Nietzsche shortcuts

There are so many places in TSZ which follow from this quote that I don’t intend to copy it here.

TSZ is a hymn to solitude. Also GM III.

[And there was a passage of N saying philosophers until now were lacking the historical sense]

On isolation, wilderness, strength (?) on the one side and herd, taming and sociability on the other. The herd instinct…

On the sacrifice of the individual to wellbeing of the herd:

Obviously nowadays there is a strong need among many individuals to live fully aside from the society and not on the top of a hierarchical one. Only a hierarchical society gives an opportunity to the rare ones to keep their individuality and culture and not to be sacrificed to the wellbeing of the egalitarian society. Thus, the only way out of the herd is into a new rank-ordered society. All those who accept the possibility of the Übermensch are welcome. God is an egalitarian.

Nietzsche exposes in his entire Ecce Homo, his attitude toward idealism.

The difference between arts and idealism is that idealists try to overthrow the nature while artists only expose the best examples of it. Perhaps like Borgia vs Spiderman…
Of course, not every art is an idea-art, there is a lot if idealistic art, including religion.
Plato is an idealist and Aristotle an idea-man.


Here is what entire google offers on “I hate idealism”:

I’m not mean or anything, but I HATE idealism and dunder-headed belief systems that inhibit people from reaching their goals. Often, the more painful the intervention, the larger the reward…

The ability to think critically. This is the reason why i hate idealism with a passion. You cannot criticize or analyze any idea with out being crucified by either side. Neither side finds any attraction of the idea of give and take. Selfish at its core. These two can only only see the differences in each other. If only they could realize they have more in common than they do in difference.

Why do I hate idealism? Somewhere deep inside me, the eccentric me just wants to question all these things around me…

I am a man of practicality,i hate idealism motto of life is*EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD HAS SHADES OF GREY,THERE IS …

And that is why I hate idealism; its a completely unrealistic concept that just increase the speed of decadence.

Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs. –Farrah Gray (idealist … if you ask yourself why women like compliments … you are hired)


On soul.


Here is the Jewish race obviously contrasted with the modern Europeans. And in Vollgraff’s order of rank of the nations the Jews are about 5 ranks higher than the Germans.

The same connection between language and genes given by Vollgraff.

Nietzsche’s rescue-plan would look like this: the highest and most developed humans have sharpest senses and see truth better than others. Therefore is philosophy as the crown of all human development until now. Religion is just ‘the first halftime’ in human existence. Nietzsche is the turning point in history between religion and philosophy. He “breaks history in two” and represents the “great noontide”. His Zarathustra creates an Earth society (included is just who choses to be and who believes in Übermensch). This society has different classes … we see that he loves also simple workers who believe in Übermensch and work for this idea. There is obviously also a warrior class. Then a class of sublimes, an aristocracy, which naturally rises from the warriors. And then a class of philosophers, the Masters of Earth, which rise from the sublimes. They rule like the Greek pantheon of gods, i. e. like panphilosophers. The rest of humanity is observed as without rights. “If they don’t give us we take it alone”.

Nietzsche telling somewhere socialists have lazy hands and nationalists lazy heads.

Vollgraff telling somewhere it is not the lack of work that motivates the socialist movement, there is sufficient land to work, for hardworking hands.

What is then a national-socialist?

Same by Nietzsche somewhere or everywhere.

Most important, it is not about the “animal instincts” as modern pigs assume, but human instincts - passions AND VIRTUES!