Will machines completely replace all human beings?

There is indeed a high probability that machines will completely replace all human beings - I estimate: 80%.

That’s right.

That’s right too.

@ Moreno and Obe

Should I put the name „Moreno“ into the column in which the name „Obe“ is and the name „Obe“ into the column in which the name „Moreno“ is? :slight_smile:

After 15 pages and I have little time to read it all. Has the issue of what drives a logical programmed machine to become illogical and destroy humans? If machines became close to sentient or sentient, the most reasonable course of action would be to protect the species.

If not “someone”, but many people as a majority think of you that way and label you obsolete, what would you say then?

maybe the confusion surrounds the meaning of “obsolescence”. A person may not be obsolete as a machine would, his obsolescence may be a factor of being displaced, made irrelevant in a particular or general context.

There is only a little step from being obsolete or being displaced to being replaced.

If humans want to replace themselves - for example by animals, by machines, adult humans by childish humans, male humans by female humans, … and so on …, and at last all humans by machines -, they want it partly, but at last they will probably want it wholy. In addition: We nust not forget that it is not clear, what humans really want because they have no free will, but only a relatively free will.

To whom?
I mean, in a sense this is a problem. That doesn’t mean I am obsolete. I mean a majority seems to Think owning the right brand of _______________ makes them more intereting, cool, sexy, successful, important and even, amazingly, individual. That doesn’t mean that is true in any objective sense.

Anyone saying that we, homo sapians, are about to become obsolete, pretty much as to be a theist. I mean how would they know what is valuable ultimately. So I probed his post to see - is this person going to actually say there are objective values. My guess is this does not fit well with his system. If it does, however, then we have a theist or some other person with objective values, who Thinks that Machines can replace all of value even in himself and his kids. That’s a very odd theist.

It was merely a question, Moreno.

Not the only one, but at least one of the main reasons why human beings become obsolete are e.g those human beings who are saying that human beings do not become obsolete. The other human beings are either a minority which wants human beings to become obsolte or a majority which do not wants human beings to become obsolete.

As long as the world is being designed and redesigned, people are inherently creating obsolescence of people (depopulation).

There are more people, not fewer.

Depopulation may not exclusively consist of actual statistics on diminishing populations, but may also include those who have become socially obsolete : the homeless, the institutionalized, the marginalized. Census takers fail to account for those type of people as viable, in any study.

And that was merely my answer…though perhaps i did read something into it that was not there.

I still want to ask ‘obsolete to whom’? or for whom? Not even getting into the issue of humans being look at only as means (again, by whom?)

Depopulation takes place in the area of the Western culture and in some other areas, but not in Africa, in Arabia and some other areas. So the number of the world population is currently still high, although it has been sinking. So the number of the world population will sooner or later also be as low as the number of the Western population. It is merely a question of time, when the world depopulation will be noticeable even for those who are curently unable to notice it.

Depopulation policy refers currently to the Western population, but will also refer to the world population as soon as possible.

That is again a futile assumption!

Compare the density of the Chinese and of the Mongols … They are the same race but the Chinese were under the Aryan cultural influence, they have kept the density also after the Aryans have perished.

Mongols and Chinese and all other spiritless races don’t know what decadence is and thus they can’t lose their numbers.

So, James, you are right.

The depopulation has been starting for so long, but the idiotic people have not been being able to notice it. And with the depopulation the stultification has been starting simultaneously.

It lasts 500 years. Don’t expect from the plebeians to get that, they hardly know their grandfathers.

The population in the West is still going up.
census.gov/popclock/ It may be going up slower than it was, but it is still going up.

The US population is not the whole Western population, Moreno. And do you know where those people are who let the current US population grow?

Those people are Latin American aboriginals. And do Latin American aboriginals really belong to the Western population?

Well, they were here first as far as the Americas. I also do not think you are correct either about it just being the US or that the only increase is latin americans coming into the US. Do you have some source for this?

And is this really depopulation run by nefarious Illuminati, or what happens when people are not going to lose a third of their children and they need a bunch to run the farm or whatever?

As far as aboriginals as Westerners, I don’t give a fuck. In travels from the Midwest white parts of the US to Latin parts down into Latin America itself, no question I prefer the latter as fellow community members. They actual saw a human and not an idea. I mean, I don’t get along well with most humans, so it’s like any group offers me many people I would like to be close to, but sometimes in the US Midwest I would feel like I was in stepford towns or mechanical villages. I am not being critical. I am speaking about how empties the eyes and towns felt. Plastic people.

Yes, of course.

Okay, but that was not my question.

Because you “just don’t quite know what happens when nearly eveyrone is no longer quite present at any time”? => #