Thinking about the END OF HISTORY.

Yes, the source is always the best.

In my OP is said that Hegel was the first with the idea of the end of history:

And the universe won’t even blink an eye if it had any.

I think Oswald Spengler did a brilliant job articulating the end of Western civilization.

Arminius if you haven’t yet read his book Man And Technics. Brilliant articulations to be found there.

that will be very sad

Inevitable. All annihilation is.

Oh, thank you very much, Tyler. I have read all his books.

Superb writer.

Let’s get practical. Regardless of all the brilliant intellectuals declaiming on the matter, there is no “end of history” if we have to keep on asking the question. The words “End of History” is fallacious if it only sums up the end of an epoch. It’s like saying at the end of Götterdämmerung no one is left alive when it’s only the Gods who have left the scene whilst humans are forced to continue. The way EOH is here applied amounts to nothing more than a paragraph within history as a whole.

Yes, that’s right. Superb writer, superb thinker, a man of the facts who wrote down the historical facts in his books. Influenced by Heraklit, by Goethe, and by Nietzsche, he was a life philosopher, precisely a culture philosopher.

In his main work he said that he owed almost everything Goethe and Nietzsche:

„Zum Schlusse drängt es mich, noch einmal die Namen zu nennen, denen ich so gut wie alles verdanke: Goethe und Nietzsche. Von Goethe habe ich die Methode, von Nietzsche die Fragestellungen, und wenn ich mein Verhältnis zu diesem in eine Formel bringen soll, so darf ich sagen: ich habe aus seinem Augenblick einen Überblick gemacht. Goethe aber war in seiner ganzen Denkweise, ohne es zu wissen, ein Schüler von Leibniz gewesen.“ - Oswald A. G. Spengler, Der Untergang des Abendlandes, 1917, S. IX.
My translation:
„In conclusion, it urges me to once again give the names, which I owe almost everything: Goethe and Nietzsche. From Goethe I have the method, from Nietzsche the questions, and if I should bring my relationship with this in a formula so I can say I have made of his moment an overview. But Goethe in his whole way of thinking, without knowing it, had been a disciple of Leibniz.“ - Oswald A. G. Spengler, The Declinig of the West, 1917, p. IX.

Have you read all his books too, Tyler?

i have read Spengler yes. The issue here is the end of Western history and civilization , as we have learned it, a very Eurocentric view.We have the East arising, they are not at all involved with Western culture, they have everything to look forward to. The end of Western history, does not coincide with Eastern History, which is transcendental and timeless. So German idealism does not speak a universal language at present, it is a dated, neo-classical, romantic notion. It is a notion , which is a non affordable luxury.

So your answer is not an answer to the questions 1.), 2.), 2.1), 2.2), 2.3), but to the question: What do you think?

But your answer that there will be no end of history, but merely an end of an epoch can also be interpretated as a mostly “YES” to the question 1.), else as an answer to the question: What do you think?

I would like to get a more precise answer to one of the questions 1.), 2.), 2.1), 2.2), 2.3). Is that possible, Monad?

Yes, but to say it very precisely: in Spengler’s theory as well as in the German language there is a difference between “Kultur” (“culture” [“civiliation”]) and “Zivilisation” (“civilisation”) - b.t.w.: this difference has more or less disappeared in the English language. Unfortunately the German “Kultur” is often translated with both “culture” and “civilisation”, and merely “Zivilisation” is always “civilisation”. What you call “civilisation” is not always “Zivilisation” in German, but often “Kultur” and merely sometimes also “Zivilisation”. That is very important when it comes to understand a “Kulturphilosophie” (“culture philosophy” / “civilisation philosophy”).

According to Spengler the “Zivilisation” is a late part of the “Kultur”, and in the West this part began in the end of the 18th century or the beginning of the 19th century (b.t.w.: this is also the time when, according to Hegel, the history perhaps ended - but that is not important for the understanding of Spengler’s theory), and leads into a more and more non-historical time, a cultural / civilisational “winter”, a kind of senility. The West (“Abendland” = “Eveningland”) will reach this time of cultural / civilisational “winter” in the 21st, or the 22nd, or the 23rd century, approximately in the year 2200. When this time will be reached it will be possible that the end of history will also be reached because there will probably be no new “Kultur” anymore.

I’m European and very Eurocentric. I am not apologetic about this either.

This is a post of another thread:

Thank you, Obe.

Not all, some (including me) know quite enough about the U.S. situation. But the rulers in Europe don’t inform „their“ people, and most of the Europeans are not interested, because and although they are not informed by „their“ governments.

These „segments of the population“ are not a few, because, depending on the respectively definition of the word „classes“, the percentage of the population of both the middle and the lower class is generally more than 99%, and the percentage of the population of the middle class is generally about 50%, that of the upper middle class generally about 5%, so that generally about 94-99% of the U.S. population may be affected. Because of the fact that some people are more contended than other people, the percentage of discontended people is - for eaxmple - about 47-50%.

That’s not only a Freudian truth. :wink:

And Sweden „a good model“? Well, I doubt that.

If so, then - according to Hegel’s Dialektik - it will have to be a Synthesis of the Thesis „capitalism“ (especially successful in the 19th century) and the Antithesis „communism“ (especially successful in the 20th century). What can that kind of Synthesis be? Merely something like globalism or its contrary: localism / regionalism which will lead to the pre-historical times resembling post-historical times.

And before U.K. and U.S. came together (during the First World War), there was a deeply realtionship between Germany and U.S. :wink:

Maybe it will turn out well in the end, but can we be sure?

Idealism, right. And idealism is mostly German idealism. If the „new world order“ is really „as ideologically necessary in today’s world“, then this new world order can merely be - as I said - something like globalism or its contrary: localism / regionalism, which will lead to the pre-historical times resembling post-historical times.

What you are calling the „Hundred Years’ War“, „of ideological conflict“, is the epoch where egalitarianism (socialism, communism etc.) were stronger that liberalism (capitalism etc.) bcause it had undercut and threatened all liberalistic (capitaliistic) systems. But now we are living in a different epoch: capitalism is weak, communism is not as strong as in the last epoch, and globalism - as the Synthesis of capitalism and communism (cp. Hegel’s Dialektik) - is the strongest. That means that both capitalism and communism still exist, but as a mix in which capitalism dominates as a communism.

Referring to the fact that globalism is a Synthesis of capitalism (Thesis) and communism (Antithesis) the end of history will be reached when this Synthesis has changed to such a New Thesis whithout any historical existence. Merely something like globalism or its contrary: localism / regionalism, which will lead to the pre-historical times resembling post-historical times.

The current art shows also what globalism means (see above), so the current art is also enbedded in both capitalisms and communism, in Thesis and Antithesis of the Synthesis globalism. Nobody else than Oswald A. G. Spengler has so consequently and arrestingly shown how art works as a semiotic and/or linguistic indicator for historical phases of a culture / civilisation.

According to Schopenhauer in the face of the will as Kant’s „Ding an sich“ („thing in itself“) human beings are almost powerless, but amongst them the genies of the art, especially of the music, are able to conceive and represent the eternal ideas.

Thank you, Obe, for answering my question that I have asked on behalf of most Europeans.

Do you know both Huntington and Fukuyama?

According to Huntington history will not end in the next time beacuse there will be a clash of civilisations (cultures); according to Fukuyama history will end because the occidental civilisation (culture) has won.

It’s worth noting that Fukuyama has abandoned and rejected his position since.

I don’t see China as moving towards liberal democracy, politically or culturally. While they’re growing in power, history is alive and well. In addition (related to your other thread) mechanisation/posthumanism is maybe a longer term challenge that will keep history alive. History will always be interesting while there is change and uncertainty. I think there will most likely always be change and uncertainty.

Yes, I heard or read about it. And I heard or read too that Huntington partly abandoned his postion some years before his death, but I don’t know whether it is true or not.

Yes, but change and uncertainty are also characteristic for devolopment in general (including evolution and history), thus not only for history. So change and uncertainty are useless when it comes to answer the whether history ends or not.

I also think that there will most likely always be change and uncertainty because there will most likely always be development. So I think there will be change and uncertainty as long as there will be development.

So: History is always part of the evolution and of the general development, and evolution is always part of the general development. Development can, but don’t has to be evolutuion and history, and evolution can, but don’t has to be history.

Obe still doesn’t know that the Decline of the East was written by Oswaldastra Spengleriustra 1882 BCE.

Imagine what happened to Rome. They have lost their population in quality and quantity. In the end there is Italy with cities, especially in the Northern part, which all descend from different people, those which do trade, like Florence and Venice descend from Germans, some other from the Celts, perhaps like Mailand, some other from Slaws, the other from Illyrians… and none of them can cooperate with each other, there is an eternal hate and war between them.

The North represents the Roman decay in quantity, and south in quality, where all people have dark skin and black hair, mostly as a product of interbreeding with negros etc.

And this is exactly what is happening in the US … future United Cities of America. And England too. France’s South is already Muslim.

Perhaps some of you think “well, I am not into debauchery, I can survive”, but life is not about not doing something…

We have two alliances after the second Persian war struggling for domination: the Athenian and the Peloponnesian league. It is just that NATO and the Eastern Pact have Cold wars, but could the outcome be the same like in Greece? Spartans were also conservatives but did not make it better than the Athenians.

Germany (or Europe)) is actually the same like Persia, appearing after the second war/defeat only indirectly, through money. So we have the US as Athens, Russia as Sparta and Germany (or Europe) as Persia. But where shall the new Caesar come from? Will he be a mix of something, like Alexander, or … was Caesar mixed?

Only Humean, is it right that you have studied linguistics? If so, then you probably know the meaning of “hyperonym” (“superordination”) and “hyponym” (“subordination”). My interpetation of „time“, „development“ („change“), „evolution“, and „history“ in their structural relations to each other is the following one:

  1. „time“ is the hyperonym of the hyponyms „development“ („change“), „evolution“, and „history“;
    1,1) „development“ („change“) is a hyponym of the hyperonym „time“ and the hyperonym of the hyponyms „evolution“ and „history“;
    [list]1,1,1) „evolution“ is a hyponym of the hyperonyms „time“ and „development“ and the hyperonym of the hyponym „history“;
    [list] 1,1,1,1) „history“ is merely a hyponym, namely of the hyperonyms „time“, „development“, and „evolution“.[/list:u][/list:u]
    That consequently means: if history ends, evolution, or development (change), or even the time do not have to end simultaneously; and if evolution ends, history ends simultaneously, but development (change) and time do not have to end simultaneously; and if development (change) ends, evolution and history end simultaneously, but time does not have to end simultaneously. So in that relation merely the time is independent. Development (change) depends only on time. Evolution depends on time and development (change). History is the most dependent, because it depends on time, development (change), and evolution.

You may compare (1) time with our universe as such, (1,1) development (change) with our planet, (1,1,1) evolution with a living being (for example an alga, or a snake, or a human being without history, and (1,1,1,1) history with a - of course - historical human being.

They all belong to 1 (time), and merely historical human beings belong to 1,1,1,1 (history).