Soul and body

Did anybody notice how people want to equalize soul and body and by body they mean the outer appearance or muscles etc? Like, soul does not exist, now it has become nothing, an illusion! But why would we not say “body is only something on the soul”? Should we then not expect from every part of the body to breathe, feel etc. if cut off from the rest of the body? Can we notice that the cut off parts are dead and without soul? Finally, the soul dies before the body - so, there must be a difference!!!
Many remind us how Nietzsche said “soul is only something on the body” and interpret it as “soul is nothing but the body” as if it has become very trivial, instead of examining the body carefully and finding that part of the body which we call soul and its functions. Now it looks like the soul is nothing but a leg or a bone in the body and no matter which part you mention, the soul is not more valuable than the sexual organ, for example. I’ve heard from someone that we can think with every part of our body and that every part of our body can take over the functions of any other part. Isn’t that crazy?


If one can say that there is soul, I’d think that it probably would necessarily have to reside somewhere within the brain or that the functioning of the brain, his neurons and chemicals, gives the appearance of humans having a soul. But nothing wrong with that.

Maybe Nietzsche was indirectly correct in what he said since the brain is part of the body, of the organism, the greater part of course.

No, there is the brain and there are the other parts of the body. They all work together in harmony but the human brain where consciousness supposedly lol lies, is more valuable than the other. Of course, you can believe that there is a soul. I suppose it would simply depend on whether you are capable of seeing only the physical or the metaphysical.

My and Nietzsche’s friend Vollgraff divides the body into 3 or more parts. Two of the parts are the subconscious soul, which keeps working even in the sleep and which runs the lungs and heart (involuntary processes) and uses the senses non-stop to feel the outer influences, which means it is closer to the body than to brain, and the conscious part is the brain which stops working during the sleep. So he says that animals without brain never sleep. One of them perhaps the horse. The higher the being the more it sleeps. And a lack of sleep can damage the brain.
So, the soul is generally the nervous system. (Nietzsche)

Were you from Serbia?

Btw. this feminine thing “Let Love alone rule.” and the request that every speech, every said word is a rejection of love, or a proof that love is missing. Is that not excluding women from culture?


We know that the subconscious continues to work - in sleep and in waking. That isn’t in my books what runs the lungs, heart, etc. - that would be a part of the brain. Not sure which part. lol

You seem to be putting these things in a “physical” place. Well, the brain IS a physical place though we can’t necessarily say what happens within it is physical though it is too also that. I would say more ethereal. In a sense, everything to me occurs within the brain - it harmonizes or causes an interface between all of the senses and our external environment. Perhaps our subconscious is a bridge between all of that or a beacon which is always on duty though we aren’t aware of it. It is aware of us though.

Does it stop working or does it just lie a bit dormant?

I don’t know a whole lot about the brain but I kind of think that without one, an entity can’t exist - no? Am I wrong?

Uh, would you say that cats are higher beings than humans? They supposedly sleep a lot longer than humans.True though, a lack of sleep can cause emotional and mental problems over time.

I don’t care what Freddie says. :laughing: I don’t look on the soul as the nervous system - that’s if we even have one to begin with.
But if something that can be called a soul exists, it might include the nervous system as it would other areas of the brain too. (harmoniously speaking) One might say that it is the amygdala which houses the soul since that is where emotions rule - or are ruled lol, in concert with other brain functions. Something so sweet as a soul lol would take the functioning of many parts of the human organism.

No, I just spent time there, in a manner of speaking, with a loved done.

Why do you look on that as a feminine thing? Do you really think that “Let Love alone rule” would be an easy mandate to follow? Love is not so wishy-washy and sentimental.
As for the latter part of that, you’ve have to elaborate. I don’t quite get what you’re saying or trying to say.

Clueless political rantings. [-(

No just my perspective. Haven’t spoken to you for awhile James and this is the response from you? Not even an hello? :wink:

It is a political ranting if we don’t observe the nature properly.

Does a cat sleep or only rests? The soul rests, the brain turns off. You didn’t say anything about consciousness but out of soul - which works without wanting or any effort - you make a challenge.

There are enough beings without brain or even head and they live for sure.

You don’t like Nietzsche, well, you can’t sleep with him, he sleeps too long for you.

For example, a scenario please?

Sleeping is also resting at the same time. My cat Yoda does both but sleeps a great deal of the time. Do YOU have a cat?

You know, I don’t know everything and do not use that against me :evilfun: but if the soul rests I think that it rests inasmuch as we are able to relax our minds, shut down our own brains a bit.
I still intuit that the brain only turns off when we’re dead. There are still functions which the brain must maintain - perhaps we can say that it is on “idle”.

Which works without effort? Consciousness or soul? Consciousness to me does not work without effort if we’re self-aware reflective people. Consciousness is what also allows us, guides us to do the right thing. I’m not speaking of our so-called conscience here though consciousness is a part of that. Our Consciousness is the bridge between our animal natures and our humanity.
I don’t get the “out of soul” thing. What do you mean?

Even a cabbage has a head. What are you talking about. A little bug has the most minutest of brains. To even speak of one isn’t even worth it. lol But what are speaking about here?

All I said is that I don’t care what Freddie was saying - about that. I admire him greatly. His writings are beautiful and so poetic. The perfect blend of philosopher and poet. I think that all philosophers need to be poets. lol Much that he has to say I find “real”.

So, the cat sleeps… Does she go to sleep each day at the same time … periodically?

You don’t seem to be ashamed of telling stupidities. So it is when you hate power and culture and love love and pleasure. Why do you discuss anyway? So you can get only power on your neck.

No, he sleeps when he wants to but he does sleep a lot. All cats do.

lol What stupidities would they be?

I don’t hate power. I hate when power is used to manipulated and abuse and destroy. There is positive and there is negative power.

I don’t hate culture. Different cultures enrich.

It’s good to balance those.
Loving love is being addicted.

You see, all this are stupidities …

How many times can “different cultures enrich”? How many times does the European need to be “enriched” by Africans? Did our ancestors already not took from the Africans what they have needed before 100.000 years? And what now? How can you take something from them if they stand at the same level of culture as before 100.000 years?

Also, the cat, what culture has a cat so that she needs to sleep the whole day?

This is CRAZY! You are broken in all directions…