Nietzsche shortcuts

“Die Amerikaner zu schnell verbraucht—vielleicht nur anscheinend eine zukünftige Weltmacht.”

Americans too quickly spent - perhaps only apparently a future world power.

“Schließlich verweisen wir wegen der heutigen Nord-Amerikaner auf das was wir schon Theil II. §. 424 über sie gesagt haben. Sie scheinen schnell zu entarten”

Finally we refer, because of the present North Americans, to what we’ve already said about them […]. They appear to degenerate quickly.

Danke fur alles

Pontius pilate, otto bingwanger- Ecce homo!

North Americans are not a race, but a product of an artificial environment.

Vollgraff speaks in Ethnognosie §. 425, c about the Frenchmen as actors and it resembles to Nietzsche’s description of the actor from TSZ.

Vollgraff describes in Ethnognosie §. 252. etc. the Illyrian, Irish, Wellsh and some other so called Robber-Nomadic tribes as the pre-European population, probably the same Nietzsche uses in his writings to describe those populations which rise up against the master-type

Dostoevsky said that Germans in Russia are proverbially followed by a bad fortune.

Interestingly, Goethe and Vollgraff were lawyers…

 I have hardly any schooling myself, couldn't even make up a dissertation, but the coincidences are glaringly ominous.  

But then again it’s a very big wide world and the odds are pretty good. But I had one too many, forgive me folks, gotto take my leave duty calls. But sincerely, thank you for allowing me to be shame’full, rahter then less…

After too many drinks at the airport, she flew in from soul with a delayed flight, she says the flight was awfully choppy,…

Ps: this is not personal pain, it goes beyond that into Weldschertz.

The church was formed only to battle the warlike Germans after the military strength of the Italians has ceased to exist. Also as this strength was returning back, there was a Machiavelli to help them organize into armies … also against the Germans. (Vollgraff’s opinion)

“What are these Canons good for?” - asked the German king the pope.

“Imagine now Cesare Borgia as a pope” - answered Nietzsche.

Is this what education looks like? Or philosophy?

Is this academia?

What is it?

This is probably where Nietzsche decided he can not be a German:

I’m watching the series Game of Thrones, and that is how Vollgraff describes the Germans. Also the Wild West is near to that.
And this place is also a proof that Nietzsche wasn’t a German and that Germans hate classical philology.

Who has proven here not to be a German? Maybe Jakob and obe.

Heusinger, Karl Friedrich von: [i]Grundriß der physischen und psychischen Anthropologie für Aerzte und Nichtärzte /i - he was refferenced by Vollgraff, (together with Suabedissen: Die Grundzüge der Lehre von dem Menschen §. 394-396.)

Not even mentioned at thenietzschechannel. But his comparison between men and women (p. 183-193), for example, remind on Nietzsche, for example about women being always up for joking and makeup.

I think there is no doubt what the purpose of Nietzsche’s Zarathustra was: the non-religious recovery of the customs in Germany in the 20’s.