Is the Darwinistic Selection Principle False?

I did quote you verbatim and assigned the quote to your name. The “proving the real fitness” part was not between quotes as in being assigned to you, it was in quotes to distinguish it as a phrase.
You meant to say that you can see after the fact that a species fitted, but that does not necessarily prove or disprove the fittest part.

My point was to say that that is nonsensical. When two species are competing for resources and only one survives, that is the fittest of the two. It is called survival of the fittest because the fittest is the one who is left standing.
There is nothing to prove or disprove. So maybe there were extinct species who were way more kickass at something than the remaining ones. It does not matter at all in evolutionary terns unless that kickassedness is put into staying alive

You are incorrect. Theories that can be proved are no longer theories, they become laws. We call it theory of evolution, and not law of evolution, in admitting that as beautiful and complete as it may seem, it is only plausible. There is plenty of room for unproven ideas in science. That is all theories are, an explanation for phenomena that we are not currently able to determine is the only correct explanation with certainty.

Anyway, what, exactly, is up to darwinists to prove?

This is why I asked you above, what exactly do you think darwinists need to prove. It appeared to me that you want proof the whoever survives is the fittest.
I said that there is no one fittest species. Survival determines who is fittest. Survival as in perpetuation.

Forgive me if I sound confusing. I can rephrase. You can say that we are the fittest of the Homo genus because we are the only ones left. This is after the fact because all the other ones are dead.

If you mean that that does not prove or disprove
that we are truly the fittest, I find that nonsensical because survival itself (as in perpetuation) is the very definition of fitness.

Yes I did notice that. Hence I used “we” meaning not you or me, but we as a human population.
I was making a point.

Besides you went on about humans damaging the environment in which it lives in another post and I fail to see how any other species would be different.


I am not familiar with that argument.
Yeah. Do you consider cockroaches as “the fittest”? :slight_smile:[/quote]
Which ones? There are about 4600 known species.

Like what? Can you give me an example?

I still don’t understand your objection.

there may be typos and shit, don’t make me type so much

No, Phoneutria. You are wrong. Laws are like the instructional parts of any dogmatism and made for dictatorships. I do not care whether some people want to name them “laws”, because (at least to me) laws are superordinated rules and should not have anything to do with science, otherwise science would become a religion (and - unfortunately - it has already partly become a religion).

But I know some people who want it to be a law and why they want it to be a law.

The accent lies on the term “is up to Darwinists” not on the word “what”. If I want to convince you, then it is up to me to prove my statements or to disprove their negation.

Concerning your “what” I already said several times: (1) “selection”, (2) “fitness”.

During the period of Realism and Naturalism (radical realism) almost everything was related to nature, based on nature - it was a reaction to the previous period: Idealism and Romantic.

One can say it, but that does not necessarily prove “our” fitness or disprove “our” unfitness. So it is nonsensical to say it as if it were something like the truth or a law (see above). If you have won a game, then that fact does not necessarily prove your fitness or disprove your unfitness. You may have had much luck or/and help.

Survival is no sufficient indicator of fitness.

The so-called “fittest”! :slight_smile:

I have already given several examples. This time I am not going to quote again. … Sorry.

Let me ask you: Is your term “survival as in perpetuation” an objection?

So one would have to get after the “perpetuation itself” in order to get the “knowledge of ‘the fittest’”; but It is not possible to get after the “perpetuation itself”; thus according to your own words it is not possible to know anything about the “fittest”; and that means, for example, Darwin’s “survival of the fittest” is nonsense.

No, no. What is nonsense is wanting to have knowledge of the fittest.
That’s not at all what the concept is meant to do.
In fact it is not meant to do anything other than explain the present.

When the population grows from 1billion to 7.5 billion in less than 250 years it is undeniable fact that the selection pressures have been relaxed and that large numbers of unfit mutations are being produced. In fact, to claim that any type of achieved reproduction whatsoever is proof of genetic fitness is a total cop-out. Surely there are degrees and objective standards from which values can be drawn or inferred? Phoneutria’s argument means that a male dwarf who is deaf and blind and a woman with downs syndrome and spina bifida, both of whom are HIV+ and asthmatic, who manage to reproduce will fall into the same category of fitness as two tall and athletic mensa members who reproduce. It is something she obviously doesn’t believe and which begs for a more nuanced analysis but might encroach on territory which is not politically correct and she isn’t willing to tread those waters.

Apologies if I described some poor soul on ILP. You matter. :romance-caress:

No, because the evolutionary process is one which takes place over millions of years. Such flukes become irrelevant over the course of millenia.

And how? By weak genes being exposed to harsher environments and predation or culling right? Therefore one can make very reasonable inferences about who is fit and who is not or at LEAST who is fitter and who is less fit. Nothing controversial about that at all, speaking from an evolutionary biology standpoint. But then that would involve you making value judgements on health, beauty, intelligence and all manner of things that you prefer remained mysterious and subjective. Ergo: cop-out.

My value judgments are irrelevant. What I think makes a good human is irrelevant. Nature does not create nicer or harsher environments with the objective of creating better organisms. It doesn’t have a mind.

ONLY under that particular environment at that moment in time.

Change the percentage of oxygen in the air by a few percent and it is possible that an entirely different species would emerge on top of the food chain. So what “value judgements” apply? How can you use the word “fittest” to mean anything but a value judgement that is misleading as it ignores the exact circumstances of the environment at the time.

“Fittest” is an inappropriate and misleading word, inferring blame and discredit where it doesn’t belong.

But what objectively can be demonstrated to have a higher probability of survival in a larger number of environments is not about ‘good humans’ and ‘bad’ humans, it is about ‘fit’ and ‘more likely to exhibit fitness in most conceivable environments’. I doubt you could find one example of an environment where deaf, dumb and blind male midget with cerebral palsy is better adapted that a tall strong man with good eyes, keen sense and a high IQ. Clearly an extreme example and what we are talking about is degrees but denying that you are capable of making a reasonable estimates and value judgements about what is (overwhelmingly likely to be) fit is just your way of saying ‘I don’t like this game, it feels icky, count me out’.

In common parlance this is known as a cop-out.

Of course, but given that we have primate cousins and other hominids who have survived for millions of years a change of that magnitude would be far outside of the ‘probable’ range of potential circumstances and thus reasonable inferences can clearly be made. If you are going to build a house in a mild and temperate climate you don’t include contingencies for monsoons and hurricanes.

And even in such a scenario keen senses, efficient nervous and cardiovascular systems and absence of disease would all clearly serve to increase the probability of fitness right?

No, you are just making a poor attempt to infuse politics into science.
This thread is about natural selection.
Fell welcome to go to one of the many threads about race, and post this there.
Otherwise, pardon if I don’t reciprocate.

No sweetpea, I’m just showing that your analysis is factually not objective. In fact, accusing me of politics is very much a projection.

Notice how I didn’t bring race up at all proving that you debate in bad faith and with unjustifiable grudges.

I do find it amusing that you consider race to be unrelated to natural selection though. If we all have common ancestors, and different races emerge, surely the ONLY thing that could cause that is natural selection, right??


Bringing value judgments to a discussion on the theory of evolution is the opposite of objectivity.

No, it proves that I am not an idiot. Also that I have been there a thousand times and no longer have the patience for such antics.

That does not follow from anything I said.

Yes. I am not a race denialist. However you will notice that the subject of this thread is natural selection as a theoretic concept. Not about race. So please stop with the distraction, make another thread if you wish.

  1. Philosophy is the discipline of attributing values. Talking about fitness in the context of unprecedented reproduction and maintaining there is no reasonable way to determine which mutation is fitter than another or most likely to be considered fit is you allowing your egalitarian politics to invade the discussion. Don’t try and turn the tables.

  2. Been where? What are you talking about? The irony is that in your haste to dismiss what I am saying and insert agendas into my plainly written responses, you are in fact exposing your own prejudice.

  3. Yes it does and you know it does. You told me to go elsewhere and talk about race, as though race is unrelated to this topic… even though I never brought it up at all. Can you see how much of an idiot you are making yourself look? Get a grip!

  4. What distraction? I made some comments which accurately described your lacking arguments. Then YOU brought up race. Surely then the only one distracting, provably, is you? Why don’t you try sticking to the topic and not being so lazy as to dismiss my arguments based on your own inapplicable prejudices? That would be nice on a forum called ‘ilovephilosophy’ dontcha think?

Give it a try.

No. I can obviously take a swing at which sort of attributes I consider to be the best in an individual.
However, I am not able to predict or guarantee if the environment will stay the same, or which way it will change.
Therefore my values apply exclusively to this very moment in time. They are a drop in an ocean.
We do not select. The environment does.

I am not being hasty. You are being disingenuous.
First you say value judgments must be a part of the conversation.
Then you say that the single most important attribute of human success is intelligence.
Then you start to show charts about which populations have the highest IQ.
Then this becomes a conversation about race.
You go ahead and throw your hands in the air and play innocent about it like this isn’t what you came here to say. Pardon if I don’t reciprocate.
I am not saying that this subject should be censored. I am just asking you to go do this in another thread because this one is about the theory of evolution as written by darwin.
Seriously, read the OP because I think you didn’t even bother to do that. You shot so far out that you are just being plain disruptive.
It smells like fish and it is red.

Being related to the subject is not the same as being pertinent to the discussion.
Sex is related to natural selection, so let me tell you about this beautiful blonde with the huge tits I saw the other day. You fucking dickhead.

I fail to see any accuracy in your posts as it pertains to the current discussion. You threw in a red herring, you acted disingenuous about it, and you now assign blame to me. This is where we say goodbye. Please, don’t cry. It’s not you, it’s me babeh.

Emmm… no. Often “keen senses, efficient nervous and cardiovascular systems and absence of disease” cause a lack of divergence toward a more progressive direction. When a species is fittest to its environment, it doesn’t evolve.

And that allows for other species to evolve passed it. The cockroaches had no reason to become more than they were.

a. But we prepare for the future no? What you are saying is that it doesn’t matter if we, as human beings, select for consumption, rotten fruit, bruised and battered, because in some possible though unlikely future rotten fruit may be the thing which suits the circumstances best somehow. Think about how fucking stupid that is and how politically and emotionally invested in that line of argument you must be to convince yourself that is rational and objective. If cancer has gone from 1 in 100 to 1 in 3 in a little over a century, does ‘a drop in the ocean’ still apply as a metaphor you fucking twit?

b. No first I point out that the entire essence of philosophy is attribution of values be they logical, moral what have you. This is a basic fact. Now I point out that I consider courage to be equally important to intelligence, which undermines all of your presumptions and the sad prejudices that you have which keep you from ever developing rational insight, preferring instead to appear coy and aloof when you are no good at doing either. You claim I ‘shot so far out that i am being disruptive’. Anyone with the ability to read can see with no complications that I made a reasonable, direct and pertinent point and YOU brought up race because YOU have prejudices and YOU want to disrupt the conversation and avoid having to actually engage in any philosophy. What a stupid arrogant child you prove to be.

c. Nothing I wrote was anything other than pertinent. Again, your hyper-sensitivity regarding race is causing you to read a racial undertone/agenda into x,y,z, when it is not even present, ironically proving that for all of you aloofness and coyness, it is a major issue which clouds and distorts your judgement. I brought up disease, intelligence, nervous and cardiovascular systems and YOU injected a racial component in as a pre-emptive strike, given that YOU obviously feel there is some merit to the case that YOU (not I) laid out above regarding race and intelligence but YOU would much rather not discuss it, even dispassionately (and even though I didn’t even mention it, what a fucking mess you are). You are an arrogant hypocrite arguing in bad faith WITH an agenda. But to you it is the ‘right’ kind of agenda, and so even when it clouds your judgement and completely distorts the argument, you try and play it off as someone else hang-up. That is fucking pathetic. Why don’t you try and act like an adult? Right now you are looking like one sad idiot.

d. In a thread about survival of the fittest, when YOU claim that any and all survival is a de-facto representation of fitness, regardless of the context or the health of the organism, and I disagree, are you seriously telling me that you are so fucking dense that you cannot perceive a relevance in my point? Worse still you say ‘I threw in a red herring, was disingenuous and tried to pawn it off on you’! Noone reading this thread honestly could come to that conclusion you ill-mannered twit. Noone. I made pertinent points and you pre-emptively projected some devious theory into it, provably based on YOUR hang-ups, and then claimed you did it because you had me sussed. What a scumbag you are. I have you sussed and I have shown it beyond doubt. If you are so touchy about a subject you should assess why on your own time, and not blame the other for your mistakes, shortcomings and prejudices you foolish rude girl.

In what scenario could those things be less likely to be representative of fitness than dull senses, an inefficient nervous system and the prevalence of disease?? I am very curious to know. If we are over-specialized for a sudden change in the coming future then there is nothing we can do, but given that evolutionary changes usually take place over a prolonged period of time, allowing some organisms to adapt, and given that humans appear to be one of the most remarkably adaptive species known to… well, humans, I don’t see your point as anything other than semantic.

And barring some mass-extinction event which we are unable to predict, like your earlier example, what observable justification is there for refraining from value judgements in the area of fitness in this context? Surely unless we become aware of an impending doom the only responsible thing we can do is make predictions based on the observations and probabilities which we are currently aware of… like with absolutely everything else in life… :-k Why is this one area off limits to you in that respect?