Will machines completely replace all human beings?

Ignore the warnings of the hurricane because it might not really happen at all. We can’t be certain.” = Normalcy Bias.

Normalcy Bias has been known about for centuries and used against the masses. It is now preprogrammed into social engineering computers. All of the Presidents speeches are prepared by others who use computers to choose what to say and how to say it.

I don’t think I’m ignoring anything. Nobody in this thread has given me much to go on about what exactly is to come.

They know when they’re being laid off and they know when they’re starving.

No one is as blind as those who don’t know that they are blind, while insisting that they see nothing.

You have to think your way out of blindness. The eyes cannot see what the the mind ignores.

…yes… when it is too late to do anything about it. You are proving the point.

Look at your posts, all this vaguery and doom prophesy and now accusation when you don’t even know me (or Gib).

James, instead of being so sure that you know everything about the person with whom you’re having a conversation, don’t. Otherwise the conversation won’t go very far. This is the problem with religious and political debates, too.

I am not talking about knowing “the real you”. I am talking about what you and Gib have said concerning yourselves. If you are lying, don’t blame me for misunderstanding the real inner you.

…and everything is vague to those who can’t yet see it… until it is too late to do anything anyway.

I wish you would do more clarifying and verifying instead of instilling and reinforcing…

I can only try, but it has to start somewhere. I am not here to force belief, but to display the possibility and let people choose to deal with it or try to fight it. If they fight legitimately, the clarity comes. If they merely try to hide the possibility of it, they merely argue endlessly accomplishing nothing (eg. Bigus)… remaining blind… and promoting their blindness.

And that is why it becomes inevitable.


Until that time when it comes to replace all humans - and that’s what we are talking about - they will have forgotten the meaning of “being laid off” and what or who always or usually causes “starving”, so they also will have forgotten the meaning of “starving”.

Please ask for example the 20 years old humans in the slums of the big cities in North America abaout the meaning of “being laid off”. You will notice that the most of them don’t know what you are asking, what you are talking about. The meaning of “being laid off” will be completely forgotten when all humans will not be needed anymore. You may estimate how long it will take.

To make the humans believe that the meaning of “starving” is a different, probably the reverse one, is no difficult task. Please ask the humans in Africa about the causes and reasons for “starving”. You will notice that they don’t really know anything about the causes and reasons for “starving”, but a lot of “causes” and “reasons” they are told by their dictators and his propaganda media. So it is only only a question of time when the meaning of “starving” will be forgotten or projected on “‘evil’ other humans” (who are responsible e.g. for “global warming” etc., thus for “starving”). In other words: Humans will not really know who or what is really responsible for their starving, who or what has really caused their starving. So when they don’t really know that, against whom shall they rebel? I tell you: They will rebel against them who rebelled before them. And in addition: Have you ever seen humans who are rebelling while they are starving? :-k

Those who refuse even the possibility of what they do not personally see, are the ones who are unjustly self-certain, the very thing that those same people complain about concerning others. And it is entirely religious, another of their complaints.

In the end of all of the complaining about others merely being like themselves, only a few of the purely dedicated survive. And there is nothing more dedicated than a machine, a “drone” that isn’t even aware of a master or queen to question.

And note that the wealthier Jews thought the same thing about the Nazis, “Our God will protect us. They are merely getting rid of the dangerous, weak, and useless. All is well. Nothing is really changing.

“Science and technology will save us. They are merely getting rid of the dangerous, weak, and useless. All is well. Nothing is really changing.”



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What do you mean “too late”? Why is it too late after being laid off or experiencing starvation?

Yeah, it’s how the French Revolution started.

You and James are talking about something completely different from the OP. All the OP brought up was the possibility of machines completely taking over the rolls of human being–you and James are adding a huge, monolithic, gargantuan extraneous variable from out of nowhere: brainwashing! You’re supposing that this machine take over is going to follow, by necessity, a massive global brainwashing operation in which people end up not realizing they’re being laid off or that they’re out of work and that they have no clue that they’re starving or know what starvation is (and I’m not sure who’s orchestrating this brainwashing operation–a human government that plans to replace the working class with machines or the machines themselves in a post-machine-take-over world). That’s quite amazing–being brainwashed to the point of not even knowing you’re out of work and starving–and ridiculously fantastical.

But in order for me to take this seriously and grant that it might be remotely plausible, you’re going to have to detail for me a timeline of events–starting from the state of things now, how they’re going to unfold, stage by stage, into the future, explaining how the machines are gradually going to replace humans and take over their jobs, until we get to this science-fiction world of yours in which humans have forgotten what starvation is (even though their experiencing the pangs of it every day) and being out of work has become a foreign concept. Then maybe I can assess whether your argument makes sense or not.

NO. It is NOT how the French „revolution“ started.

NO. YOU are talking about something completely different fom the OP because you are always only talking about political and social issues which belong mostly to the past and to the presence, maybe even to the nearest future, but not to that future what my OP is talking about.

You are talking about „revolution“, „revolt“ „rebellion“, „out of work“, „workforce“ „working class“, „starve“. You are changing my OP in a primarily political „DP“ („Different Post“). You think of „revolution“, and „socialism“, or „communism“, and believe naively or optimistically in the competence of workers.

You don’t know whether they know or not know because the topic of this thread and the OP refer not to the presence, but to the futue: Will machines completely replace all human beings? . That’s the theme, the title, the topic of this thread and what’s the OP is all about. And the topic of this thread and the OP is no „revolutionary“ combat organ with hate campaign. No. The OP refers to the future and tries to find out whether machines will completely replace all human beings.

So you should stay on track, keep the OP in mind, remind yourself of the topic of this thread. :slight_smile:

If they effectively revolt, then Machines will not replace them. So he is discussion what he considers will prevent the replacement which is on topic, since it argues for an answer to the title of the thread.

Primarily it is a technical, economical, and last - but not least - a philosphical question. it has very much to do with rationality, not so very much with wishes / desires. Secondarily it is also a politcal and social question. Of course. But both questions do not refer very much to the past and to presence, but very much to the future.

One should not confuse the meaning and importance of the first question with the the meaning and importance of the second question.


Please follow the link above, and you will at first read a question. A question! And although I am asking this question, I have hopefully the right to say something different, something which differs from the question and tens to an answer.

And why do I “have to detail for me a timeline of events … (etc. pp.)”, and you don’t have to explain anything, although your statements are full of errors and lead - with the utmost probability - to conclusions which are false and not good for you and your descendants? Furthermore I have given evidence for my arguments. For example: Machines are cheaper than human beings, machines can be controlled very nuch easier than hunans, machines don’t rebel, the current machines are alraedy able to learn and also in some cases alraedy part of human bodies, machines will capture the human bodies and probably - I don’t know exactly, therefor the question in the title of the thread and in the OP - take over. I don’t have to go in details because you can raed them in my posts of this thread. So please read my posts of this thread, If you are really intersted in my arguments and their evidence.

But what about you? You don’t have to detail and so on? Are you God?

Your arguments can hardly convince. So please explain them and detail a timeline of events.

Try to convince the people who don’t believe in social revolutions, in socialism, communism, and other totalitarianisms!

Machines will never be able to replace humans completely on their own, for some inevitable reasons.

Yes, there is a possibility that human race on this planet will eliminate himself either by a huge war or trying to machinize humans by planting some sort of chips in the brain or other mechanical parts somewhere else in the body in order to improve human efficieny, both mentally and physically.

A human is a complex order or system. If it is forced to accomodate too much change and too rapidly, it is possible that the whole system would collapse, instead of improving.

Though, in that case, even if the human race is eliminated, there would not be ever any rule of machines.
And also, the human race will stem out again from the remaining biological life forms, if there were left any and that enviornment would permit.

with love,