Will machines completely replace all human beings?

But you are not in danger.

“Make it look good, safe, innocent, and wise… until it is too late to choose otherwise.”


The “service economy” was declared for America back in the 60’s.
The East is to be the manufacturing economy.

Thus the West is to be female and the East is to be male.
…until they each get completely replaced with machines (women are no longer needed once there are no men).

Would you mind telling more about that “service economy”?

“The East is to be the manufacturing economy”? “Thus the West is to be female and the East is to be male …”?

Even though, the East can’t afford to screw the the West because it is heavily invested in it, and would be shooting it’s self in the nuts. The other thing is, a gross compensatory effort would be undertook by the females of the West, to defend their men, and would harbor in a new era of Amazon fighters? The East would capitulate in no time, their men taken into detention camps if not outright slaughtered.

Within 3 … degenerations.

You’ll be happy to know that the EU is to be the intelligentsia.
But the Middle East, via the UN, is to be the governance (specifically Israel) determining the mindset and heart of the New Man (“We WILL be gods!!”).

Machines care for elderly.

Japan, which has the world’s oldest population, has allocated 2.39bn yen (£14.3m) in the 2013 budget to develop robots to help with care.

Let’s look to Japan in order to see what will happen also in North America and Europe soon. How man more people will than become redundant, unemployed. The maintenance area, the area of caretakers, which is currently booming in Europe, will then be mechanised.

From the late 70’s


The robots of care and the robots of death: guess what the two could have to do with each other.

All betrayal arrives through servants. The more powerful the servant, the more catastrophic the betrayal.

When the servants have reached a certain percentage or even a majority of the population, they can not be stopped anymore. This is proved by life experience.

And that is why religions and races play “the numbers game” with peasants.

Androids play into the numbers game by removing all human races out of the servant position. But by doing that, the androids become the new race.

But we should not say „new race“ because androids are not human beings, but machines of human design.

A race is a race. It doesn’t matter who made the runners of it.

Oh, thank God. Imagine if most people were those rancid, inbred hemophiliacs with the white wigs, snuff and so much boredom they need to be cruel to get wet or hard.

What’s wrong with robots? They haven’t committed any crimes and aren’t likely to be religious, political or hypocritical liars. Why give them a resume of evil before their careers even started. Since there is so little empathy by humans for humans and robots unlikely to feel hate assuming there is no human contamination, I can’t really object if that became the future. Far preferable to Muslims with Koran in hand taking over most of Europe in fifty years who are creating their own little robots programmed according to scripture.

Neutral is monstrous.

I would not let a neutral sentient entity be alone with my children.

Robots will, in the end, do what the powerful program them to do AND/OR whatever ‘who knows’ behaviors they develop due to ‘learning’, glitchs in programmed, errors, failures to forsee and so.

It’s like giving a virus a nuke.

I mean viruses are more or less machines. We might even make nice viruses that are intended to make our cells manufacture antibodies against dangerous viruses.

I wouldn’t let a virus babysit my kid, precisely because it has no human feelings.

For the same reasons I do not want human made - read:flawed - empathyless, neutral machines to have a tremendous amount of power.

They might kill everyone because it seemed logical to them.

They might do it in error.

They might do it with as much care and concern as we take turning on a light switch.