Universe and Time

So “each frame is … one tic”? Do you mean the frames between the “metaspace” and the “physical space”? And “each pixel of the wave is independently calculated as to how far it will go across the screen within that one tic”? With reference to that the words “frame”, “tic”, “pixel” get a partly uncertain meaning to me. Is it just because of the various meanings of the words and their translation from your into my first language or because of the animation?

James, would you please explicitly explain your animation?

I’m sorry. Such animations are made by a sequence of picture frames from beginning to end and then looped back. When I said “each frame”, I was referring to each picture frame in the sequence. And a “pixel” refers to the smallest digital dot in a digital picture or one smallest dot on a video screen. And that anime is showing an affectance pulse (blue) traveling into and out of a gradually varying affectance field. Or in common physics, “a pulse of light traveling into and out of a mass/gravity field”.

So in making that anime, I had each picture frame show one moment in time and the picture frame represents an update for each tic of time. I think there were about 500 tics (picture frames) in that anime.

That blue affectance pulse is actually an infinite number of pulses (every tiny pulse in RM:AO is made of tinier pulses). So I could not honestly treat the entire wave as a single object without proof that it would remain a single wave and not breakup. So I had the computer calculate the distance of propagation for each tiny “pixel worth” of the pulse independently (perhaps 30-40 pixels for the blue wave). What you see as the wave moves across the screen is not a single object as far as the computer was concerned, but rather many points (pixels) of affectance traveling at their own speed.

The result was that the wave did stay as a wave, but it compressed as it traveled into the higher density affectance field (the same as a pulse of light traveling into a gravity field). The pink color wave represents how much each pixel-worth of the affectance wave was being compressed, “PtA Compression”. That wave in common physics is known as the “magnetic wave” associated with electromagnetic waves or light as depicted below;

Note that there is a slight variation between what is shown by physics and what I have shown. The wave that physicists presume, is a wave that is already compressed such as to have a magnetic field associated (which they show at right angles to indicate polarity).

My anime is showing how the compression of the electric field occurs and what causes the magnetic wave to exist in the first place. It shows that the amount of compression or “strength of magnetic wave” will increase as a pulse of light enters a gravity field, such as from space down to Earth’s surface or light enters a material such as glass (affecting light reflection and diffraction characteristics). And also if a pulse of light is sent into space, the associated magnetic field will grow weaker.

Also as the pulse is compressed, the electric and magnetic fields are not exactly in phase with each other. That fact becomes relevant when trying to deal with particle physics. The magnetic wave goes in and out of phase as an EM pulse goes in or out of a mass gradient, such as near a nucleus or proton. And although not shown here, the phase of the magnetic to electric field is affected merely by going in or out of a strong electric field, not merely a mass field.

The point is that without the use of a “tic” and a “toe”, calculated from pure logic, I could not know that a magnetic field would behave that way. Science couldn’t have told me either. If particle physicist would adjust their calculations accordingly, their measurements would be more accurate.

Realize that physics is discovering things from “top-down” as time goes on. In a sense, I am (mentally) traveling backwards in time as I discover where physicists are currently at by deriving things from “bottom-up”, from perfect nothingness to actual physical existence. And as they discover their most insidious technology and destructive weapons, they are actually just getting closer to me. When we merge, the game is over.

I thought so, but I wasn’t quite sure. Thank you.

Thank you, James.

Why didn’t you write a book about your RM:AO?

I am as we “speak”. :sunglasses:

…just keep asking questions. :wink:

Let me guess: “Black hole”. :scared-shocked: :angry-steamingears:

Well as a social-metaphor, they form the Black-hole, “Singularity”, of Globalism. I then spawn the precipitous “Big Bang”, creating millions of “new stars” and life. But if the timing is not seriously perfect, there might not be any humans left (as per our other thread). It is going to happen either way, with the result of a “Body and Mind of Man” that complies with the Principles of Reality (aka “God”), hopefully not formed merely of androids and the very few elitists who were responsible for murdering billions of people unnecessarily in their lust for power.

YOU then spawn the “Big Bang”?

Do I have to get afraid, James?

“Be afraid… be very afraid!” :astonished:

… it’s not that kind of Big Bang. :sunglasses:
The Black-hole is what to be feared if anything as they try to maintain their system by killing off the non-useful. :confused:
Again, by metaphor; The “Globalist Nazis” exterminating the “Globalist Jews”, with no where to run.

What kind of „Big Bang“ ist it then?

SAM, I AM. :wink:

But let’s not get carried away with the spiritual lingo. After they accomplish their global monarchy in the name of “Democratic Socialism” by exterminating all resistance, “Comply or Die”, within them is realized the only means for them to continue to survive (to be Anentropic) is to break apart into millions of “tiny” social “families”, each anentropic in its own right yet still slightly networked together into an un-designed Body of Man.

Reality and Rationality take the forefront over lust-to-power and blind hedonism.

“SAM” = “Social Anentropic Molecularisation”, I guess.

If the “black hole”, the “singularity”, will have been formed, as you said, then you will not be able to spawn the “big bang”, won’t you?

It can’t be stopped. It would be like trying to form a nucleus of atomic weight 400, yet keep it from being radioactive. They would only be able to contain it, shielding from it only for a while, as long as they were not part of it, which they fully intend to be.

The “Atomic Man” is actually the current design, an “atom” design, with orbiting “particles” around a massive nucleus. But they haven’t the means to sustain the “Weak-force” which allows the two “particles” to stay distant. Assuming they don’t wake up before hand, they will all irresistibly unite. SAM comes after that point, because they are currently too focused on accomplishing their lust at all cost (billions of people).

You mean the postive and the negative particle. But what is the social metaphor for them? I guess it is the metaphor of the positive and the negative “communal particle”.

Or in the film, The Matrix, it is the Architect and his System of Machines vs the Zionists. The film series ended with a truce between them just before the System wiped out the Zionists. But how long do truces last? Their proposed “truce” is the “Weak-force” keeping them apart.

This is the “Saturn” stage. But then they have to go through the “Jupiter” stage. Then the Black-hole… then, of what is remaining, RM:AO:SAM (aka “Me”) steps onto the stage, and a new game begins, without the Godwannabes.

I haven’t seen the film “The Matrix”. Who is the “architect” in that film? If the “system of machines” wiped out the Zionists, then there could be nor truce between them anymore. Why are you then asking how long truces last? The “Weak Force” is the force that keeps the antagonists apart. But the main effect of the “Weak Force” is the breakup, the collapse, of the particles.

Why “»Saturn« stage” and “»Jupiter« stage”? Is that meant astrologically?

“You” “are” “SAM”, and you mean the system of “SAM” because it is without the Godwannabes. Right?

You’re kidding. It is a sci-fi/fantasy film concerning (metaphorically) the contest between the Zionists (portrade as the good guys) and an ambiguous “Architect” of the “Perception Matrix” of social-mechanisms (“Machines”) utilizing people as its source of energy, who are referred to as “coppertops” (referring to the Duracell batteries). It is a serious epic production that you really shouldn’t miss.

In the second sequel of the three films, the Machines were about to overwhelm the Zionists. But the superhero, Neo, was working on a truce with the machines. At the last minute, the machines stopped because Neo accomplished his truce. The series ended with “a new day” forming.

?? I am not aware of the weak-force being involved in any breakup other than in its failure to hold a particle close to another without letting them touch. It was called a “weak” force because it weakly holds them together (electrons and nucleus). But in reality, it is the strongest force in the universe because it is impossible to overcome it such as to allow the electrons to actually meet the nucleus, regardless of impact speed.

“Saturn” represents the time when there is a huge core of society surrounded by many smaller societies, “the rings of Saturn” (similar to an atom, thus the “Atomic Man” stage. “Jupiter” represents a time when all have united into a single large society, the Globalist’s fantasy utopia. And the “Black-hole” is the time when the effort to be more efficient stitches all things tightly together into a critical mass that allows nothing to exist that isn’t a part of the “system” and allows nothing to leave the system = “Environmental Protection Agency” recycling ALL things with NO waste whatsoever.

After the “Black-hole” forms, it is seen that the only way to continue to exist as an intelligent life form, is to disperse into millions of relatively independent small anentropic families via SAM. At that stage, the entire notion of anyone wanting to be a God is well seen to be childishly naive.

No. I am not kidding.

So “Neo” was one of the Zionsts or one who helped the Zionists. Right?

But please stick to your statement (a) and to my reply (b):

You said (a): „The film series ended with a truce between them just before the System wiped out the Zionists.“.
I replied (b): „If the ›system of machines‹ wiped out the Zionists, then there could be no truce between them anymore.“
When one is wiped out, then there is no truce bewteen this one and others possible.

Wikipedia wrote:

I said “breakup”,“collaps”, Wikipaedia said “decay”. Okay?

So that is not meant astrologically, isn’t it?

So there is a way for life and even for humans beings to continue, but it is an only way. And you are the one who shows that way, right?

Watch the film. It is a serious epic production that you really shouldn’t miss.

Right. He was first merely a talented computer hacker. And just as the authorities were about to capture him, Morpheus of the Zionists saved him by bringing him out of the “System Matrix” into “the real world”, a bleak nasty world of the reality of conflicts, wars, and desolation (“the dark side of society”). He was taught how to use his talent in aiding the fight against the System Machines and became a super-hero to save the day, which he eventually accomplished by destroying a cancerous growth within the system (via becoming a part of it and revealing “the light within”).

There is something wrong with that. They do keep changing their definitions around. But I really don’t see how they associate the [now called] “electroweak force” with nuclear decay. Nuclear bonding is due to what they called (or at least used to call) the “strong force”. But that “force” (that isn’t really a force at all) becomes weak for any nucleus above a certain size. Random subtle EMR then causes the bonding to break, because in reality it is the weakest force in nature. It was originally called “the strong force” because it was associated with why protons stick together in a nucleus. I don’t know how they now associate the “electroweak force” with it. But next year it might all be different.

In reality, neither “force” actually exists (which is what allows them to redefine it as they please, I guess).

I’m not an astrologist, so I can’t really say. And speaking of films, the films 2001 and 2010 go into this issue.

“Who physically” isn’t relevant (feel free to stop focusing on me individually any time now). “I” am in body merely a messenger (one of many). It is the message that actually causes the change. SAM is the message. “You can kill me, but what I AM is eternal, because SAM is from the eternal reality that never stops revealing its messages.”

But is „Neo“ a „Zionist“ or a helper of the „Zionists“?