Nietzsche shortcuts

Heusinger, Karl Friedrich von: [i]Grundriß der physischen und psychischen Anthropologie für Aerzte und Nichtärzte /i - he was refferenced by Vollgraff, (together with Suabedissen: Die Grundzüge der Lehre von dem Menschen §. 394-396.)

Not even mentioned at thenietzschechannel. But his comparison between men and women (p. 183-193), for example, remind on Nietzsche, for example about women being always up for joking and makeup.

I think there is no doubt what the purpose of Nietzsche’s Zarathustra was: the non-religious recovery of the customs in Germany in the 20’s.

I think the best way to cope with Nietzsche, is the argument that is directed for and against him.

Just as he wanted it.

As I remember Zarathustra requires also from the Sublime ones to become beautiful, which means, as we see now, that their inner morality comes in harmony with the outer deeds. No need to be dependent on other people’s opinions, not to mention opposing them. Only modern people are opposition(critics), because they have no inner morality and thus Zarathustra’s pupils must be something of Modern all too modern.

Somewhere in TSZ Zarathustra advises his pupils not to make a state…

What was Nietzsche’s view on philosophy? Philosophy is for him the second half of the human lifetime. The first half was religion, and he sees the beginnings of religion just as the beginning of philosophy now, where philosophers are something very rare, so were once religious people. I can remember N saying that all metaphysics was invented out of disgust, and also that the Übermensch will rise out of disgust. He is constantly repeating that “we must wait for the moment of the Great disgust”, so, generally speaking philosophy is a continuation of the religious development. The beginning of this development could mean what Nietzsche called the Great noontide.

Everything that Vollgraff wrote in Anthropognosie, b) Vom Wahrheits-Gefühle und der darin wurzelnden oder darauf fussenden Philosophie §. 73-75., supports what Zarathustra was speaking to his pupils. It is a philosophical movement!

Now, Chaos, taken as represented by Vollgraff in his Anthropognosie, is definitely the condition of the universe before it has started to move. It is darkness, cold, heaviness, inertion, absentmindedness etc.

This alone explains why stars and light spring from chaos.

In Nietzsche’s Zarathustra under Chaos nothing else has been meant, except that somethin needs to return to its primary stage.

So, what is the primary stage that you carry in yourself? What is your inner chaos? Is that the ability to be wise, cold and philosophical?

[If I continue like this, which means approximately each month one explained sentence, then I will have in 40 years about 500 sentences. And for Nietzsche Zarathustra has been understood only if one has experienced every single sentence…]

As we see the freedom of will is interpreted as a moralic act. The self-earned money is the moral basis of every moral deed.
We know from earlier writings that a moral act is a voluntar deed, an act of will. Of course, it does not exclude other people.