Is the Darwinistic Selection Principle False?

It is not really a dichotomy, because culture is embedded in nature.

Which evolutinary theory? That is the question. And the next and more important question is: Is it false?

What do you exactly mean by “identify single direct causes”?

There is a VERY good reason why the NATURE/CULTUREdichotomy is valid.

Natural evolution is restricted to the transmission of genes, whilst cultural selection concerns the transmission of memes or ideas, technologies, knowledge and belief systems.

Whilst genetic evolution relies on natural selection thought the differential breeding success of individuals within species; and competition between species; Social or Cultural evolution is the success of ideas. These ideas or memes are not immutable units of heritability in the same way that genes are.
Social and cultural evolution is more like Lamarkism in that specific solutions can be chose in light of the circumstances by human agents and does not need to rely on random variations and mutations.

The point about Social Evolution is that people can chose. So duh yeah it can have direction.

Yes, subjectively and relatively speaking. Objectively? No.


But, why fear the reality and run from it?
Just because it puts some responsibility on one’s shoulders?

That is what true maleness is; not to run away from the responsibilities but own those willingly as they come in the life.

With love,


Sometimes evolution really doesn’t know when to quit.

Yes, that happens. But, it will be learned eventually one day for sure.

With love,

You’re not talking about responsibility, you’re talking about indentured servitude. Good luck trying to sell that.

With magnificence,



Genes and memes do not work in the same way. So Richard Dawkins’ meme theorie is false too.

In fact, it is not so original either. Cough Aristotle.

There is a lot of difference between the two, or rather they are just the opposite, if one can understand and discern.

With love,

Your distinction is invalid. Direction is direction. Nothing is objective.

Not really.

Nothing is objective yet my distinction is invalid…

You can still be wrong regardless of objectivity and subjectivity.

Criticism of Dawkins’ meme theory:


  • Benitez Bribiesca, Luis (January 2001), “Memetics: A dangerous idea” (PDF), Interciencia: Revista de Ciencia y Technologia de América (Venezuela: Asociación Interciencia) 26 (1): 29–31, ISSN 0378-1844, retrieved 2010-02-11, “If the mutation rate is high and takes place over short periods, as memetics predict, instead of selection, adaptation and survival a chaotic disintegration occurs due to the accumulation of errors.”

  • Gray, John (2008-03-15), “John Gray on secular fundamentalists”. The Guardian (London).

  • Deacon, Terrence, “The trouble with memes (and what to do about it)”.". The Semiotic Review of Books 10: 3.

  • Kull, Kalevi (2000), “Copy versus translate, meme versus sign: development of biological textuality”. European Journal for Semiotic Studies 12 (1): 101–120.

  • Fracchia, Joseph, R. C. Lewontin (February 2005), “The price of metaphor”, History and theory (Weleyan University) 44 (44): 14–29, doi:10.1111/j.1468-2303.2005.00305.x, ISSN 0018-2656, JSTOR 3590779, “The selectionist paradigm requires the reduction of society and culture to inheritance systems that consist of randomly varying, individual units, some of which are selected, and some not; and with society and culture thus reduced to inheritance systems, history can be reduced to “evolution.” […] [W]e conclude that while historical phenomena can always be modeled selectionistically, selectionist explanations do no work, nor do they contribute anything new except a misleading vocabulary that anesthetizes history.”

  • Mayr, Ernst (1997), “The objects of selection”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Stanford University’s HighWire Press®) 94 (6): 2091–2094. doi:10.1073/pnas.94.6.2091. PMC 33654. PMID 9122151. Archived from the original on November 15, 2013.

What’s your point?

The critique as well as the meme theory itself both assume natural selection as true. So you are only clouding your argument with lack of understanding.
The great thing about NS is that it is a priori true, almost definitively true, and beyond refutation. It is tautologically truth.
Nothing anyone has said here changes that. In fact the only criticisms that have been offered all assume NS to be true.

Ignorance upon ignorance.

Some people are not capable of seeing a tree, if one shows them a forest.

The point is that you don’t have a point. You’ve copy/Paste dumped your crap onto the thread without relevance or understanding.

Try to read this thread, and then you will see that you are absolutely wrong.

And if you are not interested in this thread, then search for another thread.