Peak oil and the end of modern industrial society.

They have been clamoring about the upcoming peak oil for over 50 years. Every year someone is claiming its about to happen, then they end up finding huge new, massive reserves that were not in prediction models.

You seriously think modern industry is just going to lay over and die, even if a peak oil event took place? Peak oil is gradual, which you know if you actually have studied this issue (I’m not sure if you have). There is no sudden “drop off” of oil production, rather production gets harder and harder as oil gets more difficult (expensive) to extract, therefore prices gradually climb until using oil becomes less efficient for industry. That point is still a long way off.

And when it starts to happen, you seriously don’t think other energy alternatives will be found? Oil is prevalent only because of how cheap it is. Industry doesn’t care where it gets its energy from, it only cares for the cheapest available option.

Now if you want to talk about carbon emissions and rising global temperatures as a consequence in part of using oil, that is another issue, and that issue actually matters.

Hasn’t a massive oil reserve recently been found in Australia? the jokes are flying around about what tactics the U.S. are going to use in order to gain control of this resource… going over there to aid the Aboriginals fight for their human rights is top of the jokes list.

Peak oil is not based on scientific knowledge, but primarily on speculation, and when it comes to speculation, lies are immediately at work, whereby the wealth and therefore the power of the ruler of the world is increased.

Incidentally, it is possible that oil is an inorganic product. If this is true, then it is also true that peak oil is a lie.

Most “scientists” are no more scientists because of their involvement in corruption and their opportunistic behavior due to the censorship of the rulers. Who is brave and wants to remain scientists, is soon released and exposed to impoverishment.

Have you heard about the “Olduvai Theory”?

You will be transfered back into the Stone Age within a very short time! Then you will probably not ask, whether such a theory is false or not, is a lie or not, is a cheating or not, is a artificially produced crisis or not, is only a profit for the winner of this artificially produced crisis or not, is the hell on earth or not? But already yesterday was the time, and especially now is the time for asking this.

There is a lot in this. Although the peak has been pushed ever forward with the development of increasingly extreme means of extraction (cite: Florida BP disaster), such as deep sea drilling; there is no doubt that the decline in availability of fossils fuels HAS TO HAPPEN.

Oil is everywhere, chances are that what you are sitting on, the keys you are hitting and the screen you are looking at is all made from oil. When you get up you will walk on a carpet made of oil, and sleep on a bed that is mainly made of oil based products.

Fracking is gonna save us all.




The problem is merely, that we don’t have enough power to decide whether there is enough oil or other sources of energy, and to decide to inform the mass of the people about that.

So the problem is more a question of power and less a problem of having enough ernergy for the mass of the people. If the rulers don’t want the mass of the people to have enough energy, then the mass of the people doesn’t have enough ernergy - and that’s it. The power ist the first thing and the availability of energy for the mass of the people merely the second or third or …

Until that runs out and we are left drinking poisonous water.

This is not how it works.
The world is not all just a big conspiracy theory scenario.

It’s not just about deciding what to do. It’s also about just plain running out. In such a case it does not matter a dingo’s kidney what they tell the masses, or how much they think the people ought to have; When its gone, its gone: and there are few in power that want to believe this is in fact going to happen.

Um…we have bottled water.

Trouble is that the plastic is made from oil of which we will have run out!

YOU have and will have NOTHING because YOU have and will have NO POWER.

Arm, what the fuck are you talking about?

Try to think.

As Arminius said, the nation will have energy when it wants to have energy. Until then, the urgent need for energy is an excuse.

And what the fuck are YOU talking about?

“When’s are you two going to get a room?”

( viewtopic.php?f=6&t=185162&p=2460916#p2460866 )

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