual knowledge and science, not pure spekulation and babble which you promote.

Dear Carleas, please disqualify youself of any administrative right towards this forum, as you clearly doesn’t want anything other than a cozy chat with beautiful rethorics and aestethics.

Promote me or any other critical thingking person, which I doubt there is in here as I see myself as the only remaining critical thinker.

You’ve yet to post very much at all besides sneers and criticism. Where were you when the Academy opened, having militated so hard for a better forum, with a splendid philosophical OP, original thought and critical thinking to the fore?

It’s not a case of only wanting suggestions from the best philosophers, but you’ve already spent a lot of time criticising the board, almost everyone who posts here, and the state of philosophical thinking in the world, and yet you have done nothing to improve it besides moaning. And when you have the opportunity to demonstrate what you want, you leave it to other people and complain about their efforts. If you’re the only critical thinker here, and that’s what you want from a forum, go and find another forum. I’m sure they’ll welcome your incisive thought and proactive stance.

“This is unbearable! I’m the only soldier in the whole platoon who’s marching in step!”


Wrong, wrong and wrong! It was I who put this “academy” in motion, I spoke the words then, as I just did now. These words should be easy to follow.

It is not always that I have time for this philosophy, so excuuuuseee me for not being here 24/7.

Do not attack me for complaining, that’s what people did against Socrates only for trying to make the world better. Yes it can be unbareable to listen to all that complaining, but you deserve it.
The Academy isn’t in ANY way a step in the right direction, it’s a huge undertaking for excatly NOTHING!

I’m not attacking you for complaining. I’m just pointing out you do precious little else; if Socrates hadn’t also supplied the world with some good philosophy, no-one would remember him as anything but a whiner, if at all.

what an arrogant prat. i bet i’ve got clients that are more clever than you, and I work with crackheads

You guys can attack me all you want, but non the less I’m right, and you just can’t bare to admit it.

You used the wrong form of bear. But, non the less, you’re right.

The important thing to notice, for you, is you could be right about the Academy and they could be right about your contributions here. The best thing you could do, if you can, is make intelligent posts, come up with interesting threads with great OPs in the A. It’s one thing to offer a criticism, but once you announce that you are the only real philospher here, which will be very hard for Bill W to find out about, in a post with numerous spelling errors and some confused philosophical ideas about what is the foundation of what, it is going to be open season. Lead the way, be a role model. Go into the Academy and show us how it is done. You have now announced that you are not simply a good critic - I know good philosophy when I read it - but the only real philosopher. Easier to say than to demonstrate. No one will get upset about some interesting well-written Threads/OPs in the Academy. You’ve claimed you have the skills, let’s see them in action.

You want to compare yourself to Socrates, let’s seem some interesting Ideas.

Moreno, I love you, but I think you might have it backwards…

You start with the filter. You don’t clean a room by letting it get dirty, and then asking people to add more clean things. They don’t want to put their clean things in a dirty room. This is probably not the best analogy. Anyways, Bill W owns the Academy, now. It’s his showcase, and why would anybody want to spoil that?

I’m like the voice carried by the wind in a cornfield that could be a baseball park… if you build it, they will come.

If an explore went to the amazon river, expecting to find some tribe of natives, would you expect them to have high technology, being able to produce computers? Make high tech cars, make high tech medical equipments …etc …etc?


Back in the '80 USA gave to the starving africans a high tech chicken farm, but it only ran for so long untill a simple bolt had to be fixed…

If people in the first place doen’t have what it takes, they can’t suddenly become critical thinkers over night, they can’t suddenly know about sub atomic knowledge, about advanced physics, about advanced psychology, geology, evolution …etc …etc.

This site has to whip good sense into these ignorents, before we can hope to make elevated philosophy, if you actually notice they ask the same glaringly ignorent questions over and over, and ONLY chooses the most beautiful rethorical answer, not the right answer.
…they ask “what is time” the answer is very simple actually, but very complex and counter intuitive, the right answer has been given soooooo many times, but they never comprehend it, but always chooses the wrong answer which is beautiful rethorically.

…if you want something done right, you have to guide them, not just switch the name plate.


At least when I complain the spelling is impeccable.

I take issue with your notion that cars are high tech. They use vast quantities of energy, obtainable only via massive environmental destruction, and massive use of limited energy resources, to provide minimal convenience to a small minority of the world’s people. So while I would not expect a ‘tribe of natives’ to have made cars, I would not (as you clearly do) consider them inferior as a result.

And this is the ‘high’ technology of which you are so proud that you see fit to insult people you know nothing about?

None of these topics involve critical thinking.

So whip some sense into them. Note: you may need some critical thinking skills yourself before you attempt this.

So what is the simple answer? Go ahead, I’m all fucking ears.

So guide them. Note: by ‘guide them’ I do not mean insulting random ‘natives’ you have never met because they do not produce massively polluting, destructive technologies…


You don’t have the slightest clue about what I’m talking about, which point I’m trying to make.

You don’t see things in the right context, if any at all.

Maybe making cardhouses would be a better pass time than attemting philosophy.

I know exactly what you’re talking about, I just disagree with a lot of it, and the parts I do agree with are misdirected. I’ve fought many long battles with the mods over their tolerance of idiocy and how it degrades the quality of discussion. My main problem is repeated interference in my efforts to drive idiocy from the site. We seem to have reached a diplomatic stalemate on that front. In any case, the point is that if you want their to be better posts on the site then write better posts on the site. Like anything really, if you want to see certain things in that world then be those things, and be them with all your strength, and you’ll attract other similar people.

But all this ‘advanced physics’ ‘stupid natives’ stuff is just so bourgeois, so boring. You’re not an exceptional thinker, clearly. The best you could come up with in response to my questions and counterarguments was that bullshit above. Seriously, buck your own ideas up before you start assaulting other people’s. If you think I’m a dick, well, that makes two of us.

Where excaty do I in any way say that the natives are stupid? If a baker can’t make a rocket, he isn’t stupid, nor if a rocket scientist can’t bake a bread, he isn’t stupid either.

You are jumping to silly conclusions and get all stirred up about your own misinterpetations.

I must repeat, you have absolutely no clue what I’m saying. Train youself in critical thinking.

I’ll give you an easy 1 to start with.

Solve the “wisdom of Solomon”.

You used the word ‘high’ a number of times, heavily implying superiority.

Not really.

The irony.

You have no idea who you are dealing with. I suspect that to you it doesn’t matter. Here’s a hint: You aren’t going to get anywhere pretending you are smarter than I am.

That’s why the ignore button are full of win!

Lamest. Troll. Ever.

and you’re full of shit

I’m treating this thread like it’s in the rant house, because it should be

I’m guessing that’s an administrative oversight, rather than because anyone disagrees with you.