the bottom line

No creature to my knowledge has ever been born with any concept at all of there even being a species to live for.
The entire notion is absolute absurdity propagated only by those who have their own [socialist] agenda for doing so.

The more people who believe in such non-sense, the easier it is to get them to sacrifice everything important to them as well as themselves to ensure the life style of the emperor.

what the hell are you talking about…survival of the species would be hindered by the emperor

The Emperor survives by others being dedicated to the society surviving (ie “the species”/“the race”/“the culture”) to the point of risking themselves for his cause.

james you got me off track------------do you have any evidence


The supposed strategy to propagate the species actually has nothing at all to do with any survival of the species. It is merely a misinterpretation of what is actually a greater strategy.

“Surround yourself with that which is harmonious with yourself.”

That is why cells replicate, not to ensure the survival of the body.
That is why families form, not to endure the survival of offspring.
That is why nations form, not to ensure the survival of presidents/pharaohs/aristocrats.
And that is why the body has sex, to help surround itself WITH itself, not to “propagate the abstract species”.

james i need scientific evidence…you are just giving me something else…

There is no reason “why” cell replicate, they replicate because that is what they do.
Families form because they are inclined to do so, those species that were not so included followed a selective path without a family advantage.
Nations form because there is defence in numbers. Big groups wipe out smaller ones.
There is no reason ‘why’ the body has sex, but that is 'how" replication is achieved by some species, and that is how sex persists.
All the rest is idle speculation, anthropomorphization, and imagination

Science has absolutely zero evidence as to why (for what purpose) people do what they do.
To Science, they just do it.

Any scientist who says any more than that, is just like anyone else preaching out of school and telling tales.

So, psychology is bunk? Aren’t you a psychologist?

I believe he once told me that he is, but following that statement I’d have to conclude he’s a behaviorist.

This is, of course, a human problem rather than just a religion problem. Since Religion has been misused over centuries to form allegiances and as a catalysm of power, and because it is an expression of inward and moral needs, of course it will also be an instrument of emotion. The development of science is also strewn with catastrophic decisions that have cost lives and made people miserable and unhealthy. As we progress, we make these mistakes but it is because of not listening to the common message of spiritual traditions, rather than through them.

You might argue that the examples of catastrophes caused by science are not intended or because science was misused, but the same is true of religion. And since ¾ of the world population are still living in squalor, albeit thrown in to the restrictions of globalisation, but without real hope of an “American dream” or even, compared to us in the west, relative comfort, it isn’t any wonder that people try to understand their existence and even try to transcend it. Religion can be a help – if understood properly – to attain freedom even under such circumstances.

But again, you address this subject below:

As you see above, I am very well aware of the injustices in the world, and I have two books from John Pilger as well. The question is, in the light of such injustices, what methods of coping is there. You can fall into the assumption that you only have to change the circumstances and become militant, or you can understand that such a fight is completely idiocy if you haven’t understood what illusions come with the militant attitude. If you want to change the world, you have to start at home, with yourself – and suddenly we are talking about religion (as I see it) in the widest sense again.

Religion is measured by deeds, if you would only look at scripture, especially Christianity – even if Popes and Preachers alike tend to forget this. Could it be that it is the aspirations of academics who try to eleviate Theology academically (rather like the anecdote from Alan Watts: “They’d put on a white coat if they thought they could get away with it”) and are the culprits that take religion away from its original intention?

There are a myriad of culprits in this world, and we have to ask what we do ourselves to increase harm done. It is too easy to just say “religion is this or that” without differentiation, that is exactly what is happening in the world all over, not just in religion.

As you can plainly see from my post. I’m not claiming that religion is the “only” culprit. But it rankles me to see people of good intelligence giving religion a free pass to peddle its lies and enslaves people’s minds, to the ends I have described above.

OK, before I find reasons to put you on my ignore list, could we agree that organised religion is part of the problem, but that human spirituality is part of the solution?

Yes, and no, respectively.

Human spirituality is at the heart of religion and if religion is at fault then the vacuous ideas inherent in “spirituality” which feed and fester within religion are part of the problem and not part of the solution.
I’m sure that every suicide bomber is atuned to a very spiritual set of ideas; and when people put cash in the collection plates they are moved by what they cal the holy spirit which enables organised religion to thrive.
With easy fake “Faith Healer”, people are touched by a spiritual feeling of oneness and community which is exploited by the charlatans who promise cures and if not cure is forthcoming say it is because the sick lack the faith.

I do not dis-clude the adherence to nation, and patriotism as distinct from the same base feelings that are 'spiritual".

And that is where you will always throw the baby out with the bath-water and you will proceed to experience life as negative … you have a negative focus on life and you tend to judge everything that doesn’t become you from a deeply hurt soul. Be careful, it can lead to a serious depression …

Ha. No I’m as happy as a lark. I really have a great life. I’m loved and love in return. There are not many who have gone through what I have and stayed smiling throughout. But I’m not stupid enough to think that I owe it all to a greater power, whilst there are so many children dying of dirty water. If there were any cosmic justice then the 4.5 babies that have died in extreme pain every second I have been typing this post would not have died.
The danger of believing its all just meant to be, and that we can all be happy if we believe in spirits is wrong, and a recipe for impotence, and a perpetuation of the evils of the world; that’s spiritualism!

As for the baby - i’ll keep it and treasure it. But the water of spiritualism is filthy with the puss of optimism and the grime of delusion, I’ll throw that out.

Then you tell me a scheme that would avoid the baby suffering problem that ACTUALLY works.
Let me know, the world is waiting.

yes what could help…

I know a lot of people like you, sticking to what they say is “realism” and avoiding “fantasy”, but the problem is that our body is reacting to what is happening inside, not to the facade we offer. People may believe what we present them, but our body doesn’t. That is why people like Jon Kabat Zinn and Dean Ornish have developed programmes for people who have gone through severe illnesses like yourself, which address the “soul condition” or the psyche, because this also has a positive effect (up to 30% better recovery) on prevalence of cancer and other diseases. We believe that it is all a matter of mind over matter, but it is also important to habitually do things which are good for body, soul and spirit.

The second reaction to your words must address the mothers of those “4.5 babies” dying in severe pain who may well be doing the above within some spiritual tradition to prevent falling into depression. Of course, you can go up to them and tell them it is all the “filthy puss of optimism” or the “grime of delusion” and they should stop immediately, but if you are right that there is no hope in this world, how would you suggest they cope with their sorrow – with cold rationalism?

There is more than our intellect to take into account, you have already felt the consequences of not having done the necessary.