Philosophy For Us Dummies

us dummies------------I have decided that my greatest FEAR is being left ALONE…


when I was five my parents fought and threatening divorce…I was very scared…

But you are not five now little reptile. You are an adult. And you do have yourself. That you have to hold onto but leave behind what really can’t hurt you anymore, unless you want it to continue to. We know that there is more than enough to deal with in the present - those moments when “life sucks, then we die” can be best gotten through when we don’t drag such a past into our present.
When I was 7 to almost 18, I was in an orphange of about 125 children. Yet that is really being all alone, amidst all of those human beings. Our greatest aloneness can be felt among many and our greatest most wonderful “togetherness” can be felt in solitude.

when I was five my parents fought and threatening divorce…I was very scared…
But you are not five now little reptile. You are an adult. And you do have yourself. That you have to hold onto but leave behind what really can’t hurt you anymore, unless you want it to continue to. We know that there is more than enough to deal with in the present - those moments when “life sucks, then we die” can be best gotten through when we don’t drag such a past into our present.
When I was 7 to almost 18, I was in an orphange of about 125 children. Yet that is really being all alone, amidst all of those human beings. Our greatest aloneness can be felt among many and our greatest most wonderful “togetherness” can be felt in solitude.
arc maybe some things cant be fixed so easily…

Some people are warned by divorced/ing parents not to panic by a reduction ad absurdum (of marital bliss) by giving personal expressions of value by noteworthy people
To the unfortunate brat victims of divorce.

Some examples are

Ex prez wilson: Splendid Isolationism
Greta Garbo : I want to be alone

They said this in all honesty as a personal view of shattered and perhaps degraded life. No one really means it, and most would be hard pressed to get out of the secret garden of Emily Dickinson, or off the Island of dr. Moreau, especially since they willingly went there. We do want to go back, out of the Cherry Orchard, but there seem to be no exit.

And a time comes around as if tailor made for Colin Wilson’s outsider that we can backpack and trudge up a mountain hermetically sealed, staying there in a frightful loneliness Khrishnamurti admires, to devolve from being an Ugly American.

And that time lasts a mere 5 or so years, and the wheel of life mandala like turns a notch, and here we go, we are back, a morphed yuppy hippy, buying stuff at Wal-Mart to keep away the basic fear:

We all come in alone, and go out the same way.

We are after all is said and done, all of us, orphans.

But I wouldn’t have dreamed dragon!

arcturus replied…
But you are not five now little reptile. You are an adult. And you do have yourself. That you have to hold onto but leave behind what really can’t hurt you anymore, unless you want it to continue to. We know that there is more than enough to deal with in the present - those moments when “life sucks, then we die” can be best gotten through when we don’t drag such a past into our present.
When I was 7 to almost 18, I was in an orphange of about 125 children. Yet that is really being all alone, amidst all of those human beings. Our greatest aloneness can be felt among many and our greatest most wonderful “togetherness” can be felt in solitude.
arc maybe some things cant be fixed so easily…
what do you dummies think…

arc maybe some things cant be fixed so easily…
what do you dummies think…
I want to know how people figure out the quantity of emotions and the duration of them, when they suggest someone else has gone on to long and hasn’t let go?
How do they know what is natural and how do they measure it?
And what if they are right for themselves, but other people are different. And not different because they ‘hang on’ to pain, but different in how they process Life, perhaps the depth of their feelings, perhaps their own goals about integration and sense of well being are more thorough - which does not necessarily mean better either, but I see no reason to Think it is worse.
If these people can get over their pain easily, they should be able to get over the fact that other people take more time.

My sympathy, Turtle. I’m still suffering PTSD from the mind wars. And I’m too old to be doing this.

we all have our sufferings…

I do not trust anyone who has not suffered. Suffering hones compassion and empathy in those who are not devestated by it.

very good ier…

Then what of those who have suffered and still remain assholes? :confused:

Turtle… for those who’s grief/suffering is prolonged, I can but only advise that they enjoy life as much as they can whilst under the emotion, or they would be missing out on a better quality of life.

maybe they will just remain assholes…

I tend not to either. However…

It can do just the opposite, lead to coldness, lack of compassion, entitlement attitudes, revenge against everyone or women or men, violence and worse. A lot of serial killers had terrible childhoods.


I would suspect that that might depend on knowing the person. Would you agree, Moreno, that there ARE people who hold on to pain and anger longer than is necessary to? Sometimes there is a reason for this that goes beyond mental or emotional forebearance. Of course, there are factors involved, like emotional and spiritual support, rational thinking and a strong desire to heal.

I do understand what you’re saying here but would you agree that within the above, there can be the danger to become masochistic? The will to experience and understand the pain and loss in order to grow and incorporate that within a new transformation can take much longer than necessary. That itself might be a symptom of what needs healing though not always or with all people.

And I do agree that we all have a different threshold for pain/we experience pain and loss different. Much of it really does happen within the brain. We are often at its mercy and so sometimes we have to use our reason to transcend certain things. But who knows, maybe I’m wrong in all of this.

Perhaps if someone can get over their pain that easily, there wasn’t much to begin with. It is a process, some are longer and some are shorter. The most important think I think is looking at it in all honestly to see what can be given up and what still needs working on.
No, we cannot rush people who are experiencing pain but if we had it in our power to help them along, to show them that they do not have to drag it along with them for soooooo long a time, wouldn’t we try to help them? Let’s face it, it is too easy a thing to wallow in our pain and loss when it is not necessary too. We need to use everything within our power, moment by moment and day by day to heal. It is a process. Even the sound of a bird chriping can help us along.

happy new year to us dummies…
I have been thinking about intelligent design…
according to Darwin it was apparent design…that is a big difference…
the word intelligent implies a being…that is not science…that is religion
I will stick with science on this evolution theory…argument seems stupid
you are talking about different ways of thinking…

us dummies have been waiting to post the most spectacular stuff for 2014---------------here it is
evolution is a miracle in progress…it is the closest thing we have to a miracle…
humans from atoms here on earth…

Sometimes, I personally feel that the closest thing that there is to being a miracle is the changing of the human heart and mind.

us dummies-----I am not seeing much philosophy on these forums…help me out…where should I look