Philosophy For Us Dummies

I tend not to either. However…

It can do just the opposite, lead to coldness, lack of compassion, entitlement attitudes, revenge against everyone or women or men, violence and worse. A lot of serial killers had terrible childhoods.


I would suspect that that might depend on knowing the person. Would you agree, Moreno, that there ARE people who hold on to pain and anger longer than is necessary to? Sometimes there is a reason for this that goes beyond mental or emotional forebearance. Of course, there are factors involved, like emotional and spiritual support, rational thinking and a strong desire to heal.

I do understand what you’re saying here but would you agree that within the above, there can be the danger to become masochistic? The will to experience and understand the pain and loss in order to grow and incorporate that within a new transformation can take much longer than necessary. That itself might be a symptom of what needs healing though not always or with all people.

And I do agree that we all have a different threshold for pain/we experience pain and loss different. Much of it really does happen within the brain. We are often at its mercy and so sometimes we have to use our reason to transcend certain things. But who knows, maybe I’m wrong in all of this.

Perhaps if someone can get over their pain that easily, there wasn’t much to begin with. It is a process, some are longer and some are shorter. The most important think I think is looking at it in all honestly to see what can be given up and what still needs working on.
No, we cannot rush people who are experiencing pain but if we had it in our power to help them along, to show them that they do not have to drag it along with them for soooooo long a time, wouldn’t we try to help them? Let’s face it, it is too easy a thing to wallow in our pain and loss when it is not necessary too. We need to use everything within our power, moment by moment and day by day to heal. It is a process. Even the sound of a bird chriping can help us along.

happy new year to us dummies…
I have been thinking about intelligent design…
according to Darwin it was apparent design…that is a big difference…
the word intelligent implies a being…that is not science…that is religion
I will stick with science on this evolution theory…argument seems stupid
you are talking about different ways of thinking…

us dummies have been waiting to post the most spectacular stuff for 2014---------------here it is
evolution is a miracle in progress…it is the closest thing we have to a miracle…
humans from atoms here on earth…

Sometimes, I personally feel that the closest thing that there is to being a miracle is the changing of the human heart and mind.

us dummies-----I am not seeing much philosophy on these forums…help me out…where should I look

Under your shell? :evilfun:

right now Socrates is under my shell arc

What do you want philosophy to be?

I’m traversing on the frontier of naturalistic philosophy.

thinking about life

how are you coming

It’s slow. Lonely like most frontiers.

Naturalistic philosophy has already begun, to some extent.

There’s a distance between humans and animals, can we metaphorically put it in terms of miles?


That would be depend on the human and the animal. If we’re using consciousness as a measuring stick, one might metaphorically :laughing: simply put it in inches or less.

At what point did us humans become fully evolved humans, insofar as looking human I mean. We will never ever bcome fully evolved.

Philosophy is waiting for a reply and debating that reply without maliciousness or Ill intent but with a yearning to understand more.

A while back I replied to posts with replies that I liked the sound of but that were contradictory to what I’d said prior to the contradictory reply, and I thought I’d get replies hi-lighting the contradiction but instead I got abuse and aggression, so I learned that people just ain’t nice even if we expect they should be due to our mutuality.

I didn’t bother correct the misunderstanding…

of course that is what the dummies are waiting for…discussion/debate/reply without attack on persons…
emotional maturity is a problem on these forums…please direct us dummies to a philosophy post that is a philosophy discussion…the older mature members need to lead the way…

Exactly. Though with seven billion people, further evolution is almost out of the question, while a reversion to the medium is very likely.

As to your question, I do think I have an answer. The highest peak of genetic evolution was probably achieved by the end of the last ice age more or less 10,000 years ago.

us dummies ----don’t worry …we will all die and this fucking life will be over…make the best of it…

I think there is an omega point for evolution at which devolution will begin, if it has not begun already.